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xī fēnɡ dōnɡ jiān
  • the spread of Western influences to the East
  1. 标枪起源于古代奥运,在近代西风东渐的过程中,传入我国。

    It comes from ancient Olympic and comes into China in neoteric times .

  2. 西风东渐与中日知识分子的回应

    The Eastward Spread of Western Influence and the Responses of Chinese and Japanese Intellectuals

  3. 马君武&欧洲现代高等教育办学理念西风东渐的旗手

    Ma Jun-wu : A Pioneer in Promotion of European Modern Higher Educational Theories into China

  4. 电影女明星使用的美容化妆品大部分为舶来之品,体现了当时西风东渐影响之深。

    Most of the cosmetic used by female movie stars were exotic goods , reflecting the deep impact from west . 5 .

  5. 西风东渐潮流之下的声音&兼论上海民国时期服装评论的题材

    Unscramble the Voice in Fashion of the West Breeze East Gradually Discussion about Theme of Garment Review in the Republic of China Era in Shanghai

  6. 中西针织女装经历三个主要的发展阶段:西风东渐、西风不渐、西风再渐。

    Women knit West experienced the development of three main phases : the west wind blowing eastward , not becoming westerly , westerly and then gradually .

  7. 随着女性主义理论的西风东渐,性别视角进入了文本的阐释领域,它带来了文本意义的增值。

    With the development of feminist theory , sexual perspective has entered the field of textual interpretation , which has brought about the increment of textual meaning .

  8. 在西风东渐的潮流中,以写实造型改造中国画的语言审美,一时间成为中国画现代性转换的目标。

    In the tide of western culture , it has become the goal of the modernization of Chinese painting to replace the linguistic aesthetic of Chinese painting by realistic forms .

  9. 二十世纪初,在西风东渐的时代浪潮中,话剧作为现代精神的载体传入中国。

    At the beginning of twentieth Century , in the tide of the times learning from the West , the modern drama , as the carrier of modern spirit , was introduced into China .

  10. 因此,本文的最后部分探讨了西风东渐态势下中国传统食礼的演变,包括其在西人眼中不同时期的阶段性认识。

    As a result , in the last part of this article , we had to discuss the evolution of Chinese traditional dietary etiquette under the influence of the West , including different understanding by Westerners in different period .

  11. 可以说,迥然相异的民族文化形态是导致十九世纪后半期至二十世纪初期的西风东渐在中日两国产生不同效果的最核心因素。

    We can say that the different national culture form was the most core factor that led to the different effect in the " western culture inputting to the east world " from the late 19th century to early 20th century .

  12. 伴随着近代西风东渐的进程,西方的社会救济思想及制度开始传入中国,引起中国传统社会救济思想的变革。

    From the middle nineteenth century to the middle twentieth century , with the eastward spread of Western culture , Western social relief thinking and system began to spread to China , which provoked the transformation of the Chinese traditional social relief thinking .

  13. 在中西方文化交流的大环境下,一股西风东渐的热潮将西方写实艺术带入中国画坛,这不仅改变了中国画的发展路径,更在一定程度上影响了传统中国画的审美意趣和艺术表现。

    In the trend of Western cultural exchanges , one Westerly Learning the western realistic modeling into Chinese painting boomed , it not only affects the expression of the language of Chinese painting , but also to some extent affected the charm of traditional Chinese painting and aesthetic .