
  • 网络Shielded twisted pair;stp;FTP;RVSP;ScTP
  1. 通过对单芯线与屏蔽双绞线之间的电磁场耦合机理分析,对当CAN总线采用屏蔽双绞线作为通讯介质时,影响其抗干扰能力的因素进行了研究。

    Through electromagnetic coupling mechanism analysis between single line and STP , this paper studies several factors which affect the anti-jamming capabilities of STP used in CAN bus .

  2. 本文研究介质温度系数对五类非屏蔽双绞线电气性能的影响,讨论传输延迟、UTP电阻以及衰减的温度修正公式。

    The paper studied that the temperature coefficient has effect on electric capability of Un - shielded Twisted Pair , and brought forward some formulas of revise of temperature about Propaga - tion Delay , Resistor and Attenuation .

  3. PROFIBUS现场总线网络层采用屏蔽双绞线连接。

    The shield twisted-pair was used to link with PROFIBUS field bus network layer .

  4. 通信介质采用RS485屏蔽双绞线,可有效地减少电缆的数量,提高了系统的自动化水平及运行的可靠性。

    It will reduce the quantity of lines and enhance the reliability by adopting RS 485 shielding twisted-pair line .

  5. 馈线主干线FTU和馈线支路上的FTU、TTU通信采用屏蔽双绞线的专线通信方式;

    And the shield double line is used between FTU or TTU on main feeder branch and sub branch .

  6. 主站和从站采用ProFiBus-DP协议,通过屏蔽双绞线完成通信。

    The communicating protocol between the network master station and the network associate station is ProFiBus-DP standard protocol , the communication is implemented through the twisted-pair .

  7. 采用混合方法,即传输线链参方法、有限元方法和亚网格FDTD方法相结合,对切缝屏蔽双绞线的电磁泄漏进行了模拟分析。

    By applying the hybrid-method , which is the combination of the chain-parameter-equation , the finite-element-method and the subcell-FDTD-method , the electromagnetic leakage from the transverse slot on the shield of the twist-pair are simulated .

  8. 在系统主干线通道上采用光纤通信方式,对于分支通信采用屏蔽双绞线以RS-485方式通信,并对网络体系结构作了详细的描述。

    Optical fiber communication mode is adopted in main channels , RS-485 communication mode using shielding twisted pair lines is employed in branch channels , and detailed description of network architectures is described .

  9. 试验结果表明,以光纤替代屏蔽双绞线作为传输介质的1773光纤数据总线能够使1553B总线系统具有更强的性能和更高的可靠性。

    The experimental results show that the 1773 data bus with fiber-optic as the transmission media instead of twisted shielded pair cable could provide higher performance and reliability .

  10. 火箭发动机测试系统前端的信号通过屏蔽双绞线传输,由于传输信号小,所以很容易受到环境噪声的干扰,EFT干扰就是其中最常见的、影响最严重的干扰。

    The front-end signals of rocket engine dynamic parameter measure system are transmited through the shielded twisted pairs . The transmission signals are little , hence they are susceptible to be disturbed by the environmental noise . EFT is one of the most common and the most serious interference .

  11. 局域网非屏蔽双绞线的电磁泄漏测试分析

    Analysis of Electromagnetic Leakage on Transmitting of Unshielded Twisted-Pair Used in LAN

  12. 屏蔽双绞线在车用CAN总线中的抗干扰能力研究

    The Study on Anti-Jamming Capability of STP Applied in Vehicle CAN Bus

  13. 介质长度对五类非屏蔽双绞线电气性能的影响

    The Effect of Medium Length on Electric Performance of Unshielded Twisted Pair

  14. 屏蔽双绞线抗电磁干扰研究及其在城轨车辆上的应用

    Study on EMI-free of STP and its application in mass transit vehicles

  15. 横切窄缝屏蔽双绞线的电磁泄漏

    The Electromagnetic Leakage of Shielded-Twist-pair with a Transverse Slot

  16. 非屏蔽双绞线的应用基础应用微机势在必行

    The Application Foundation of Unshielded Twisted Fair Line

  17. 本文主要研究外部电磁场对屏蔽双绞线的干扰耦合情况。

    This article mainly studies the interference coupling of external electromagnetic field to STP .

  18. 各单元模块与上位机之间仅用屏蔽双绞线连接;

    Every unit model and upper PC is connected with STP ( shielded twisted pair ) .

  19. 温度对五类非屏蔽双绞线的影响

    Influence of temperature on unshielded twisted-pair

  20. 根据工业厂区网络布线系统的设计要求,本文介绍了一种结合光纤和非屏蔽双绞线的工业布线系统。

    According to the requirement of factory network cabling system , the article introduce a factory structured cabling system combined fiber and UTP .

  21. 一种工业网络,它使用令牌环点对点通讯模式传输数据,可达一百万位每秒。网络介质使用屏蔽双绞线。

    An industrial networking system that uses token-passing peer-to-peer communications at data transfer rates of one megabit per second ( MBPS ) . The network media is shielded twisted-pair cable .

  22. 火箭发动机测量系统前端的屏蔽双绞线传输毫伏级的小信号,由于现场电磁环境复杂,编织电缆之间存在严重的串扰。

    The millivolt-level small signal is transferred by braided cables in rocket engine measuring system , but as complex electromagnetic environment of the scene , there is serious crosstalk between braided cables .

  23. 系统采用分层分布式设计,主站系统通过以太网通信。分站各设备间通过现场总线网或子以太网连接,通讯介质支持屏蔽双绞线和光纤。

    The system adopted level distribution design , all components of central station communicate through Ethernet , while all components of distant station are connected in field bus network or sub-Ethernet network build by optic fiber .

  24. 超高速数字用户环路(VDSL)是利用无屏蔽铜芯双绞线传输高速数字信号的新技术。

    VDSL is a new technology which transmits high-speed digital via unshielded twisted pair wire .

  25. 结合综合布线系统设计实践,论述了频率带宽与传输速率的区别,屏蔽与非屏蔽双绞线的选择及系统电气防护设计三个问题。

    Connected with the practice of design on the integrated wiring system , this thesis will discuss three problems : the difference between frequency bandwidth and transmitted velocity , the selection of shield and non shield twisted pair , the design of systematical protection on electricity .

  26. 本文对屏蔽层横切窄缝的屏蔽双绞线的电磁泄漏进行了定量研究。

    This paper propose a quantitative analysis on the electromagnetic leakage from a shielded-twist-pair with a transverse slot .