
  • 网络Reliability Qualification Test;RQT
  1. 小子样产品可靠性鉴定试验等效方案研究

    Research of equivalent programme about small number sample reliability qualification test

  2. 本文介绍了一种关于小子样产品的可靠性鉴定试验等效方案。

    This paper describes a equivalent programme about small number sample reliability qualification test .

  3. 根据野战C ̄3I系统的特点,提出了功能级的划分,论述了试验的原则及失效的分级,为C ̄3I系统可靠性鉴定试验提供了较具体的实施方法。

    According to the characteristic of field C  ̄ 3I system , the author proposes the classifi-cation of function levels , and discusses the test principle and failure classification , as pro-viding a quite concret implementing method for qualification test of C  ̄ 3I system reliability .

  4. 复杂光电系统可靠性鉴定试验方案研究

    Research into Testing Scheme of Reliability Qualification of Complex Optoelectronic Systems

  5. 某型飞机火控计算机等可靠性鉴定试验及分析

    Reliability Evaluation Experiment and Analysis of an Aircraft Fire Control Computer

  6. 某型岸用雷达可靠性鉴定试验

    The Reliability Evaluation Test of Certain Type of Radar in the Coast

  7. 电子干扰设备可靠性鉴定试验的探讨

    Reliability Qualification Test for the Electronic Jamming Equipments

  8. 电子测量仪器的可靠性鉴定试验

    Reliability Qualification Test for Electronic Measuring Instruments

  9. 本文主要描述如何进行电子测量仪器可靠性鉴定试验。

    The paper mainly describes the work how we should do on reliability qualification test for the electronic measuring instruments .

  10. 在确保使用方利益的前提下,从最大后验风险的角度运用贝叶斯方法制定了可靠性鉴定试验方案。

    A plan of reliability qualification test for protecting the benefits of user is formulated by using Bayesian method in the view of maximum posterior risk .

  11. 首先介绍了2种可靠性鉴定试验的定时截尾试验方案设计公式和试验方案参数选取原则,重点论述了用不同的试验方案进行鉴定试验时试验结果的差异。

    Two time curtailed reliability qualification test design formulae and the rules about how to select the test scheme parameters are introduced , then the emphasis is put on the test result variance when different test schemes are selected .

  12. 为建立闭环式可靠性管理,本文从如何确定可靠性参数和指标开始,对如何进行可靠性预计、如何确定定时截尾可靠性鉴定试验方案{T,C}和开展软件可靠性定量评估等方面进行了讨论。

    To construct close looping reliability management , starting with how to confirm reliability parameters and targets , this paper discusses how to predict reliability and how to make ensure timing curtailed reliability test and quantitative evaluation of software reliability .