
  • 网络Confidence Interval;confidence interval, CI
  1. 循证医学中统计结果的准确表达:P值与可信区间

    The Right Way of Presentation of Statistical Results in EBM : P Values and Confidence Interval

  2. 瓣环直径较正常值平均扩大(3.6±3.3)mm,其中10例(62.5%)大于正常值95%可信区间的上限。

    The diameter of neo-pulmonary valve annulus and root in 95 % confidence interval for normal values were in 10 cases ( 62.5 % ) and 9 cases ( 56.25 % ) respectively .

  3. CT蜗神经管平均直径为(2.20±0.30)mm,直径的正常参考值为(2.08~2.23)mm(95%可信区间)。

    The value of the diameter of cochlea nerve canal was in the range of 2.08 - 2.23 mm .

  4. 统计的结果应同时报告P值与可信区间,并为循证医学提供有效证据。

    The right way of presentation of study results should include both P values and confidence intervals , and it will help to provide valid evidences for EBM .

  5. 隐函数Delta法调整人群归因危险度可信区间的估计及其应用

    Estimating the Confidence Intervals of the Adjusted Population Attributable Risk ( PAR ) and its Application through the Implicit Delta Method

  6. 比值比(OR)及其95%可信区间(CI)由logistic回归模型计算。

    The odds ratios ( ORs ) and 95 % confidence intervals ( CIs ) were computed by logistic regression .

  7. 标准误和可信区间的Bootstrap法及其计算机实现

    Bootstrap Methods for Standard Error , Confidence Intervals and Their Computer Practices

  8. 总确定校正发病率为0.40/10万/年〔95%可信区间(CI)为0.37~0.42〕。

    The total ascertainment corrected incidence was 0.40/100 000 / yr ( 95 % CI : 0.37 ~ 0.42 ) .

  9. Bootstrap估计标准化率及其可信区间

    Bootstrap method estimates standardize rate and confidence intervals

  10. 计算模型中参数的OR值及95%可信区间(Confidenceinterval,C.I.)。

    Parameters ' OR value in the calculation model and 95 % CI ( Confidence interval , CI ) .

  11. 如果以基因型Wt/Wt基因型的危险度(OddsRatio,OR)为1,则基因型Wt/M2的OR为3.21,95%的可信区间为(1.33~7.76);

    If the Odds ratio ( OR ) for Wt / Wt was 1 , OR for genotype Wt / M2 was 3.21 ( 95 % CI : 1.33 - 7.76 );

  12. 结果PVP手术与邻近椎体骨折之间呈现出一定的相关性,合并OR值约为2.09,95%可信区间(1.1&4.25);

    RESULT Associativity between PVP and adjacent vertebral fracture was confirmed , with OR 2.09 , 95 % CI ( 1.1-4.25 ) .

  13. STT关节深度为(13.83±0.30)mm,95%的可信区间为13.22~14.45mm。

    The depth of STT joint was ( 13.83 ± 0.30 ) mm . Its 95 % CI was 13.22 ~ 14.45 mm .

  14. 注意在随机效应的Meta分析的可信区间不同研究间是不确定的,因为它们的平均效应是不同的;

    Note that the confidence interval from a random effects meta-analysis describes uncertainty in the location of the mean of systematically different effects in the different studies .

  15. 方法在双正态模型基础下应用ML估计方法计算ROC曲线下面积,正态近似法估计面积的可信区间及假设检验。

    Methods On the basis of binormal model , maximum likelihood estimation was applied to areas calculation , and approximately normal method to confidence interval estimation and hypothesis test .

  16. 多因素分析显示:MTHFR基因TT基因型,高血压,糖尿病和肥胖均与心梗相关,TT基因型的比值比为205(95%可信区间105~390)。

    Multiple logistic analysis showed that together with hypertension , diabetes mellitus and obesity , MTHFR TT genotype is in association with myocardial infarction .

  17. 治疗效应的测量,对于二分变量使用相对危险度(RR)及其95%可信区间进行综合表示。

    For the treatment effects measurement , the relative risk ( RR ) and95 % confidence interval were used for dichotomous variables and comprehensive representation .

