
yǐn xínɡ rén
  • invisible man
  1. 隐形人和隐形刀

    The invisible man with the invisible knife .

  2. 拉尔夫在书的开头写道:每次回到“隐形人”,他都会在书中发现新的想法。

    He said that each time he returns to " Invisible Man " he finds new ideas in it .

  3. 42岁的刘勃麟于2006年第一次化身为隐形人。

    Mr. Liu , 42 , first went invisible in 2006 .

  4. 隐形人!我要你随时盛装打扮!

    Skinner ! I want you dressed at all times !

  5. 我是隐形人,我是隐形人。

    I 'm not here . I 'm not here .

  6. 隐形人要我们在这跟他会合。

    This is where Skinner signaled he 'd meet us .

  7. 猎人、科学家,连隐形人也有秘密。

    A hunter , scientist , even Skinner has stealth .

  8. 我似乎成了隐形人,从我们的谈话中被抽离。

    I became invisible and absent from the conversation .

  9. 如今,三十四岁的我显然成了隐形人。

    Now , at the age of thirty-four , I am apparently invisible .

  10. 当米兰达觉得自己像隐形人。我觉得自己太受瞩目了。

    While Miranda was feeling invisible , I was feeling far too visible .

  11. 贝莱塞叫他们“隐形人”

    Belansai calls them " the invisible people . "

  12. 他们在拘留所是隐形人;没有人再去留意他们的存在。

    They were invisible in the detention center ; nobody knew they existed anymore .

  13. 我大概做隐形人太久了。

    I was invisible for so long that .

  14. 他们在拘留所是隐形人;

    They were invisible in the detention center ;

  15. 没人能击败那么多隐形人,就算你有再好的装备也是一样不行。

    No one , however well-armed or trained , can defeat a half dozen Nightkin .

  16. 她的幻想是变成隐形人。

    Her fantasy is to become invisible .

  17. 对于小组、我、隐形人。

    The league , me , skinner .

  18. 阿曼达和我被称为“隐形人”

    Amanda and I were called invisibles --

  19. 你说他是隐形人,是不是指他的衣服也是看不见的?

    When you say he was invisible , does that mean his clothes were invisible too ?

  20. 你自己选择做隐形人的。

    You chose to be invisible .

  21. 好的,你不必停下来,我是隐形人,看不到。

    Okay , you don 't have to stop , I 'm invisible , I 'm not here .

  22. 而三年前,我学会做的一件事就是变成隐形人。

    And three years ago , one of the things I learned how to do was to become invisible .

  23. 就像是塔斯基吉校友拉尔夫·埃利森多年前写的一样,“你看起来如隐形人一般”。

    that you 're like the invisible man that Tuskegee grad Ralph Ellison wrote about all those years ago .

  24. 出品:华纳兄弟有时觉得自己像个隐形人,仿佛没有人能看得见我.

    I sometimes feel as if I 'm invisible , as if no one can see me at all .

  25. 《隐形人》改编自赫伯特·乔治·威尔斯的恐怖小说,用现代手法再现经典故事。

    An adaptation of the horror novel by H. G. Wells , " The Invisible Man " brings the tale to modern day .

  26. 难道他实际上是在一间有许多隐形人的房间里,而这面镜子的法术就是把他们都照出来,不管隐形的还是没有隐形的?

    Was he in fact in a room full of invisible people and this mirror 's trick was that itreflectedthem , invisible or not ?

  27. 尽管她能够在梳妆台的镜子中看到自己的模样,在家庭和社会中她却总是一个隐形人。

    Even though she could see herself in the mirror of the dressing table , she was never visible in the mirror of society .

  28. 一个护士冲进诊疗室喊道:“大夫,大夫,候诊室里有一个隐形人。”

    A nurse rushes into an exam room and says ," Doctor , doctor , there 's an invisible man in the waiting room . "

  29. 译者始终处于奴仆的这种从属地位,隐形人概念的提出,就是对译者地位的最好诠释。

    Translators are always in subordinate positions from the concept of " invisible person " which is the best interpretation of the translators ' status .

  30. 传统翻译观认为翻译是原文文本的衍生,不像原文文本一样具有创造性,译者也被视为隐形人。

    Translation has traditionally been viewed as a derivative activity , as opposed to the writing of originals , which is considered as a creative activity .