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  1. 作为多种文学奖项的摘冠者,戈迪默先后于1974年及1991年荣获布克文学奖和诺贝尔文学奖。

    As a recipient of many literary prizes , she was awarded the Booker Prize in 1974 and the Nobel Prize for literature in 1991 .

  2. 这款由德国疾控机构罗伯特·科赫研究所发布的应用会对接触过新冠感染者的市民发出警示,以便发现并打破感染链。

    Released by Germany 's disease control agency Robert Koch Institute , the app informs citizens who had been in contact with an infected person in order to detect and break the chains of infection .

  3. 中国敦促加强对无症状新冠病毒感染者的检测及快速反应。

    China has urged intensified detection and swift response to people infected with the novel coronavirus but showing no symptoms .

  4. 科技巨头苹果公司和谷歌公司将联手打造一个系统,让智能手机用户知道他们何时与新冠病毒感染者有过接触。

    Tech giants Apple and Google are teaming up to create a system that would let smartphone users know when they 've come into contact with someone who has COVID-19 .

  5. 巴伦西亚在周二欧冠主场对流浪者的比赛中左脚踝脱臼。

    Valencia was stretchered off during the Reds'Champions League draw with Rangers on Tuesday after dislocating and fracturing his left ankle .

  6. 根、冠作为植株的两大功能互补系统,在不同的土壤含水量作用下,二者产生不同响应,通过模型可定量揭示根、冠二者的生长变化规律。

    The quantitative growth laws responding to different moistures both for root and shoot are revealed .