
xīnɡ yuè
  • the moon and the stars
  1. 威尔暗自感谢星月的光辉。

    A half-moon rose . Will was grateful for the light .

  2. 阿尔及利亚:星月只为:夺取胜利!

    Algeria-Star and crescent with one goal : Victory !

  3. 让高悬夜空的星月陪你一同忧伤

    Mourn with the moon and the stars up above

  4. 我们席地而坐,极目宽阔的河床和没有星月的夜空。

    We sit on the ground , looking into the distance of the wide riverbed and the night sky without stars .

  5. 2005年4月,陕西国际旅行卫生保健中心收治了1例从西安星月医院转诊来的重症肺炎支原体肺炎患者。为了提高对本病的认识,现将其临床特点分析如下。

    A severe foreigner case was cured by us April 2005 . Its clinical qualities here were showed to improve the understanding to the disease .

  6. 此时,惟有极乐净土的蜘蛛丝,依然细细的,闪着一缕银光,半短不长的,飘垂在没有星月的半空中。

    The severed end of the silver thread hung there , suspended from heaven , shining with its pale light in that moonless , starless sky .

  7. 风中之星:回归自然的手工家屋住在半透明网室里,以大地为枕、与星月共眠,在高楼林立的水泥丛林中,听来似乎遥不可及?

    Does it sound impossible that someone could live in a semi-transparent greenhouse , with the earth as their pillow and the stars as their companions , in the middle of the urban jungle ?

  8. 从本周开始,在中国新疆克拉玛依市,蓄留大胡子、戴里切克以及穿带有伊斯兰标志星月服装的人将禁止乘坐公交车。本周,一张在社交媒体上流传的图片显示,五种人士禁乘公交。

    Starting this week , people sporting long beards , headscarves or clothes bearing the Islamic symbol of a star and crescent moon won 't be permitted to board buses in one Chinese city .