
hé diǎn
  • epipole
核点[hé diǎn]
  1. 再用较少已测点的原始数据,逼近GPS水准网中较多检核点的高程异常值。

    Then , use few known point of original data to approximate the large number of check point in GPS network .

  2. 多核点型和核膜型ANA的检测有助于AMA阴性PBC的诊断。

    Multiple nuclear dots and nuclear member antinuclear antibodies may be helpful for diagnosing PBC patients without AMA .

  3. 自身抗原核点蛋白Sp100基因克隆和真核表达

    Gene cloning and fusion expression of human autoantigen Sp100 in yeasts

  4. PBC患者的AMA-M2抗体均为阳性,ANA阳性32例占62.7%。ANA的主要荧光模式为核膜型和核点型。

    Of 51 PBC cases , AMA-M2 positive rate was 100 % , ANA positive rate was 62.7 % ( 32 / 51 ), Nuclear membrane and nuclear dots were two main fluorescent patterns of ANA .

  5. 对结晶聚合物而言,球晶可以作为气泡的异相成核点,诱发气泡异相成核。

    For crystalline polymer , spherulites can act as heterogeneous nucleation agent .

  6. 压电陶瓷非线性断裂的再生核点法分析

    Analysis to Nonlinear Fracture for Piezoelectric Ceramics with Reproducing Kernel Particle Method

  7. 提高搅拌速度与引入微粉异相成核点可从改善气泡成核的角度来控制泡沫孔径。

    Stirring speed 's increase and adding micropowder may affect cell size by improving bubble nucleating .

  8. 给出了表述油品界面处于管道某特殊点时全线压能平衡方程和各校核点动压的通用计算公式。

    The energy balance equation of pipeline and the synthetic dynamic pressure equation of the critical points in the pipeline were proposed .

  9. 一旦包含近晶有序体的熔体被原位注塑到模腔中,幸存下来的近晶有序结构为β晶的生长提供了成核点。

    Once the melt containing smectic ordering was injected into the mould cavity , survived smectic orderings provide nucleating sites for the growth of β - crystal .

  10. 当一个气泡从成核点释放出来后,它会一边奔向表面,一边不断成长(参见上页中图)。

    AFTER A BUBBLE is released from its nucleation site , it grows as it makes its way to the surface [ see middle illustration at left ] .

  11. 结果显示石墨烯表面基团不仅可作为纳米颗粒的成核点,还可起到稳定石墨烯-纳米颗粒复合材料的作用。

    The results demonstrated that the surface groups on the reduction graphene could serve as nuclear sites for the formation of various nanoparticles and made the graphene-based composite stable .

  12. 然后,将模糊集理论引入正常类的类属划分中,利用核点和核半径定义正常类的隶属度函数,建立基于隶属度函数的分类函数或分类器。

    By introducing fuzzy set theory to partition normal class space , classification function or classifier based on membership function of normal class defined using core points and core radii are constructed .

  13. 同时,假设断裂成核点随机分布于样品中,依据统计原理导出了一组完备的方程组,由此从理论上给出了碎片的数目及其大小分布关系式。

    With the assumption that the sites of fracture nucleation are randomly distributed in the sample , we deduce out a set of enclosed equations for predicting the fragment number and size distribution .

  14. 与未处理的样品相比,沉积碳更易在W离子注入后的基底表面找到适合的成核生长点,避免被重新蒸发。

    Compared to the untreated sample , the adsorbed carbon atoms can more easily find suitable nucleation sites on the W-implanted substrate so as to be protected from re-evaporation .

  15. 优化时间步长的数值方法解核反应堆点动态学方程

    Solving Point Reactor Kinetic Equations by Time Step-Size Adaptable Numerical Methods

  16. 脑深部刺激术中丘脑底核靶点定位方法探讨

    The method for subthalamic nucleus targeting in deep brain stimulation

  17. 裂变核鞍点有效转动惯量的计算

    Calculation of the effective moment of inertia of fissioning nuclei at saddle point

  18. 拉斯穆斯说世界可能位于一个“核引爆点”。

    He said that the world may be at a " nuclear tipping point " .

  19. 针对核反应堆点堆动态非线性模型,提出了一种非线性状态反馈的中子通量密度恒值控制的新方法。

    According to the nonlinear dynamic model of a nuclear reactor , a new constant neutron flux density control method based on nonlinear state feedback is presented .

  20. 通过图像处理及分析,得到了气泡直径、核化点密度以及气泡脱离频率的数据,分析了在强化表面上沸腾传热的强化机理。

    Data of the diameter of the bubble , the nucleation site density and the bubble departure frequency are acquired by the image processing . The boiling heat transfer enhancement mechanisms on the enhanced surface are analyzed based on the image processing results .

  21. 在22个核武器制造点工作的多达3万名工人可能会失业。

    As many as 30,000 workers at 22 nuclear weapons sites stand to lose their jobs .

  22. 本文对NA样本,在一定条件下,研究了非参数回归函数导数核估计逐点强相合及一致强相合的收敛速度。

    For negative associated dependent samples , we discuss strongly consistency rate for differential estimation of nonparametric regression function under suitable condition .

  23. 空穴传输材料对CdSe核壳量子点的荧光影响

    Effect of Hole Transporting Materials on Photoluminescence of CdSe Core / Shell Quantum Dots

  24. 尾状核接受多点移植的动物中,移植物的体积较小,DA细胞的含量也较少。

    In animals with multi-focal implantation in the caudate necleus , the grafts seemed to be smaller in size and contain fewer DA neurons .

  25. 低强度飞秒激光激发下CdTe和CdTe/CdS核壳量子点的荧光上转换研究

    Up-conversion luminescence of CdTe and CdTe / CdS quantum dots excited by femtosecond laser of low intensity

  26. 由于逐步回归分析筛选核函数中心点的计算繁琐,文中提出根据分形理论和Shannon取样定理来确定核函数中心点。

    For complication of central points of the kernel functions through regression analysis , it is advised that the central points are determined by fractal theory and Shannon 's theorem .

  27. 本论文主要包含以下研究工作:(1)液体石蜡中合成高质量的CdSe量子点,并进一步在CdSe量子点表面包覆ZnSe/ZnS壳层,制备得到高质量的油溶性核壳量子点。

    In this dissertation , the following studies were conducted : ( 1 ) High quality CdSe quantum dots were synthesized in liquid paraffin , and coated with ZnSe / ZnS shell on the CdSe cores .

  28. 核物质饱和点的对称能与208Pb的中子皮厚度近似呈线性关系。

    For all effective interactions , a linear relation between the symmetry energy at saturation point and the neutron skin thickness for 208 Pb is observed .

  29. 包含游离核的合点端胚乳部分形成几个裂片。

    The chalazal parts of the endosperm containing free nuclei forms several lobes .

  30. 蔗糖溶液成核起晶点临界尺寸的研究

    Study on Threshold Size of Sucrose nuclei