
  • 网络kernel;Kernel Method;Kernal method
  1. 基于核方法和主成分分析(PCA)的探地雷达目标特征提取新方法

    A New GPR Target Feature Extraction Method Based on Kernel method and PCA

  2. 为了解决核方法和无监督鉴别投影(UDP)存在的问题,提出了一种核监督鉴别投影分析方法。

    To address the problems kernel method and UDP caused , a novel method called kernel supervised discriminant projection analysis is presented .

  3. 探讨术中应用前囊连续环行撕囊(CCC)后的娩核方法。

    To explore the method of nucleus delivery after Continuous Circular Capsularhexis ( CCC ) .

  4. 本文还提出了多块的核方法中块SPE与块T2统计量的定义,以此来进行故障诊断。

    In particular , definitions of nonlinear block contributions to SPE and T2 statistics are proposed in order to diagnose nonlinear faults .

  5. 借助该性质的思想,运用扰动核方法和Fourier截断方法我们研究了高阶数值微分和一个二维逆热传导问题。

    Following the idea of the property , we employ a method of perturbing kernel and a Fourier truncation method for high order numerical differentiation and a two-dimensional inverse heat conduction problem .

  6. 采用边界奇异核方法对EFG形函数进行修正,直接施加本质边界条件。

    Boundary singular kernel method is adopted to modify EFG shape function to impose essential boundary conditions directly .

  7. 就SVM的核方法在经济预警系统中的应用进行了分析,包括支持向量回归、支持向量时间序列预测方法和核主成分分析(KPCA)多指标综合评价方法,并给出了数据实验。

    Analyze the application of kernel function in SVM including support vector regression ( SVR ), kernel time series prediction and kernel principal component analysis ( KPCA ) comprehensive evaluation model .

  8. 针对这一问题,本文引入了核方法,分析研究了核方法的所有主要的成分;然后将核方法与PCA方法结合,降低高光谱图像的维数。

    Aiming at this problem , this paper proposes kernel method and studies all its primary components . Then , we combine kernel method and principal component analysis to reduce the dimensionality of the hyperspectral image .

  9. 本文首先从Hopfield联想记忆模型出发,通过在传统的自联想记忆模型中引入机器学习中颇具影响力的核方法,构建了一类统一的核自联想记忆模型框架。

    In this thesis , based on Hopfield associative memory model , the author proposes a framework of kernel auto-association memory models by using the kernel trick to directly modify its recall ( update ) rules .

  10. 这样我们就把核方法与支持张量机结合起来提出来用于两类分类的核支持张量机算法(KernelSupportTensorMachine,简称KSTM),并用实验验证了它具有比支持向量机更好的泛化性能。

    Combining kernel method with support tensor machine , we propose a new algorithm named kernel support tensor machine ( KSTM ) which has a better generalization performance than traditional support vector machine according to the results of experiments . 2 .

  11. 针对HU利用差别矩阵求解粗糙集中的核方法的错误,叶东毅提出了新的差别矩阵及其求核方法,但计算代价高。

    In order to correct the error of HU'method based on discernibility matrix for computing the core of a decision table , Ye Dong-yi proposes new discernibility matrix and the computation of a core , but the complexity is too high .

  12. 本文以此为出发点,提出了两种新的远距同源检测方法:1)通过分析局部比对核算法,提出了基于片段对的局部比对核方法DLA(DivideLocalAlignment)。

    Aiming at it , this thesis presents two methods for remote homology detection : 1 ) A local alignment kernel method based on segment pair which named DLA ( Divide Local Alignment ) is proposed in this thesis by analyzing the theory of local alignment kernel .

  13. 其主要思想是通过引入线性变换矩阵来近似经典的局部线性嵌入(LLE),然后通过核方法的技巧在高维空间里求解。

    The main idea is to approximate the classical local linear embedding ( LLE ) by introducing a linear transformation matrix and then find the solution in a very high dimensional space by kernel trick .

  14. 通过实验可以发现,该算法可以对图像中的人脸进行比较精确的定位。其次,从保留图像信息的角度考虑,本文提出并验证了一种基于核方法的AAM拟合算法。

    Through experiments it can be found that the program will be more precise to the face image location . Secondly , with the consideration of preserving image information , the article comes up with the AAM fitting algorithm based on kernel methods .

  15. 在Reuters-21578文档集上将离散核方法与多项式核、高斯核方法进行比较,实验结果表明该文所提方法在简化分类方法的同时也可以提高分类的精度。

    Compared with the Gauss kernel and polynomial kernel method on Reuters-21578 text dataset , numerically experimental results manifest that the new method is efficient and effective .

  16. 针对动态野点数据检测过程中可能存在的优化规模过大的问题,提出了一种基于核方法的实时野点检测方法:KROD。

    Aiming at the problem of large optimization size in dynamic outlier detection , this paper proposes a Kernel-based Real-time Outlier Detection ( KROD ) method .

  17. 文中提出了一种基于核方法的彩色图像量化算法&KCIQ,KCIQ使用核函数将低维输入空间的样本向高维特征空间映射,使得非线性问题变为线性问题。

    This paper introduced a KCIQ ( Kernel Color Image Quantization ) algorithm based on K-means clustering . By using kernel method , data from low-dimensional input space can be mapped to ( high-dimensional ) feature space , so that no-linear problem may become linear one in feature space .

  18. 小鼠卵母细胞透明带膨胀辅助去核方法的研究

    Study of zona pellucida dilating assisted method for mouse oocyte enucleation

  19. 基于稀疏特征空间的核方法建模研究

    Study of Modeling Based on Kernel Method in Sparse Feature Space

  20. 提出一种基于核方法的区间数模糊聚类算法。

    A kernel-based fuzzy clustering algorithm for interval number is presented .

  21. 基于模糊支持向量机和核方法的目标检测方法研究

    Study of Object Detection Based on FSVM and Kernel Methods

  22. 基于核方法的智能综合评价框架系统建造方法

    Design of frame system for intelligent comprehensive evaluation based on kernel method

  23. 用核方法研究β-氧化铝陶瓷

    A study of beta - alumina ceramics by nuclear reactions

  24. 用综合核方法求解中子输运临界问题的误差分析

    Error analysis of solving neutron transport criticality problems using synthetic kernel method

  25. 核方法与流形学习在心电识别中的研究

    Research of kernel method and manifold learning for ECG recognition

  26. 基数比较法&高效的信息表求核方法

    Comparing radix method-efficient approach to compute core of information table

  27. 不同注核方法对克隆效率的影响。

    The effect of different injection methods on efficiency of cloned mice .

  28. 核方法是一种有效的分类方法。

    Kernel methods are an efficient kind of classification methods .

  29. 求解一些奇异微分方程的再生核方法

    Reproducing Kernel Methods for Solving Some Singular Differential Equations

  30. 牛卵母细胞显微操作机械去核方法的比较

    Comparison of micromanipulation mechanical enucleation methods of bovine oocytes