
  1. 煤体冲击地压防治的实践与认识

    The Practice and Recognition of Preventing the Seam Pressure Bump

  2. 急倾斜煤层冲击地压防治的可行性研究

    Feasible research on prevention of rock - burst in dip-slopping coal seam

  3. 激发地音在冲击地压防治中的应用

    Application of excited earth sound to prevention and cure of impact ground pressure

  4. 深孔爆破卸压技术在冲击地压防治中的应用

    Application of Deep-holt Pressure Technology in Combat Rockburst

  5. 因此,冲击地压防治的关键在于对煤岩体在不同应力状态下的破坏过程的分析基础上,通过降低应力、改变煤岩体能量释放模式等手段,达到控制破坏性冲击地压的目的。

    So the key of rock burst control is changing the stress state and the pattern of energy release .

  6. 跃进矿集中开采条件下冲击地压防治技术研究

    Study on the Prediction and Control Techniques of Rock Burst under Conditions of Centralized Exploitation in Yuejin Coal Mine

  7. 大采深厚煤层复杂条件下冲击地压防治技术

    Pressure bump prevention and control technology for use in thick coal seams under complicated geological conditions in deep mines

  8. 在多年冲击地压防治经验的基础上,结合新汶矿区的管理特点,建立了深部冲击地压安全开采技术管理体系,保证了新汶矿区深部煤层的安全开采。

    On the basis of experience of preventing and controlling pressure bump , linking administrative characteristic in Xinwen mining area , administrative system of safe mining technology under the pressure bump in depth was set up , and safe-mining the deep coal seam in Xinwen mining area was guaranteed .

  9. 矿井冲击地压综合防治途径研究

    Research on comprehensive prevention ways and control of mine impact geological pressure

  10. 易自燃特厚煤层冲击地压的防治

    Prevention and Control of Shock Bump in inflammable Extra-thick Seam

  11. 深井开采冲击地压与防治

    Rock Burst under Control in Deep Mining

  12. 平顶山四矿井底大巷冲击地压的防治实践

    Practices on Prevention and Control of Rock Bumping in Mine Shaft Bottom Roadway of Pingdingshan No.4 Mine

  13. 浅谈综放工作面冲击地压的综合防治

    Discussion on Comprehensive Prevention of Rock Burst on Roof Caving Working Face

  14. 工作面冲击地压成因及其防治

    Causes and Preventing Measures of Lashing Pressure of Coal Face

  15. 我国冲击地压预测和防治

    Forecast and Prevention of Rockburst in China

  16. 阜新矿区瓦斯煤层冲击地压监测与防治方法研究

    Study on Monitoring and Prevention Method of Gas Coal Seam Rockburst in Fuxin Mine District

  17. 冲击地压预测和防治是当前的一项重要科研课题和任务。

    The forecasting and prevention of impact pressure is an important task of scientific research .

  18. 在综合考虑阜新矿区各矿地质条件和瓦斯影响的情况下,建立了阜新矿区瓦斯煤层冲击地压监测与防治方案。

    In condition of synthetically taking into account the affect of gas and geology to the coal seam rockburst , a plan of gas coal seam rockburst monitoring and prevention for Fuxin Mine District was set up .

  19. 该部分研究成果使冲击地压的预测和防治建立在更加坚实的力学基础之上。

    This part of research results provides a sound mechanical foundation for rockburst prediction and treatment .

  20. 本文利用混沌动力学的方法对顶板系统的失稳规律进行了定量分析,为冲击地压的研究提供新的思路和方法,为冲击地压的预测与防治提供一定的理论基础。

    This paper quantitatively analysis instability criterion of the burst hazard in chaos dynamics theory , presents the new research thinking and method , and provides the theory foundation for rock bust prevention and cure .

  21. 近年来随着煤矿采深的增加,出现冲击地压显现的矿井明显增多,给矿井生产和安全带来了极大的威胁,因而有必要对冲击地压的防治进行深入研究。

    In recent years , with the excavation depth of coal mining increasing , the mine numbers of rock burst occurrence also increase obviously , which greatly threaten the mine production and safety , so it is necessary to research these prevention measures deeply .