
  • 网络flux density;PFD;PPFD
  1. 麦田CO2通量密度和水分利用效率研究

    Research on the co_2 flux density and the water use efficiency of wheat canopy

  2. 于是得到各种透明系数P2状况下太阳直接辐射通量密度随大气质量变化的平均关系。

    Thus the averaged relationships between the flux density of the direct solar radiation and the air mass under various coefficients of transparency P2 were obtained .

  3. CO2浓度和光合光量子通量密度对叶用甘薯组培苗光合自养和过氧化物酶活力的影响

    Effect of co_2 concentration and photosynthetic photo flux density on photoautotrophic capability and peroxidase activity of Ipomoea batatas Lam in vitro

  4. 在植物组织培养中,光合光量子通量密度(PPFD:PhotosyntheticPhotonFluxDensity)、光照周期和光谱分布对植物的光合作用和形态建成起重要调控作用。

    Photosynthetic photon flux density ( PPFD ), photoperiod and spectral distribution play important roles in regulation of plant photosynthesis and morphogenesis during plant tissue culturing .

  5. 用多群蒙特卡罗方法计算快中子核临界K(eff)和通量密度

    Monte-Carlo calculation of K_ ( eff ) and neutron flux density in fast neutron critical assemblies with multi-group section data

  6. 提出了一个从卫星观测推算地面UVB辐射通量密度和红斑生物紫外辐射剂量的新的参数化方法。

    A new parameterization method for retrieving surface UVB irradiance and erythemal UVB radiative dose rate is presented .

  7. 用MCNP程序计算核燃料废包壳缓发裂变中子形成的热中子通量密度

    Computing with MCNP the thermal flux density due to the delayed fission neutron generated in processing the clads of burned-up fuel roads

  8. 本文从减小功率通量密度损失,提高接收仰角要求出发,在理论上导出通信广播卫星的最佳轨位的数学模型,经微型计算机模拟,确定中国通信广播卫星的最佳轨位为104.25°E。

    From the viewpoint of reducing the loss of power flux density and increasing receiving elevation angle , a mathematic model of the optimization location is given . The optimization location of the satellite of China is obtained to be east longitude 104.25 degrees with computer analog .

  9. 采用逐步回归分析表明,水汽饱和差(VPD)和光量子通量密度(PFD)是影响光合速率的主导因子。

    Vapor pressure deficiency ( VPD ) and photo fluid density ( PFD ) were dominantly influencing factors of net photosynthesis rate as shown multiple stepwise regression analyses .

  10. 本文通过实测的VLF信号的SPA事件的数据和太阳X射线爆发通量密度之间的相关分析,建立了它们之间的数值关系。

    In this paper , based on correlative analysis between observed SPA events for VLF signals and the flux density of solar X-ray bursts , a quantitative relation between the flux of the solar X-ray bursts and height variations of the ionosphere at the time of SPA events is found .

  11. 该方法在时间方面,中子通量密度按时间二阶展开(QEM);在空间方面,采用Green函数节块法(NGFM)。

    In the Temporal Quadratic Expansion Nodal Green 's Function Method ( TQE / NGFM ), the Quadratic Expansion Method ( QEM ) is used for the temporal solution with the Nodal Green 's Function Method ( NGFM ) employed for the spatial solution .

  12. 反应堆功率运行时,燃耗变化会引起堆外中子通量密度变化,造成RPN核功率测量系统测得的反应堆功率与实际功率出现偏差。

    When the reactor is operating , the variation of the burn-up of the fuel will cause vari-ation of the neutron flux , which can make the core power measured by the RPN nuclear power system deviate from the actual power .

  13. 六角形轻水堆组件中子通量密度分布的计算

    Calculation for the Flux Distribution in Hexagonal fuel Assembly of LWR

  14. 文中提出了求解辐射通量密度的迭代方法。

    An iterative method for radiation flux densities is developed .

  15. 根据中子通量密度的对数功率测量装置

    Logarithmic power measuring assembly based on the neutron flux density

  16. 小型密封式中子发生器中子通量密度的水平方向分布

    Neutron Flux Density of Horizental Direction Distribution for Sealed Small-Sized Neutron Generator

  17. 固体径迹探测器测量束流装置内的中子通量密度

    Neutron flux measurement in neutron beam equipment by SSNTD

  18. 界面流法计算反应堆六角形燃料组件中子通量密度分布

    Calculation of Flux Distribution in Hexagonal LWR Fuel Assembly by Interface Current Method

  19. 低中子通量密度试验性反应堆

    Dielectric ( flux ) density low intensity test reactor

  20. 临汾市土壤热扩散率和液态水通量密度研究

    Research of Soil Thermal Diffusivity and Liquid Water Flux Density at linfen City

  21. 核电站反应堆中子通量密度的一种预测控制方法

    A predictive control method of the neutron flux density for a nuclear reactor

  22. 土壤热通量密度的比例只占净辐射的5%左右。

    The soil heat flux content is only 5 % of the net radiation .

  23. 其次是光量子通量密度、空气相对湿度、气孔阻力。灰色关联度分析与多元回归分析结论基本一致。

    The conclusions of multiple regression analysis and grey relation grades analysis were unanimous .

  24. 从能量传输方程入手,推导出地表入射辐射通量密度的简便计算公式;

    This paper deduces a simple formula for computing the incidence radiant flux density .

  25. 光量子通量密度对蒸腾速率和气孔导度影响较明显。

    Photon flux density has a significant effect on transpiration rate and stomatal conductance .

  26. 14MeV中子通量密度的测量

    Measurement of 14 MeV neutron fluence dencity

  27. 中毒法测量微堆堆芯热中子绝对通量密度

    Measurement of absolute thermal neutron flux density in the core of miniature neutron source reactor

  28. 反应堆中子通量密度仿真研究

    Simulation Research of Reactor Neutron Flux Density

  29. 磁层中重离子O~+通量密度分布的理论研究

    A theoretical study on the flux distribution of heavy ion o  ̄ + in the magnetosphere

  30. 激光束通过湍流大气后在接收平面上的通量密度相关状况是光分集接收的设计基础。

    Spatial correlation of laser beam in turbulent atmosphere is the foundation of the diversity technique .