
  • 网络Institute of Nuclear Physics;IKP
  1. 为此,匈牙利核物理研究所(InstituteforNuclearPhysics)的奥蒂洛•克劳斯瑙霍尔考伊(AttilaKrasznahorkay)用质子轰击锂同位素,产生了不稳定的铍原子核。

    To this end , Attila Krasznahorkay at Hungary 's Institute for Nuclear Physics , fired protons at lithium isotopes , which produced unstable beryllium nuclei .

  2. 管理格朗萨索实验室的意大利核物理研究所[ItalianInstituteforNuclearPhysics(INFN)]重新检查了过去的数据,再次确认了早先的结果。

    The Italian Institute for Nuclear Physics ( INFN ), which runs the Gran Sasso lab , has just confirmed the earlier result based on a re-examination of the old data .

  3. 他现在领导德国科隆大学原子核物理研究所。

    He now leads the Institute for Nuclear Physics at the University of Cologne in Germany .

  4. 中国工程物理研究院核物理与化学研究所原工作地点(老点)存在两个放射性废物库5371和5372。

    There are waste vault 537 1 and vault 537 2 in former address of Institute of Nuclear physics and Chemistry , China Academy of Engineering Physics .

  5. 介绍了中子散射谱仪用的中子垂直聚焦单色器的基本原理,描述了安装在中国工程物理研究院核物理与化学研究所的中子衍射谱仪的中子垂直聚焦单色器的调节方法。

    The article introduces the basic principle of the vertically focused monochromator used in neutron scattering spectrometer which has been installed in Institute of Nucleus Physics and Chemistry as well as the adjustment method of the monochromator .