
  1. 在确定预警条件下,人防工程防常规武器防护效率的计算公式与抗核武器防护效率的计算公式有相同的形式,本文仍以人员生存率提高幅度来表示。

    The form of equation for calculating protective efficiency of resistance of civil defence object to conventional weapons is similar to that for nuclear weapons , it is expressed by the enhancement of personal survival probability .

  2. 他们添置了紧急储物柜,里面装满能长期保存的食物,并储存汽油、武器、甚至避孕套。有的人已找到秘密而偏僻的隐匿处,准备好在15分钟内可以逃走的拖车、核武器和化学武器防护衣、甚至还有可充气使用的独木舟。

    They have built emergency store cupboards filled with food with a long shelf life , are stock piling petrol , weapons , and even condoms , have secret remote hideaways , getaway trailers ready to escape in 15 minutes , nuclear and chemical weapon suits and even an inflatable canoe .