  18. 使用非条件logistic回归分析,调整可能的混杂因素,估计吸烟及环境烟草烟雾暴露对膀胱癌发生的比数比和95%可信区间。

    Unconditional logistic regression models were used in the analysis to adjust potential confounding factors and to obtain maximum likelihood estimates of the odds ratios ( ORs ) and 95 % confidence intervals ( CIs ) .

  19. 培养细胞群鉴定心肌细胞纯度为94.1%,活细胞比例95.3%,95%可信区间(CI)为91.6%~99.0%。

    The purity of myocardial cells in culture cell population was 94.13 % , the ratio of viable myocardial cells was 95.3 % , and 95 % CI was 91.6 % - 99 % .

  20. 多因素应用Logistic回归分析,计算OR值及OR的95%可信区间,从而得到各相关因素在致病危险性上的大小关系。

    Multi factors analysis applied Logistic regression analysis . OR value and 95 % confidence intervals of OR were counted in order to get the relations of all kinds of related factors on the risk of pathogenicity .

  21. 5项研究的合并分析显示FDP可增加心脏指数,权重均数差值(WMD,95%可信区间)为0.40(0.34,0.46)。

    Studies showed that FDP can increase cardic index , and WMD ( 95 % CI ) was 0.40 ( 0.34,0.46 ) .

  22. 各研究之间阳性和阴性似然比(LR)和诊断比值比有很大变异,由于可信区间宽,说明明显缺乏精确性。

    There was wide variation in the positive and negative LR and DOR between the studies , with significant lack of precision demonstrated by wide confidence intervals .

  23. 计算不同预测误差百分比的符合率及其95%可信区间,判断预测的准确程度,验证PPK模型。

    The coincidence rates and their 95 % confidence intervals of different percentages of prediction error were calculated .

  24. 6项研究合并分析显示FDP可增加心脏的射血分数,WMD(95%可信区间)为8.31(5.51,11.11)。

    Studies showed that FDP can increase ejection fraction ( EF ) with WMD ( 95 % CI ) 8.31 ( 5.51,11.11 ) .

  25. 以恶性组95%可信区间上界1.02×10-3mm2/s定为良恶性椎体骨折ADC值界值,诊断敏感性72.2%,特异性90.6%。

    The sensitivity and specificity of ADC for the diagnosis of malignant lesion were 72.2 % and 90.6 % if the upper bound of 95 % confidence interval was set as a differential level .

  26. 本文介绍由B.Efron所创立的Bootstrap法,包括Bootstrap基本概念,MonteCarlo算法的标准误和Bootstrap的百分位数法和纠偏百分位数法所计算的可信区间。

    This article introduced bootstrap method created by B. Efron , including bootstrap basic idea , bootstrap standard error for Monte Carlo algorithm and bootstrap confidence intervals for percentile method and bias-corrected percentile method .

  27. 分析B组中突椎间距变化与脊神经根性症状的关系,对两组患者的测量结果进行统计学分析,并计算B组突椎间距单侧95%可信区间,作为腰椎管狭窄的参考标准。

    Analyze the relation between distance change and Spinal nerve root symptomatic in group B.Measurements data was analyzed with statistics . The 95 % confidence interval of distance between hypozygal and next lumbar was calculated in group B , which was defined as diagnostic standard of lumbar spine stenosis .

  28. 结果美金胺在SD新生大鼠LD50值为(74.386±2.811)mg/kg,95%可信区间为59.334~93.257mg/kg。

    Results LD_ ( 50 ) of memantine in SD neonatal rats was (( 74.386 ± 2.811 )) mg / kg with 95 % confidence at the range of 59.334-93.257 mg / kg .

  29. 方法实例介绍用SASPROCIML过程,实现病例-对照研究中调整PAR及其可信区间的估计。

    Methods Using the example illustrated how to write the program with the proc iml procedure in sas environment to carry out the estimation of the adjusted PAR and confidence intervals with the case-control data .

  30. 1/2IC50的异丙酚与咪达唑仑合用时的IC50数值点落在理论上的相加等效线的95%可信区间的左下方。

    The IC 50 values of midazolam combined with 1 / 2 IC 50 propofol located under the 95 % confidence limits of theoretical additive line .