
  • 网络The War of the Worlds;star wars;Planet Wars;Starscape;Battlenova
  1. 然而威尔斯自身不仅是《时间机器》和《星际战争》等小说的作者,而且希望成为一个严肃的社会和政治思想家、教育家。

    Yet Wells longed to be known not only as an author of novels such as The Time Machine and The War of the Worlds but also as a serious social and political thinker and as an educator .

  2. 比如早期科幻小说的代表作品——英国小说家赫伯特•乔治•威尔斯的《星际战争》(1897)。

    The typical early science fiction novel might be a UK novel like H.G. Wells " The War of the Worlds ( 1897 ) .

  3. 这套三部曲着力描写了两个强大的帝国之间的星际战争。

    These books are dedicated to the intergalactic war of two mighty empires .

  4. 这是一场中国戏剧、日本动画、法国女仆、野蛮人柯南以及星际战争的狂欢。

    The result was a riot of Chinese opera , Japanese anime , French maids , Conan the Barbarian and Star Wars .

  5. 喜欢星球大战的星际迷可以使用手机自带“摄像头”来充当星际战争的背景屏幕,以此重现星际大战中“战争飞船”“千年隼号”的辉煌。

    A new game for iPhone lets users take the controls of the Millennium Falcon and battle enemy spaceships using the phone 's built-in camera to create the backdrop .