
  • 网络hidden champion;invisible champion;Hermann Simon
  1. 隐形冠军企业取得了很大成绩,但它们在21世纪仍然面临挑战。

    Hidden champions do many things right but they still face challenges in the 21st century .

  2. 在亚洲和其它地区的低成本国家彻底改变了制造业经济的10年里,这些隐形冠军令人奇怪的是甚至变得更为成功。

    In a decade in which low-cost countries in Asia and elsewhere have transformed the economics of manufacturing , these hidden champions have paradoxically become even more successful .

  3. 正是这一目标,推动着中德两国的隐形冠军企业家们。

    This is the aim that drives hidden-champion entrepreneurs in both China and Germany .

  4. 隐形冠军的市场垄断及其对我国中小企业的启示

    Market Monopoly of the Invisible Champion and its Enlightenment to Small Business Enterprises in China

  5. “隐形冠军”能够在所在市场中处于垄断地位,有其深刻的原因。

    There exist many reasons for the monopolization of " the recessive championship " in the market .

  6. 一家曾经的德国经济明星企业及‘隐形冠军’被中国人收购,将令人感到惊讶。

    There will be surprise that a former star of the German economy and a hidden champion has been taken over by the Chinese .

  7. 同样令人吃惊的是,中国已拥有远超100家的隐形冠军企业,可能高于法国、英国或日本等高度发达国家。

    It is also amazing that China already has well over 100 hidden champions , probably more than highly developed countries such as France , the UK or Japan .

  8. 专门研究小公司的管理咨询顾问赫尔曼西蒙表示:“隐形冠军企业面临的最大挑战在于,把自己从欧美企业转化为欧亚企业。”

    Hermann Simon , a management consultant who specialises in small companies , says : " the biggest challenge for hidden champions is to transform themselves from transatlantic companies into Eurasian ones . "