
guò nián
  • celebrate the New Year;celebrate the Spring Festival;next year;spend the New Year;spend the Spring Festival
过年 [guò nián]
  • (1) [celebrate the New Year]∶在新年或春节进行庆祝活动

  • (2) [spend the New Year]∶度过新年或春节

  • [next year] 明年

  • 这孩子过年该上学了

过年[guò nián]
过年[guò nian]
  1. 过年穿红色很喜兴。

    Wearing red to celebrate the new year is very festive .

  2. 在庆祝期间,我在芬兰的家中过了圣诞节,然后去迪拜和妻子、朋友一起过年。

    During the festive period I spent the Christmas at home in Finland and then went on holiday to Dubai to celebrate the new year with my wife and friends .

  3. 今年过年,全城都将放焰火。

    The whole city will celebrate the New Year with fireworks .

  4. 他今年回家过年。

    He 'll be home for the Spring Festival .

  5. 我女儿过年该上班了。

    My daughter 's going to work next year .

  6. 快过年了。

    It 'll soon be New Year .

  7. 这孩子过年该上学了。

    The child will start school next year .

  8. 要求物流及交通服务顺畅运行,满足就地过年群众的购物、休闲、娱乐需求。

    Smooth logistics and transport services should meet the needs for shopping , recreation , and entertainment of people who stay where they work during the holiday .

  9. 在国家就地过年政策的作用下,今年铁路春运客流总体大幅下降。国铁集团1月31日发布的数据显示,在严格的疫情防控措施背景下,今年春运前三天铁路客流明显下降。

    The number of railway passenger trips took a nosedive in the first three days of the Spring Festival travel season amid stringent control measures , data from the national railway operator showed Sunday .

  10. 国家卫生健康委员会副主任曾益新表示,倡导大家在工作地过年,出门旅游要严格遵守景区疫情防控规定。

    People have been urged to stay in the cities where they work for the Spring Festival holiday and abide spots when traveling , according to Zeng Yixin , deputy head of the National Health Commission .

  11. 北京市政府再次呼吁市民节日期间避免出境,以降低病毒感染风险,同时表示将为留京过年人员发放消费券和免费流量包。

    The municipal government also renewed calls for residents to avoid outbound travels during the festival to minimize infection risks and promised to offer shopping coupons and free data packages to those who choose to stay put .

  12. 通知指出,疫情高风险地区群众均应就地过年,防止因人员流动导致疫情传播扩散。中风险地区群众需要出行的,需经属地疫情防控机构批准。

    All residents in areas at high risk of COVID-19 shall stay at their current residing localities to prevent spreading the epidemic , said the circular.Travel from medium-risk areas will need permission from the local epidemic prevention and control authorities .

  13. 公交车B:哦!这不是快过年了吗,我也换身新衣服。

    Bus B : Oh ! New Year is coming soon , so I changed a new dress .

  14. 从装满礼物的信封到到处都是过年装饰品的家里,“SoSpecial”环节庆祝中国新年的传统。

    From envelopes filled with gifts to homes filled with decorations , " So Special " celebrates the traditions of Chinese New Year .

  15. 那就意味着,2015年的BIff也没有过已经带给1955年的Biff过年鉴。

    That means 2015 Biff could also not had have had brought the almanac to 1955 Biff .

  16. Lynn之前曾表示担心,认为Hicinbottom太过年幼难以领会《多佛白崖》的情感。

    Lynn had previously expressed fears that Hickinbottom was " far too young " to grasp the emotion of ' White Cliffs Of Dover ' .

  17. 市场研究公司TNS公司的一份报告发现在中国大陆人们过年平均支出3668元(588.8美元)作为红包。

    A report by TNS , a market research firm , found people on the Chinese mainland on average allocate 3668 yuan ( US $ 588.8 ) as red packet money for the Chinese New Year .

  18. 过年是中国人持续很久了的传统。

    Celebrate spring festival is an agelong tradition for Chinese people .

  19. 过年九月我将送我次子去读书。

    My second boy will be sent to school next September .

  20. 家人到病房探望你。你说,盼望能够回家过年。

    I 'm looking forward to spending the holiday at home .

  21. 过年时我拿了很多压岁钱。

    I got so much lucky money during the spring festival .

  22. 在饭店里过年是不错。

    To celebrate the festival at the restaurant is pretty good .

  23. 对于我来说,过去感觉过年很有意思呢。

    For me , Chinese New Year used to be fun .

  24. 每年过年的时候我们都非常的高兴。

    We always have a good time at Chinese New Year .

  25. 过年了,下再大的雪也要回家!

    New Year , again under the snow to go home !

  26. 中山有约百万外来员工,每年有大半会选择回家过年。

    There are about one million migrant workers in Zhongshan .

  27. 现在过年的一些习俗都变了。

    Nowadays some customs of the Spring Festival are changing .

  28. “媳妇,快包饺子,过年!”

    " Daughter-in-law , let 's start making dumplings for the festival !"

  29. 中国的春节也叫“过年”。

    The Chinese Spring Festival is also called'guo nian ' .

  30. 对于是否回江西小镇的老家过年,他显得犹豫不决。

    He wavered about returning home to a small town in Jiangxi .