
  • 网络communication chip
  1. 基于YTO-101通信芯片构成的远程控制系统

    Remote control system basing on communication chip & YTO-101

  2. 移动通信芯片的低功耗设计研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of Low Power Design for Mobile Communication Chip

  3. 为此,半导体通信芯片厂商和研究所、高校等科研单位研发出了各种多模多频的频率综合器芯片或IP核。

    So , communications IC manufacturers and IC designers in universities and other research institutes have developed a lot of multi-mode multi-band frequency synthesizer chips or IP cores .

  4. SOC已经成为芯片发展的趋势,其中通信芯片更是日益复杂,测试在半导体产业中占用更多的资源。

    System on Chip has become the development trend . Communications chips are increasingly complex . Because of this , testing takes more resource .

  5. TL16C750是TI公司生产的通用异步通信芯片,可应用在高速串行通信中。

    TL16C750 is a UART of TI , which can be applied in high speed serial communication .

  6. 简要介绍了SDH系统通信芯片的测试方法,提供了相应的电路结构,给出了测试步骤,总结了SDH测试经验。

    In this article , the test method of SDH communication chips is briefly introduced , the circuit structure and test are provided , and the SDH test experience is summarized .

  7. 文中通过扩展异步通信芯片TL16C750实现DSP和PC机之间的异步串行通信,从而增强系统的通信接口控制能力。

    This paper achieves the synchronous serial communication between DSP and PC based on TL16C750 , thus improving systems'power of controlling communication interfaces .

  8. 本文介绍的SC1128扩频通信芯片,对国内在集抄系统中应用的载波芯片作了较系统的论述。

    This paper introduces the SC1128 which is spread spectrum communication COM circuit , and completely expounds the carrier COM circuit applied to collecting meter reading system in China .

  9. 设计中选用了一种最新的电源转换芯片(AS1117)和232通信芯片(SP3223E),它们设计简单,应用方便。

    This design has selected the newest power conversion chip ( AS1117 ) and communications chip ( SP3223E ), which design is simple , and use is convenience .

  10. 一种电力线载波扩频通信芯片的设计与实现

    Design and implementation of spread-spectrum IC for data communication over power line

  11. 一款通信芯片的逻辑综合和等价性验证

    Logic Synthesis and Equivalence Checking of Communication Chip

  12. 一些低端通信芯片需要更低的测试成本,例如蓝牙芯片的测试。

    Some low-end communications chips need reduce the cost of testing , like Blue tooth technology .

  13. 扩频通信芯片开发中伪随机码的选择及实现

    Choice and Implement of PN Sequence in Spread Spectrum Communication System in ASIC Chip ′ s Development

  14. 网路集成的潮流中、通信芯片组贩售者之间,常常上演合并以及收购的戏码。

    In view of the trend of network convergence , numerous mergers and acquisitions among communication chipset vendors have taken place .

  15. 我国集成电路的设计水平还很低,通信芯片的设计也是如此。

    The design level of our country integrated circuit is still very low . The design of the correspondence chip too is such .

  16. 本文是关于一种专用于名片交换的红外数据通信芯片的研制。

    This paper introduces the development of a new type of special business card chip , which adopts infrared wireless data transmission technology .

  17. 本项目设计采用国外最先进的通信芯片产品和技术开发研制无线式数字远程智能电子自动专家评审系统,可由专家进行准确、快捷的各种奖项评审。

    This project has introduced the most advanced communicating chips and technology into developing the digital electronic automatic evaluated expert system based on radio transmission .

  18. 分析了移动通信芯片功耗的主要来源,并从芯片设计的不同阶段提出了低功耗优化设计措施,取得了较好的效果。

    This paper analyzes the main source for mobile communication chip . Low power optimized design methodologies for high-performance are presented according to different design period .

  19. 本系统还运用电力载波通信芯片(将信道改为电话线路)实现了数据远程通信。

    This system use electric power carrier wave communication chips , the channels between which are changed to telephone lines , to realize the long-distance communication of data .

  20. 掌握无线通信芯片的关键设计技术,并根据需求不断进行性能改进,对于我国信息产业的发展具有重要意义。

    To master the key design technology of wireless communication chip , and improve the performance continuously based on the demand are important to develop Chinese information industry .

  21. E1/以太网桥接器大量地应用于电信的数据传输网络当中,但其核心技术一直被国外的通信芯片供应商垄断。

    E1 / Ethernet Bridge is widely used in data transmission network of telecommunication ; however , its core technology has been monopolized by foreign communication chips suppliers .

  22. 针对于我国大多数家庭的需求设计了一种基于电力载波通信芯片家用控制系统。

    In response to the needs of most families in China , a new Intelligent Home System which based on power line carrier communications chip has been devised .

  23. 介绍了一种电力线扩频通信芯片AN48CS及其使用方法,描述了它在家庭信息集成及远程访问系统中的应用。

    A kind of power line communication chip set using spread spectrum technology was introduced in the paper . And its application in home networking and remote access system is described .

  24. 本文以降低信号处理算法的复杂度为着重点,研究简单易实现的调制解调算法,为设计低成本、低功耗的通信芯片提供理论依据。

    The dissertation studied on the modulation and demodulation algorithms which were realized simply and easily , and it would provide theoretical basis for the design of low-cost and low-power communication chips .

  25. 在移动无线设备的设计开发过程中,除了软件平台、底层通信芯片和硬件等因素外,电池使用时间仍旧是一个关键性因素,这也是用户在购买手机时考虑的主要因素之一。

    Battery operating time continues to be a critical factor in the design of mobile wireless devices except software platform , communication chip and hardware , and also be a key factor when users purchase mobile phones .

  26. 由此可见根据研究对象制定验证策略和验证方法对于提高投片成功率具有很大指导意义。通信芯片一般具有实现收发帧、重传、竞争信道、退避等功能。

    So making verification strategies and methods according to investigated objects has a great guiding significance . Generally , communication chips have these functions : frame exchange , re-transmission , channel competition , back off and so on .

  27. 该公司表示,将支付170亿美元现金和大约200亿美元的股票,收购总部位于加州的博通,后者专业制造通信芯片,产品用于数据中心以及苹果和三星等企业生产的移动设备。

    It said it would pay $ 17bn in cash and about $ 20bn in stock to acquire California-based Broadcom , which makes communication chips used in data centres and mobile devices made by companies including Apple and Samsung .

  28. 控制卡通过单片机对USB通信接口芯片的控制,实现PC计算机与控制卡通过USB接口的通信。

    With the USB interface chip controlled by microcontroller , the communication between the card and PC is achieved .

  29. 用FPGA实现RS-485通信接口芯片

    RS-485 Communication Interface Chip With FPGA

  30. 使用VHDL语言开发通信接口芯片

    Using VHDL to Develop the Communication Interface EPLD