
  1. 提高通信水平构建平安渔业

    Enhancing communication level and constructing safe fishery

  2. 由此,原有的电信网络建设已经不再能满足现在逐步发展的通信水平的要求。

    As a result , the present construction of the telecommunications network is no longer able to meet the current requirements of the constantly developing telecommunication .

  3. 移动增值业务的发展程度不仅代表国家通信水平的高低,更能让通信运营商在激烈的市场竞争占得主动。

    Not only the degree of mobile value added service development represents the level of country communicating , but also can let the communicating business occupy initiation in fierce market competition .

  4. 增值业务的发展程度不仅代表着国家通信水平的高低,更代表着国家信息化程度的水平。

    The degree of value added telecom business development not only stands for the level of a country 's communications , but stands for the level of a country 's information degree .

  5. 交通、通信水平发展水平越高,农村家庭经营第三产业收入就会越高,发展的就越好。

    The higher level of transportation and communication , the income of the tertiary industry of rural households will be higher , and the rural family-run third industry revenue will be higher .

  6. 以往的自适应保护系统计算任务集中在调度端而且对通信水平的要求较高,难以满足自适应保护快速性、准确性的要求。

    In traditional adaptive protection system , the assignment in calculation was fastened on the scheduler part . And it asked for a high communication level . So it was difficult to satisfy the demand of speediness and nicety in adaptive protection .

  7. 关于通信用水平对绞电缆串音性能的讨论

    Discussion on the crosstalk characteristics of horizontal twisted pair telecom cable

  8. 自适应短波系统的出现,极大的发展和提高了短波通信技术水平。

    The appearance of adaptive short wave system has dramatically developed and improved the short wave communications technology .

  9. 旨在总结现有经验,提高天然气净化厂通信设计水平。

    It is intended to raise design level of communication system of the plant through summing-up of existing experience .

  10. 在二十一世纪这样一个信息时代,大众对通信服务水平要求越来越高。

    In the twenty-first century this way information ear , masses demands to the standard of service communicating by letter more and more highly .

  11. 然而,城镇居民的人均通信消费水平在逐年上升,并且仍将有继续增长的趋势,但增速有所放缓。

    However , the level of communication consumption of per urban residents increased year by year , and will continue to have a linear growth trend .

  12. 如何加强电力信息网安全风险的评估和管控能力,形成有效发现风险和控制风险的技术手段,提升电力信息网通信保障水平成为当前的研究热点。

    How to strengthen the abilities of power information network security risk assessment and control , improve the guarantee of power information network communication is a hot research area .

  13. 本文主要从信息量、信息装备、通信主体水平和信息产业产值等方面,对我国信息化建设的现状进行分析,针对其状况提出一些思考。

    The author analyses the current situation of Chinese informatization construction from the aspects of information quantity , information equipment , the level of communication and the output value of information industry and then gives some thoughts to the situation .

  14. 为了提高电力通信网管理水平,有必要将多厂商的SDH网管系统统一起来,实现综合化管理。

    To improve the management of telecommunication network of power system , it is necessary to integrate the SDH network management systems provided by various vendors to realize the synthetic management .

  15. 应用计算机技术提高通信调度管理水平

    Improve the management level of communication dispatch by application of computer

  16. 从提高电力系统通信运行管理水平的角度出发,建设先进、全面、实用、实时监控和专业管理并举的通信监控管理系统。

    The article analyses how to raise the level of running and managing communication network for electric power system , building an advanced , applied and comprehensive monitoring and managing system of communication , which running with real-time monitoring and professional management .

  17. 搞好CTCS-3级列控系统的技术创新,对我国铁路列控系统的技术发展和通信信号装备技术水平的提高具有深远的意义。

    Technical innovation of CTCS-3 plays an important role in technology development of Chinese train control system and technology improvement of communication and signal equipment .

  18. 讨论了在水文缆道测验中利用RS-485通信规程,对水平和垂直两个通道的变频器进行计算机控制,实现了动态调速和方向控制,提高了测站的工作效率和测控水平。

    It is discussed that by using RS-485 communication standards in the test of hydrological cable , the frequency transformers on the horizontal and vertical channels are controlled by computers to realize dynamic speed regulation and direction control to improve the working efficiency and the level of observation and control .

  19. 我国通信电源装备发展水平述评

    Review of the Development Level of National Telecom Power Supply Equipments

  20. 通信兵战士营养水平与体质关系的研究

    A study on the relationships between nutritional levels and physique in Signal Corps

  21. 其核心是通信网络资源管理水平的竞争。

    The core of the competition is management level of telecom network resource .

  22. 如何提高电力通信网自动化管理水平,提高工作效率,减轻工作人员负担,是电力通信网综合网络管理急需解决的问题。

    How to improve automatic management level of the power communication network , improve working efficiency and alleviate burden of supervisor , it has become an important subject which need to be settled .

  23. 基于本文的研究成果,可以进一步扩展,提高通信保障的管理水平和保障能力,提供优质的网络服务和感知,从而建立应对突发事件的长效机制。

    The research of this paper can be further extended to improve the level of communications security management and support capabilities , providing high-quality network services and perception by establishing a long-term mechanism .

  24. 广域保护的基础是通信技术,受到通信技术水平的制约。

    Wide area protection is based on communication technology , constrained by the level of communication technology .

  25. 差距不仅体现在信息通信技术、网络的发展和覆盖水平上,也体现在社会各方面和公众对信息通信技术的认识水平和使用能力上,体现在信息通信技术的应用水平上。

    The gap is reflected not only in information and communication technology , network development and coverage level , also in all aspects of society and the public information and communication technology level of awareness and use of capacity , in the information and communication technology level .

  26. 共同推进跨境光缆等通信干线网络建设,提高国际通信互联互通水平,畅通信息丝绸之路。

    We should jointly advance the construction of cross-border optical cables and other communications trunk line networks , improve international communications connectivity , and create an Information Silk Road .

  27. 随着局域网通信传输速率的提高,传输介质必须使用屏蔽型数字通信用水平对绞电缆。

    With increased transmission rate of LAN communication , it is necessary to use shielded horizontal twisted pair category cables .

  28. 县调通信普遍存在运行维护人员少甚至无专职人员、运行维护能力偏低、通信专业化管理水平较差等诸多问题。

    There are many drawbacks exist in county communication such as lack of special professor , employees without all-round communication knowledge and proficient skill .

  29. 介绍了电力通信反事故分析系统,该系统可以为电力通信人员提供一个综合演练平台,同时提高通信管理水平。

    This system provides an integrated exercise platform for electric power communication operators and is also helpful to improve communication management capability .

  30. 本文从通信调度的模式、人员、通信监控三方面入手,阐述加强通信调度建设,提高通信电路的管理水平。

    This paper describes how to strengthen communication dispatching developments and enhance the management level of communication circuit from three aspects : model , staff and communication control .