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  • process automation
  1. 生产制造(Production)关注工业过程自动化,控制和质量。

    Production looks at industrial process automation , control , and quality .

  2. PLC技术在选煤厂生产过程自动化中的应用

    The Application of PLC on Producting Process Automation for Coal-selecting Plant

  3. 我主要想从Web框架中借鉴的就是把开发过程自动化。

    The main parts that I want to borrow from the web frameworks are the pieces that automate life as a developer .

  4. 低成本DCS在水泥厂过程自动化的应用

    Application of Lower-cost DCS in Process Automation of a Cement Factory

  5. PLC与分布式控制系统的相互融合是生产过程自动化的发展趋势之一。

    It is one of development tendency on production process automation that mixing PLC with distributed control system .

  6. 针对鸿鹤化工公司新建白灰窑生产线,对白灰窑生产采用了PLC控制,实现了白灰窑工艺称重配料和上石系统生产过程自动化。

    This paper introduces the PLC control in calcareousness production which realizes the production process automatization of batching and .

  7. PID控制器具有鲁棒性及人工智能性的特点,广泛应用于工业过程自动化。

    PID controller has been widely applied to the automation of industrial process due to its robustness and artificial intelligence architecture .

  8. 为了实现这点,IT团队开发了定制的Setup和Desktop策略来实现部署过程自动化。

    To accomplish this , the IT team developed the customized Setup and Desktop policies to automate the deployment process .

  9. 如今,CORBA技术已经在电信、过程自动化和电子商务等领域得到了大规模的应用。

    Today , CORBA technology is widely used in telecommunications , process automation , electronic commerce and other domains .

  10. 基于Perl语言的序列同源性分析过程自动化的实现

    Realization of Perl-based Automatic Sequence Homogeneous Analysis

  11. 介绍在国内中小炼铁高炉中应用PLC技术改造老式的机械秤及机械电子秤组成的配料上料系统,从而实现高炉上料过程自动化的一些经验。

    Some experience is introduced in this thesis of how to make use of PLC in weighing / controlling process for automatic feeding system in Blast Furnace .

  12. 过程自动化在许多这类BPM项目中甚至根本未被考虑。

    For many of BPM projects in that category , automation of the processes is not even considered .

  13. 但是大多数SBR法工艺过程自动化水平较低,难以保证出水水质达标排放。

    But the automation level of SBR technological process is mostly low , it is difficult to ensure water quality standards .

  14. OPC是生产以及过程自动化的控制和人机界面之间数据交换的一个已有的公认标准。

    OPC is an established and recognized standard for data exchange between control and HMI in manufacturing and process automation .

  15. 这个行业已经大量投资于过程自动化,而DCS作为自动化系统的重要组成部分,大大受惠。

    This industry has invested significantly in automation of processes and DCS being a vital component of automation systems , stands to gain substantially .

  16. 本控制系统采用双重冗余的SiemensS7-400PLC装置,完成从数字传动级、基础自动化级到过程自动化级的炉底辊传动控制系统、燃烧控制系统、温度控制系统以及钢板跟踪等自动控制功能。

    Redundancy Siemens S7-400 PLC system is used for drive control , combustion control , temperature control and automatic tracking of plates .

  17. 为适应现代工业生产过程自动化的需要,本文开发了一个结构简单、界面友好、用于过程控制的专家系统工具VisualBasicExpertSystemTool(简称:VB-EST)。

    To adapt the automation of modern industrial production , this thesis develops a process-control expert system tool-the Visual Basic Expert System Tool ( abbr. VB-EST ) with simple construction and convenient interface .

  18. 其次,本文对基于工作流的业务过程自动化实现方法进行了分析,着重研究了基于群件LotusDomino的实现方法。

    Secondly , the methods to realize business process automation were analyzed and focus was placed on the method based on Lotus Domino , a kind of groupware platform .

  19. 介绍了南京钢铁股份有限公司中板厂改造后的AGC、控轧控冷及轧线综合过程自动化系统,及其在线应用效果。

    The AGC system , controlled rolling and controlled cooling technology and integrated process control system are introduced after reformation in Plate Mill of Nanjing Iron and Steel Co.

  20. 基于CNC的传输与制造:通过对NC代码的安全性复核、CNC与PC间的实时传输及数控机床快速加工的研究与运用,实现了自设计至制造的过程自动化。

    Manufacturing base on CNC transmission . The process automation is Realized from design to manufacture of HTFs by means of security check of NC code , real time transmission and quick producing of NC machine .

  21. 该项目的设计要求是要建立一个基于可编程序控制器(PLC)的小型集散系统(DCS),实现过程自动化与信息管理自动化的监控功能。

    The design requirement of the project is to establish a monitoring and supervisory system , a small DCS . The system is based on PLC which can achieve processing automation and information management automation .

  22. 采用T业机器人是提高产品质量与劳动生产率,实现生J。过程自动化,改善劳动条什,减轻劳动强度的一种有效于段。

    Adopting industrial robot is a kind of effective method of improving quality of products , raising labor productivity , realizing automatization of production process , improving working conditions and lightening labor intensity .

  23. 通过编译代理ContentHandler(由其来负责状态管理,并且在符合应用程序逻辑的地方调用应用处理程序),HC使跟踪状态这个过程自动化。

    HC automates the process by compiling a proxy ContentHandler that takes care of state management and calls into an application handler where the application logic fits .

  24. 为了提高主轴箱的市场竞争力,大多数的企业采用了CAD技术,但是传统的主轴箱CAD系统缺乏设计师所具有的推理和决策能力,已经不满足设计过程自动化的需求。

    In order to improve the market competitiveness of the spindle box , the majority of businesses have adopted CAD , but traditional spindle box CAD system is lack of designers ' reasoning and decision-making capacity and has not met the needs of the design process automation .

  25. 本文采用过程自动化领域最新的现场总线技术,通过ProfiBusDP网络将PLC、变频器、监控计算机连成一体,实现了对拖动系统的实时监控。

    Employing the latest Field Bus Technology in the process automation field , the article integrated the PLC , converter , computer with PROFIBUS DP network , and realized the real time monitor and control of the drive system .

  26. 目前,该项目已投入运行,DCS系统运行正常,基本实现了焚烧过程自动化,但是存在炉膛温度波动,高温腐蚀和结焦等问题。

    Currently , the project has been put into operation , and the DCS system is operating normally , the automation of burning process has been basically achieved . But there are problems of fluctuations in the furnace temperature , high temperature corrosion and coking .

  27. “我们的切削刃技术以及在该领域的专业技术将为ONGC创造更高的效率和更大的生产力,”ABB过程自动化部门的主管Veli-MattiReinikkala如是说。

    " Our cutting-edge technologies and domain expertise will create greater efficiency and productivity for ONGC ," said Veli-Matti Reinikkala , head of ABB 's Process Automation division .

  28. 钢铁生产过程自动化的发展和展望

    Prospecting and developing of automation of Iron & steel production process

  29. 工作流管理系统提供了对商业过程自动化技术的支持。

    Workflow Management provides the way to automation of business process .

  30. 将精细印刷品的缺陷检测过程自动化有重要的实际意义。

    Automatic detection of defects in fine presswork has practical significance .