
  • 网络naming;Title;Name-Entitled Columm
  1. 曼联官方物流合作伙伴DHL宣布将冠名今夏球队的美国巡回赛。

    DHL , Manchester United 's official courier and logistics partner , has been announced as the title sponsor of the club 's summer tour of the United States .

  2. 冠名公司可冠名赛事颁奖晚宴,并命题晚宴主题论坛;

    The title sponsor can name the awarding banquet and name the thesis forum of the banquet .

  3. 贝恩资本最终以17.5亿美元收购了美标卫浴及厨具业务部门,并将后者的亚洲和欧洲业务重新冠名为IdealStandard。

    Bain won the overall deal for $ 1.75 billion , and would rename the Asia and European business ideal standard .

  4. 而亚马逊(Amazon)则捐赠200万美元,冠名两个讲席教授职位;

    And Amazon has endowed two professorships with $ 2 million ;

  5. 公司已经把所有的赌注压在了这款操作系统、Surface平板电脑和冠名Windows的智能手机上。

    The company has bet the farm on the success of its new operating system as well as its new surface tablet and windows-branded smartphones .

  6. 在财新之前,汇丰银行为PMI冠名五年。

    Before Caixin , HSBC held the sponsorship of the PMI for five years .

  7. 该跑步机以美国当红喜剧明星StephenColbert的名字命名。他的粉丝在网络竞选中获得了冠名权。

    That was named after Comedian Stephen Colbert who won it in online contest .

  8. 荷兰国家馆冠名为“快乐街”,由建筑师兼艺术家JohnKörmeling操刀设计。

    The Dutch pavilion , designed by architect / artist John K ö rmeling , is called ' Happy Street ' .

  9. 据昌荣传播说,中国最大的家电零售商之一国美电器(GomeElectricalAppliancesHoldingLtd.)以人民币1.31亿元获得央视春晚相关冠名权。

    Gome Electrical Appliances Holding Ltd. , one of China 's largest home-appliance retailers , pledged 131 million yuan to become the sole sponsor of the Spring Festival gala , according to Charm .

  10. 赞助合同造就了曼联的“财务天堂”——它先是与怡安保险(Aon)签下了训练场的冠名合同,而后又与通用汽车(GeneralMotors)签下了为期多年、价值6亿美元的球衣赞助合同。

    The route to financial nirvana has been sponsorship , including a deal with insurance company Aon to rebrand its training ground . That followed its $ 600m , multiyear shirt sponsorship deal with General Motors .

  11. 该许可规定,在未获得书面许可的情况下,不得使用Django这个名称或Django贡献者的名称冠名或促销衍生产品。

    And the license specifies that neither the Django name nor the names of Django contributors can be used to endorse or promote derivative products without express written permission .

  12. 继今年在芝加哥和加利福尼亚州的特朗普集会上出现了闹哄哄的场面之后,预计将有数千名示威者抵达克利夫兰,这让人们担心在以QuickenLoans冠名的体育馆外可能发生暴力冲突。

    The anticipated arrival of thousands of demonstrators in Cleveland , following rowdy scenes at Trump rallies in Chicago and California this year , has stoked fears of violent clashes outside Quicken Loans Arena , where the convention will be held .

  13. 帝亚吉欧已经与说唱巨星肖恩・康姆斯(Sean“PDiddy”Combs)联手收购高档龙舌兰酒品牌DeLeon,而乔治・克鲁尼(GeorgeClooney)和贾斯汀・汀布莱克(JustinTimberlake)也有了自己冠名的龙舌兰酒品牌。

    Diageo has already teamed up with Sean ' Diddy ' Combs to buy upmarket tequila DeLe ó n , while George Clooney and Justin Timberlake have also put their names on tequila brands .

  14. 早期的研究大多基于状态估计的模型,由单纯的方位信息间接估计目标的运动要素,冠名为目标运动分析(TMA)。

    The former researches are almost based on the state estimation model and estimate the target 's motion elements indirectly by using the bearings-only , which is called as target motion analysis ( TMA ) .

  15. 体育冠名权同时具有人格权和财产权的双重属性。

    It possesses twofold attributions : personality right and property right .

  16. 体育冠名权是体育领域内一项重要的无形资产。

    Sports Naming Rights is an important intangible asset in sports field .

  17. 国际疾病分类冠名手术操作名称分类编码体会

    Experience in classify coding of operation names according to ICD

  18. 体育冠名权的商业利用与法律保护研究

    The Research on Commercial Utilization and Legal Protection of Sport Naming Right

  19. 但是在这些国家,以商业品牌冠名的建筑非常罕见。

    But it 's rare to find business-branded buildings in these countries .

  20. 摩托罗拉冠名“娱乐现场”。

    Motorola has been titled for the program " entertainment theater " .

  21. 国内以循证冠名的中医药文献统计分析

    Bibliometric Analysis of the Literature on Evidence-Based Traditional Chinese Medicine in China

  22. 论医学英语中人名冠名术语的汉译

    On Chinese Translation of Name Terms in Medical English

  23. 您的公司愿意为作我们的冠名赞助商吗?

    Would your company be willing to endorse us ?

  24. 人名冠名术语的形式及回译

    Expressions of the Terms Preceded by People 's Names and Their Back Translation

  25. 第二,分析了冠名权的法律性质。

    Secondly , analyzed the nature of naming right .

  26. 体育冠名权有关法律问题的研究

    Research on Relevant Legal Problems of Sports Denomination

  27. 一家当地的合作伙伴将为使用英国学校的冠名和专业知识向其支付费用。

    A local partner will pay the British school for its name and expertise .

  28. 我国体育冠名权的法律性质分析

    Legal Nature Analysis on Sports Denomination in China

  29. 冠名赞助商和金牌赞助商可以推荐自己的合作伙伴一同参加演讲。

    Special sponsor and golden sponsor can invite partners to make the presentation together .

  30. 我是冠名合伙人艾丽西娅。

    I 'm a named partner , Alicia ,