
  • 网络United Federation of Planets;confederation
  1. 星际联邦基本上是被描述成了一个经济意义上的乌托邦,而这是由于生产力高度发展所造成的。

    The Federation has largely been portrayed as an economic utopia , a condition enabled by a state of abundance .

  2. 我是拉。这是星际联邦最困难的工作。

    This is the most difficult work of the Confederation .

  3. 我了解到星际联邦很长一段时间都没有返回。

    I understand that the Confederation did not come back for some time .

  4. 那么我假设星际联邦离开地球有一段时间。

    Then I assume the Confederation stayed away from Earth for a period of time .

  5. 我是拉。我是服务无限造化者的星际联邦的一个成员。

    Ra : I am one of the members of the Confederation of Planets in the Service of the Infinite Creator .