
chōnɡ lànɡ zhě
  • surfer
  1. 五十岚的朋友,葡萄牙冲浪者TeresaBonvalot也参加了奥运会。

    Igarishi 's friend , Portuguese surfer Teresa Bonvalot , is also competing in the Olympics .

  2. 该岛是通常被认为是最好的巴西提供的冲浪者,包括一个巨大的一致性和,如Santinho和莫桑比克波,种类繁多的祝福。

    The island is generally considered to be blessed with the best Brazil has to offer to a surfer , including a great consistency and a huge variety of waves , such as Santinho and Mocambique .

  3. 冲浪者大批集聚到海滩去冲浪。

    Surfers flocked to the beach to ride the waves .

  4. 火山冲浪者一边试图躲避飞石,一边逃离爆发的火山!

    Volcano surfers try to escape the erupting volcano — without getting hit by flying rocks !

  5. 夏威夷的海浪吸引着世界各地的冲浪者前来。

    The wave for Hawaii beckon surfers from all around the world .

  6. 冲浪者们顺着浪头冲向岸边

    The surfers were riding in towards the beach on the crests of the waves .

  7. 它给web冲浪者扔下路障、错误信息还有太多的弹出窗口。

    It threw up road blocks , error messages , and way too many pop-up windows for web surfers .

  8. 今年,根茎网组织了一个名为“职业冲浪者”(ProfessionalSurfer)的网上团体展览,取材于平常的网页书签功能,把它作为一项艺术加以展示。

    This year , Rhizome organized an online group show called'Professional Surfer'that took the prosaic idea of bookmarking Web pages and posited it as art .

  9. 精于时尚的网络冲浪者,在书签夹里放满了时尚博客,里面都是令人耳目一新的观点和狂热崇拜者,而时尚明星都聚首在时尚交际网站iqons。

    Fashion-savvy web surfers have a bookmark folder full of fashion blogs packed with refreshing opinions and cult followings , while style stars are hooking up on fashion networking site iqons .

  10. 有关于勇敢的当地冲浪者的传说和故事。

    There are numerous legends and stories about courageous local surfers .

  11. 为了赶上清晨的波浪冲浪者们很早就要动身。

    The surfers come out early to catch the morning waves .

  12. 这一海滩因其卷浪而深受冲浪者的喜爱。

    The beach is very popular with surfers because of the rollers .

  13. 冲浪者寻找在邦迪海滩一个好的地点。

    Surfers look for a good spot at Bondi Beach .

  14. 第一个冲浪者:小子,那是我最好的一块冲浪板。

    First surfer dude : dude , that was my best board .

  15. 冲浪者不必爬上浪形成的山。

    Surfers don 't need to climb their watery hills .

  16. 五十岚是一名日裔美国冲浪者,代表日本参赛。

    Kanoa Igarashi is a Japanese-American surfer competing for Japan .

  17. 在亨廷顿海滩,冲浪者们追逐浪花已经将近一个世纪,

    At Huntington Beach , they have been surfing for almost a century ,

  18. 冲浪者们选择把他们冲得最波浪。

    Surfers choose the waves that carry them farthest .

  19. 她是这个国家年纪最小的冲浪者。

    She 's the youngest surfer in the country .

  20. 在某人遭鲨鱼攻击后,冲浪者停止一切活动。

    The surfer call it quits after one is nip by a shark .

  21. 冲浪者昨天在海里冲浪。

    The surfer surfed in the sea yesterday .

  22. 我没看到很多冲浪者能够站起来冲浪的。

    I don 't see a lot of surfers can stand up and surf .

  23. 官员们认为,受袭击最严重的地方是最受冲浪者欢迎的。

    The area that officials think got hit the hardest is popular for surfing .

  24. 沙滩上正准备出发的冲浪者。

    Surfers on main beach , heading out .

  25. 通常,网上冲浪者通过单击链接来获取更多的信息。

    Typically , people surf the Web by clicking on links to get more information .

  26. 冲浪者就是同海洋不可预知的运动进行交互。

    Yet , some live for interacting with its unpredictable motions ; they are surfers .

  27. 海岸警卫队从俄勒冈州海岸边的一个波涛汹涌的水域里把四个冲浪者空运了出来。

    The Coast Guard air lifts four surfers from the choppy waters off the Oregon coast .

  28. 这里的海水比大西洋的要温暖得多,游泳者和冲浪者蜂拥而至。

    The water here is warmer than the Atlantic and draws swimmers and surfers in droves .

  29. 你看到那些冲浪者了吗?

    You see those surfers there ?

  30. 注意实际上波浪高于人?那是冲浪者天堂。

    Notice the wave is actually higher than a person ? That why it is surfers paradise .