
  1. 将首辆火星车命名为祝融号,寓意点燃我国行星际探测的火种,指引人类对浩瀚星空、宇宙未知的接续探索和自我超越。

    The naming is intended to represent the rover 's symbolic adventure into the immense universe , and urge mankind to keep pursuing self-transcendence

  2. 旅行者2号的行星际探测,极大地丰富了我们对行星环的认识,给行星环动力学的研究带来了活力。

    The planetary encounter of Voyager 2 greatly enriches our knowledge of planetary ring systems , and challenges the study of ring dynamics .

  3. 该任务如果成功,这一技术上的飞跃将令印度在行星际探测领域超过空间对手中国和日本。

    The mission , if successful , would be a technological leap that would propel India ahead of space rivals China and Japan in the field of interplanetary exploration .

  4. 小卫星技术及系统在通信、遥感、科学研究、技术演示、星际探测与教育等方面有较大的应用前景。

    Micro-satellite technology and system has a good application outlook in communication , remote sensing , science research , technique demonstration , interstellar exploration , education , and so on .

  5. 由于在星际探测任务中,通常需要巨大的速度增量来实现轨道转移,因此具有高比冲的小推力推进系统在深空探测任务中的应用已经受到了广泛的关注。

    In interplanetary exploration missions , especially in outer planet exploration missions , the tremendous increment of velocity is needed to finish the transfers ; hence , the application of low-thrust propulsion system , which has high specific impulse , has been widely concerned .

  6. 阐述当今天体力学前沿课题中的几个热点问题:近地小行星与地球的交会及其动力演化,航天器定轨新手段中的星-星跟踪自主定轨方法以及星际探测中的轨道力学问题。

    This paper discussed some hotspots in the advanced field of celestial mechanics : asteroids encountering the earth and its dynamical evolvement , method of autonomy orbit determination with satellite-satellite tracking which is one of the latest methods and orbit dynamical problems in interplanetary probe .

  7. 星际监视探测人造卫星星际监视探测卫星

    Interplanetary monitoring probe satellite

  8. 更广阔的空间探索就此开始:“月球号”、“金星号”、“火星号”、“探测器号”以及其他行星际无人探测站被相继发射;

    Wide-scale exploration of space had begun : Luna , Venera , Mars , Zond and other automatic interplanetary stations were launched ;

  9. 随后通过对行星际空间探测任务补给品的研究,考虑空间任务的不确定因素以及不同类补给品的消耗速率、必要性优先级、老化和损耗等问题,建立了较为精确的空间后勤管理模型。

    Then through research to the supplies of interplanetary space exploration missions , considering the uncertainty of space missions as well as consumption rate of different types of supplies , necessity and priority issues , aging and loss , a more accurate supply-demand model was set up .

  10. 然后基于时间最优及燃料最优的原则对补给节点、分段运输轨道、运输停泊轨道进行优化设计,得到满足空间后勤要求的行星际空间探测轨道,建立了空间后勤补给轨道链网络。

    After that we based on the principles of time optimal and fuel optimal to design the supply nodes , staging transportation track , transportation parking orbit , obtained the interplanetary space exploration orbit which met the space logistics requirements , established the network of space logistics supply orbit chain .

  11. 你为什么不自己穿过星际之门去探测世界呢?

    Why do you not explore worlds through the Stargate yourself ?

  12. 特别是在航空航天领域,传统的推进系统已经无法完成行星探测和深空探测以及星际航行等空间探测任务,发展电推进系统是可行性方案之一。

    In particular , conventional thruster system cannot accomplish exploring planets , deep space and interstellar sail missions and so on . Developing the electric propulsion system may be a feasible method .

  13. 仿生跳跃机器人具有灵活性高,能适应各种复杂地形等优点,在星际探险、考古探测、交通运输及军事领域中具有广泛的应用前景。

    With the advantage of high flexibility and ability to adapt to different terrain , bionic frog jumping robot has broad application prospects in the interstellar adventure , archaeological exploration , transports and counter-terrorism activities .