
  • 网络via;Vias;Via hole;THROUGH VIA
  1. 高速PCB的过孔设计

    Via Design of High Speed PCB

  2. 本文分析讨论了高速PCB的可靠性设计问题,阐述了电源布线和过孔设计在高速PCB设计中的重要性,提出了具体的解决办法。

    The paper discusses the reliable problem of High-speed of PCB design , and presents the fundamentality of Power Line layout and Via design , and puts forward resolvents .

  3. PCB中过孔对高速信号传输的影响

    Effects of PCB Vias on High-Speed Signal Transmission

  4. 在PCB设计过程中通过对过孔的寄生电容和寄生电感分析,总结出高速PCB过孔设计中的一些注意事项。

    Summarise some points for attention of PCB via design through analysis of parasite capacity and inductance .

  5. 利用ANSYS工具,可以分析半导体的非线性特性,其中包括封装变形、焊接点蠕变以及过孔设计中的断裂、疲劳和层间开裂。

    Semiconductor analysis with ANSYS tools often incorporates nonlinear behaviors , including package warpage , solder joint creep , fracture in through-silicon-via designs , fatigue and delimitation .

  6. PCB三大要素&焊盘、过孔、导线的提取采用自动与人机交互相结合的方式。

    Pad , via and track , three main elements of PCB , are extracted by the combination of automated way and human-computer interaction .

  7. 基于封装天线(AiP)的过孔分析

    Analysis of via holes Based on Antenna-in-Package

  8. 在高速PCB设计中,过孔设计是一个重要因素,它由孔、孔周围的焊盘区和POWER层隔离区组成,通常分为盲孔、埋孔和通孔三类。

    Vis design is an important factor in high speed design . It is composed of drill hole , pad area around hole and power layer isolate area , and is classified as blind via , buried via and through via .

  9. ROMCODE是ROM所要存储的信息内容,现有的ROMCODE的解决方案包括扩散层和过孔/接触可编程ROM,适用于高密度和低能耗应用,但它的灵活性比较低。

    The information which is stored in ROM is the ROM Code . Existing solutions of ROM Code are diffusion layer and vias / contacts , for high density and low power applications , but its flexibility is relatively low .

  10. 并实验加工和测量了均匀过孔半径和不同过孔半径级联的EBG结构,实验结果与仿真数据吻合良好,验证了该方法的正确性。

    The EBG structures with uniform radius of via and cascaded one are fabricated and measured . The experimental results are consistent with the simulation data , which proves the validity of the method .

  11. 进一步研究发现AMC结构单元的中心位置的过孔的存在与否并不影响其反射相位带隙,故在对矩形AMC结构的基础上提出了一种结构更为简单的一维条带型AMC结构。

    In further , it is found the reflection phase band-gap is independent on the central vias of AMC structure . And so , a simpler strip type AMC structure is brought forward based on rectangular structure .

  12. 细胞过孔分析仪(CTA)是一种国外新发明的血液流变学仪器,不仅能在很短时间内测量出大量红细胞通过膜孔的平均时间,还能给出这些细胞过孔时间的分布。

    The Cell Transit Analyser ( CTA ) is a newly invented instrument , which can not only measure the average time for a large number of red blood cells through micropores but also give distribution of the transit time .

  13. PCBD中过孔点的优化小儿经鼻气管内低负压电动取痰标本100例

    100 specimens of sputum collected from nose and trachea of infants via low negative pressure electric aspirater

  14. 同时,本文提出的新型微波光子晶体结构(AUC-EBG)和带金属过孔的AUC-EBG结构,使得结构更加紧凑,性能更加优越。

    Besides , this paper presents a new type of microwave photonic crystal structure ( AUC-EBG ) and the AUC-EBG structure with metal via hole .

  15. 近年来出现了一些新设计思路,如缺陷地结构、过孔结构或者多层LTCC结构,虽有一定技术进步,但是在系统大规模集成、阻带任意可调等关键技术要素方面有所欠缺。

    In recent years , some new design ideas , such as defects in the structure , through-hole structure or multi-layer LTCC structure , although some technical progress , but large-scale integration in the system , with adjustable resistance elements of some key technologies such as lack of .

  16. 氧化铝陶瓷基板过孔的新型激光打孔工艺

    New Laser Drilling Technique for Making Via Holes on Alumina Substrates

  17. 提高钢结构高强螺栓过孔率的有效途径

    Effective ways to raise through-hole rate of high-strength bolts for steel structures

  18. 造桥机开模与过孔过程强度计算与实验研究

    Strength Calculation and Experiment Research for Die-sinking and Through-hole Procedure of Bridge-building Machine

  19. 因此简单的过孔连接已经难以实现高质量的信号传输。

    The simple via connection has been difficult to achieve high-quality signal transmission .

  20. 介绍细胞过孔分析仪

    An introduction to the cell transit analyser

  21. 悬浮介质粘度对红细胞过孔特性的影响

    The influence of suspending phase viscosity on the filtration of red blood cells through micropores

  22. 对合成的颗粒产品进行了密度、膨胀和过孔强度测试。

    Then we tested the density , expansion and via-hole strength of the particle products .

  23. 你能告诉我微过孔电路板与穿透式过孔电路板价钱的差别吗?

    Could you tell me the price different between micro via PCB and through hole via PCB ?

  24. 测试结果表明,设计参数的优化和添加接地过孔能有效提高信号的完整性。

    Results show that the optimal design parameters and the added ground vias improve the signal integrity .

  25. 双马来酰亚胺树脂体系在封装基板上的应用集成电路封装基板过孔电学仿真技术研究

    Application of Modified Bismaleimide Resin in Integrated Circuits Package Substrate Electrical Simulation Research for IC Package Via

  26. 移动模架造桥机提前过孔技术的分析及应用

    Analysis of the Technology for Passing Span in Advance of Movable Mould Bridge Girder Erecting Machine and Its Successful Application

  27. 桥梁移动模架液压顶落、横向开合和纵向过孔技术应用

    Technical Application of Hydraulic Pressure Support and Drop , Opening and Closing Transversely , Passing Hole Lengthways in Bridge Movable Scaffolding System

  28. 然而随着工作频率进入微波段,过孔的不连续性将引起高频信号严重的反射与辐射作用。

    However , with the working frequency reach the microwave band , the discontinuity of via causes serious reflection and radiation in high-frequency .

  29. 在双面线路板上安装电容器时,电容器的安装位置应避开多余的基板孔和过孔。

    While mounting capacitors on double-side PC board , the capacitors should be away from those unnecessary base plate holes and connection holes .

  30. 在提出理论方法的基础上,对多种过孔和差分过孔进行建模和参数优化,并对仿真结果进行了频域和时域上的分析。

    After discussing the theoretical method , the vias and the differential vias have been modeled and the simulation results have been analyzed .