
  • 网络flushing water;sparge water
  1. 鼓型滤网主要由鼓骨架、主轴装配、驱动装置、冲洗水系统、润滑系统、密封系统、操作平台、电气控制装置、阴极保护防腐装置等组成。

    Drum filter drum skeleton from the main spindle assembly , device drivers , flushing water systems , lubrication system , a closed system , operating platforms , the electrical control devices , anti-corrosion cathodic protection devices and so on .

  2. 介绍了对PVC生产过程中产生的母液水、蒸汽冷凝水、轴封水、废水与冲洗水的回收利用工作及取得的经济效益。

    The reutilization of water in PVC production were introduced , including mother liquid ; steam condensate , seal water ; waste water and wash water .

  3. 针对以粪便冲洗水为主的船舶生活污水中含有大量悬浮物的特点,提出了测定此类污水中COD时分析条件的控制方法。

    Considering the fact that domestic sewage composed of fecal water contains lots of suspended substance , control methods for analysis conditions are put forward for determination of COD in fecal sewage .

  4. PAM在滤池反冲洗水回用中混凝效果的试验研究

    Experimental research into coagulation effect of PAM in recycling filter backwash water Test and Analysis on Turbidity Degree of Backwash Water to Filtering Media during the Plain Sedimentation and Coagulation Sedimentation

  5. 通过增加延时器和改造滤芯,减少了粉料回收过滤器的清洗频率及冲洗水用量,从而使ABS装置得以安全、平稳、经济的运行。

    By adding time delayer and modifying the filter element , the cleaning frequency and the cleaning water usage for the powder recovery filter are reduced , and thus safe , stable and economic operation of ABS Plant are ensured .

  6. 冷凝液泵机封冲洗水系统技术改造

    Technical revamp of the washing water system for condensate pump seal

  7. 此外,笔者还分析了加喷冲洗水的作用机理。

    Morever , the authors analyse the mechanism of the washing water .

  8. 大中型猪场冲洗水厌氧发酵后农业资源化途径

    Agricultural utilization methods for anaerobic fermentation slurry of large or medium hogpen

  9. 在使用前,请确认你已经认真仔细地冲洗水的供应线路。

    Be sure you have thoroughly flushed water supply lines before using .

  10. 冲洗水要均匀地分布在整个滤料平面上。

    C.flushing water shall be distributed uniformly across the whole filter surface .

  11. 此外,还介绍了车间冲洗水和精馏残渣的治理。

    The disposal of flushing wated and rectification residue is also described .

  12. 净水厂滤池反冲洗水的回收利用

    On recycling filter - washing water in water plant

  13. 技术孵化中心(技孵中心)水厂澄清池排泥水和滤池反冲洗水处理工艺设计

    Technology Incubation Centre Treatment Design of Waterworks Clarifier Sludge and Filter Backwash Water

  14. 净水厂直接回收滤池反冲洗水的工艺研究

    Study on direct recovery of backwash water of filters

  15. 丝光冲洗水可用作配制洗涤液氯漂白液。

    Mercerizing wash waters can be used to prepare scour , chlorine bleach .

  16. 锥角的搭配对加冲洗水圆柱型旋流器分级行为的影响

    Effects of the cone angle matching on the classification performance of water-injected cylindrical Hydrocyclone

  17. 不同底流区域加喷冲洗水对圆柱形旋流器分级行为的影响

    Effect of different water - injected underflow zones on classification performance of cylindrical Hydrocyclone

  18. 养猪场废水主要是猪的排泄物和猪舍冲洗水的混合物。

    Test study on integrated treatment of manure and wastewater for large scale pig farm ;

  19. 冲洗水节流孔孔径计算的探讨

    Discussion of Wash Water Orifice Size Calculation

  20. 净水厂滤池反冲洗水回用的贾第鞭毛虫和隐孢子虫的泄漏问题研究

    Study on giardia and cryptosporidium leak for recycling filter backwash water in a water treatment plant

  21. 建议设计滤池冲洗水强度时,以表层砂孔隙比达到0.74为准。

    Washing power is obtained under the condition that the porosity ratio of the dirtiest top layer sand reaches 0.74 .

  22. 介绍国外膜技术在生产饮水及反冲洗水回收中的应用进展。

    The foreign progress in the application of membrane technology to drinking water production and backwash water reuse is reported .

  23. 叙述了冲洗水、给矿浓度、床面倾角、床面冲程及给矿量对摇床选别的影响。

    The influence of wash water , feed pulp density , deck slope , deck amplitude and mass feed are reported .

  24. 让清洗的水池表面的污泥来带出滤池,冲洗水要迅速彻底地排出池外。

    Flushing water shall be quickly and thoroughly discharged out of the pond to let flushing water bring the mus out ;

  25. 两种联合使用的清洁装置是吹灰器和高压冲洗水,它们都位于热交换器的进口侧并和热交换器一道一同供货的。

    Two combined cleaning device soot blowers and high-pressure wash located in the untreated gas inlet integral to the GGH are provided .

  26. 通过对新开河水厂排水工艺的深入分析,进行了滤池反冲洗水回用的试验研究。

    Experimental researches on the reuse of filter backwashing water are carried through by giving a thorough analysis to the drainage technology in Xinkaihe Waterworks .

  27. 精矿卸矿采用刮板卸矿,较传统冲洗水卸矿方式相比节水效果显著。

    Concentrated ore can be unloaded by a drawing template , so that the water-saving effect is remarkable compared with the traditional rinse water ore unloading way .

  28. 螺旋溜槽的螺旋槽横截面曲线为立方抛物线,在分选过程中间不截取精矿,也不加冲洗水。

    The spiral chute has spiral segments with cubic-parabolic cross section , and during its operation neither mid-way cut-off of the concentrate nor adding of wash-water are needed .

  29. 所述的底罩位于臀部成下凹漏斗状结构,并在漏斗最低位开设有排水口,方便冲洗水等集中排出。

    The bottom casing is in downward hopper structure at breech , provided with a spout at the lowest portion of the hopper , to discharge washing liquid concentrated .

  30. 建设,将利用太阳能加热游泳池及内部地区,以及所有反冲洗水是过滤和返回到游泳池。

    The building will use solar energy to heat the pools and the interior area , and all backwash water is to be filtered and returned to the swimming pools .