
pínɡ bì diàn lǎn
  • shielded cable
  1. 可为KJ-15A矿井机车运输监控系统屏蔽电缆的故障处理及系统的正常工作提供一定的理论参考,可为从事KJ-15A矿井机车运输监控系统日常维护的工作人员提供一些借鉴。

    May provides certain theory reference for KJ-15A mine pit locomotive transport monitor system shielded cable breakdown processing and the system normal work , may for the staff who is engaged in the KJ-15A mine pit locomotive transport monitor system routine maintenance provide some models .

  2. 浅议高压变电所屏蔽电缆接地

    Brief discussion on the earthing of shielded cable in HV substation

  3. 屏蔽电缆对脉冲X射线响应的数值计算

    Responses of shielding cable to pulsed X-rays

  4. 多导体屏蔽电缆EMP耦合效应研究

    EMP coupling to multiconductor shielded cables

  5. NSBS型号管体外覆有镀锌线网层,在屏蔽电缆产生的噪音方面,钢制电线管具有同等水平。

    NSBS type tube covered with zinc plating braid , Have the same effective with steel made tube on shielding the cable noise .

  6. 中压C-GIS具有不受环境影响、介质绝缘压力低、小型化、母线可扩展、全屏蔽电缆终端进出线等特点,可实现智能化与信息化。

    MV CGIS has the characteristics such as not to be influenced by ambient conditions , lower pressure of insulating medium , high reliability , miniaturization , bus expandable , the incoming and outgoing line of cable terminal completely shielded , which can be realized with intelligence and informative processing .

  7. 屏蔽电缆屏蔽特性测试方法的比较和分析


  8. 传感器自带10英尺(3米)屏蔽电缆。

    Supplied with a10 ft. ( 3 m ) shielded cable .

  9. 空间电磁场对屏蔽电缆电磁干扰机理的研究

    Analysis of Coupling Function from External Electromagnetic Field to Shielded Cables

  10. 计算机视频屏蔽电缆的电磁泄漏

    Electromagnetic Leakage from Shielded Video Cable s in Computer Systems

  11. 屏蔽电缆表面转移阻抗的传输线分析孤形传输线的分析

    Surface Transfer Impedance Analysis by means of Transmission Line Theory

  12. 空间瞬态电磁场对屏蔽电缆的耦合机理研究

    Analysis of Coupling Function from External Transient Electromagnetic Field to Shielded Cables

  13. 双屏蔽电缆监视线保护原理的研究

    Study on the Protection Principle of the Phase Screened Cable Monitor Wire

  14. 多芯屏蔽电缆电容的多极理论分析

    Multipole theory analysis on the capacitance of shielded multiconductor cable

  15. 金属屏蔽电缆转移阻抗的测定

    The Measurements Method of Transfer Impedance for the Shielded Cables

  16. 多芯屏蔽电缆电容的矩量法求解

    Method of Moment for Calculating Capacitance of Shielded Multiconductor Cable

  17. 屏蔽电缆的分布参数测量及瞬态分析

    Measurement of distributed parameters and transient analysis of shielded cable

  18. 屏蔽电缆传导抗扰度和辐射抗扰度的研究

    Research on Susceptibility of the Conducted and Radiated Immunity of the Shield Cable

  19. 架空配电线和电力屏蔽电缆的传输特性测量与分析

    Measurement and analysis of transmission characteristics on overhead distribution line and shielded cable

  20. 多芯屏蔽电缆屏蔽效能的脉冲电流注入法测量

    Measurment of Shielding Efficiency for Multi-wire Shielded Cables by Injecting Method of Pulse Current

  21. 变电站地电位差对屏蔽电缆的电磁干扰分析

    Analysis of Electromagnetic Interference in Shielded Cables Caused by Ground Potential Difference in Substations

  22. 非屏蔽电缆电化干扰防护方法的研究

    Research on protection of cables without steel shield to the interference of electric railways

  23. 在网络布线中选择屏蔽电缆和非屏蔽电缆

    How To Select Shielded Cables and Nonmaskable Cables

  24. 抽头是屏蔽电缆泄漏最严重的部分。

    The leakage of the pigtail section of a shielded cable is the most serious .

  25. 时域电场积分方程在求解架空屏蔽电缆蒙皮电流中的应用

    Application of EFIE to study skin current of aerial shielded cable excited by electromagnetic pulse

  26. 外场激励下腔内屏蔽电缆响应的方法研究

    A mixed method for responses of cables within a cavity excited by external electromagnetic field

  27. 给出一种复合屏蔽电缆转移阻抗的测试方法和结果,从测试结果可看出,在低频下,转移阻抗为电缆屏蔽的直流电阻;

    This paper presents the measurement results of the transfer impedance of a composite shielded cables .

  28. 最后又给出国外电磁屏蔽电缆的某些结构数据。

    Finally the paper gives some numerical data on the structure of the foreign electromagnetic shielding cables .

  29. 应用中要确定用或不用屏蔽电缆通常都比较难。

    It is often hard to quantify if shielded cable is required in an application or not .

  30. 即使对于电阻性负载,屏蔽电缆的电容也可能会导致继电器触点焊接。

    Even with resistive loads , the capacitance of a shielded connecting cable may cause relay welding .