
  • 网络Process inspection;in-process inspection;IPQC;Process testing;PQC
  1. 负责进货检验、过程检验及最终检验工作。

    Responsible for incoming inspection , in-process inspection and final inspection .

  2. 生产的每个阶段都要经过程检验进行监控。

    All phases of production are monitored by in-process inspection .

  3. 本研究辅以W大学教师聘任政策的制定过程检验并印证了此分析框架的可行性。

    Besides , the research took the faculty employment policy making process of a W university as a case to review and prove the feasibility of the above analysis framework .

  4. 英伦管架有限公司(BPS)的检验员,均接受过培训并获得资质,可在各阶段从事于货源检验、来料检验、过程检验和最终装配检验方面的工作。

    BPS inspectors are trained and qualified to perform inspection at various stages associated with inspection at source , receipt of materials , in-process and final assembly .

  5. 多孔硝铵涂层剂含量的测定是生产过程检验的一项重要内容。

    Optimization of analysis conditions for content of porous ammonium nitrate coating ;

  6. SECCO900kt/a乙烯项目设备全过程检验监造实践

    Equipment inspection & Supervision Practice of SECCO 900kt / a ethylene project

  7. 解决日常的生产和过程检验、进料检验中发现的质量问题。

    Solve quality problems during daily production and in-process audit , incoming inspection .

  8. 该方法有利于造纸系统的湿部过程检验和生产控制。

    The analysis technology is beneficial for paper mills to control the wet end in papermaking processes .

  9. 制定采购部件的检验试验计划,包括过程检验和最后验收程序的计划。

    Compile the inspection and test plan of components purchased including process inspection and final acceptance inspection .

  10. 如果你要通过食物药品管理部门的过程检验,你就不能这样开始。

    If you have to pass Food & Drug Administration process scrutiny , you can 't get away with this .

  11. 过程检验按施工方案、工艺文件及图纸、标准规定的技术要求进行检验。

    In-process inspection should be carried out according to the construction scheme , technology documents , drawings , technical requirements of standards .

  12. 分别完成进料检验、过程检验、成品检验等模块的设计与实施。

    Complete respectively the implement and design of 3 modules : material inspecting module , process inspecting module and finished products inspecting module .

  13. 树立严谨的作风,从产品的研发、制造工艺、过程检验、售后服务,都要求做到一丝不苟。

    Establishing strict style , it is required to be meticulous from product development , manufacturing process , process inspection to the after-sale services .

  14. 新算法可行解定义范围增大,求解过程检验数不局限为一种符号。

    The definition of feasibility solution in the new algorithm is expended . The checkout number does not need to be same sign in the process of finding solution .

  15. 通过对比来料检验和加工检验结果,认为加工过程检验是冠状动脉支架管材选取和确认必不可少的一环,可作为优选管材的依据。

    By comparing the incoming inspection and the process inspection , it is concluded that the process inspection , as basis for optimizing tubing , is indispensable for selecting and confirming the tubing .

  16. 其思想是首先假设各用户所发送的信号,通过检测过程检验各假设的可靠程度,选择最可靠的假设作为决策输出。

    The main idea of them is to make presumptions of the signals that users transmitted , then determine reliability of all the presumptions by detection and choose the most reliable presumption as the output .

  17. 人们通过隆重的丧葬仪式送别社会成员离去,同时也通过这一礼仪过程检验、督促、勉励社会成员赡养老人,树立孝道。

    People participate grand funeral rites , sending their social members off , but also through this etiquette process to inspect , urge , and encourage social members supporting the old , and sets up the filial piety .

  18. 同时还对防爆电气产品的采购验证、过程检验、成品检验以及不同防爆类型的产品质量检验要点进行了介绍。

    At the same time , he also refines the key points for the production quality test of the different types of Ex product in the steps of purchasing acceptance , procedure inspection , product inspection , and so on .

  19. 而产品生产质量的控制往往依赖于产品生产过程检验,产品检验方案的好坏又直接对产品生产成本和售后服务成本产生影响。

    On the other hand , the product quality control is often dependent on the production process inspection . Whether the product inspection strategies are good or bad have a direct impact on the production costs and after-sales service costs .

  20. 我国开展光电跟踪测量设备的研制工作已经有50多年了,并建立了针对该领域产品的检测体系,可以实现对光电跟踪测量设备大部分战技指标的过程检验和最终检验。

    The equipment of photoelectric tracking and measurement has been developed for more than 50 years . Testing system in this field has been established . Most technical indexes of process inspection and final inspection of the photoelectric tracking and measurement equipment have been realized .

  21. 对于实施过程检验的企业,检验检疫部门应加强对生产过程控制的同时,更要对实验室进行质量控制,从而真正有效地保证检验工作质量。

    As to the enterprises that have made the inspection , the inspection and quarantine department should pay more attention on the control of the quality by the lab while they control the production process , so as to ensure the quality of the inspection effectively .

  22. 更合理的配置系统,让设定Touchapp的过程更检验,更易于理解。

    A rationalized config system make it easier and more predictable to set up your Touch app .

  23. 具有GARCH(1,1)-Normalerrors的单位根过程DF检验的可靠性研究

    A Study on the Reliability of DF Tests for Unit Root Processes with GARCH ( 1,1 ) - Normal-errors

  24. 揭示现代产品几何技术规范(GeometricalProductSpecificationandVerification,GPS)中规范过程和检验/认证过程的物象对应关系,以及其表面模型存在着对偶性、操作技术存在着共性的内在规律性;

    Indicate object-mirror corresponding relation between the specification stage and verification stage of geometrical product specification and verification ( GPS ), and the inherent regularity between the duality of their surface models and commonness of their operation technology .

  25. 本文介绍了镍&不锈钢爆炸复合板的轧制过程和检验结果。

    This paper describes the rolling process and the test results .

  26. 在大横动量直接光子出射过程中检验强子的胶子分布函数

    Testing gluon distribution function of hadrons in large p_t process with direct photon emission

  27. 化工过程稳态检验的区间拓展法

    Period Extending Method for the Detection of Changes of Steady States for Chemical Process

  28. 根据工程质量计划,实施装置生产过程跟踪检验;

    To fulfill the tracing inspection in the course of producing according to the engineering quality plan .

  29. 有限元模拟技术是通过虚拟的材料加工成形过程,检验产品质量,而不需要真实的加工过程,从而节省生产成本,提高生产效率。

    FEM checks product quality by virtual material process , it can save cost and a lot of time .

  30. 虽然这种方法尚未经过实际规划过程的检验,但它已经被运用在规划文件的后期评价中。

    The method is still not tested in actual planning processes , but it has been used in post hoc-evaluation of planning documents .