
  • Impulse discharge voltage;【电工】impulse sparkover voltage
  1. 棒-板间隙50%冲击放电电压气压影响特征指数n与极性有关。

    The air pressure influence characteristic index n of the 50 % impulse discharge voltage correlates with the discharge voltage polarity .

  2. 清洁雾有助于提高空气间隙的放电电压,特别是雷电冲击放电电压;

    Clean fog will cause a significant increase of the breakdown voltage for AC particularly for lightning impulse voltage .

  3. 盐雾对冲击放电电压也有提高,但却使交流放电电压有所降低;

    Salt-water fog also cause an increase of impulse flashover voltage but a slight decrease of AC flashover voltage .

  4. 自然湿度对高原地区雷电冲击放电电压的影响与平原地区的差别和它们之间等价关系的研究

    Stuby on the Effects of the Humidity on Lightering Impulse Flashover Voltage in Plateau as well as in Plain Areas

  5. 讨论不同海拔高度下操作冲击放电电压的校正方法,并给出海拔校正系数;

    The correction method of switching impulse flashover voltage under high altitude was discussed and the altitude correction coefficient was given .

  6. 对加权平均法和最大似然法进行了分析和比较,认为这两种方法均适用于冲击放电电压的数据处理。

    The weighted mean method and maximum likelihood method are analyzed and compared with each other . The conclusion skows both methods are suited for processing data of impulse discharge voltage .

  7. 最好的引弧间隙应遵守以下原则:1.装引弧间隙的绝缘子串的最小冲击放电电压不应低于无间隙时的80%;

    The best arcing horn must conform with the following principles : 1 . The minimum impulse flash-over voltage of the string with an arcing horn should not be lower than 80 % of that of the string without a horn ;

  8. 论文研究表明:雨水电导率、平均降雨强度、气温对棒-板空气间隙正极性操作冲击50%放电电压均有影响。

    The man conclusions in the paper are as follows : The rain conductivity , the average rain intensity and the air temperature have influences on 50 % breakdown voltage .

  9. 1m棒-板空气间隙正极性操作冲击放电特性及电压校正

    Positive Polarity Switching Impulse Discharge Performance and Voltage Correction of 1m Rod-plane Air Gap

  10. 同时还取得了模拟实际线路长空气间隙(1&5米)的操作冲击波50%放电电压值。

    50 % lightning impulse voltage ; and 50 % switching impulse FOV of long air gaps ( 1-5m ) on the simulating tower .