
  • 网络the reliability principle
  1. 统计数据显示,非典时期,相关行业公司的自利性归因行为异常突出,违背了信息披露的可靠性原则。

    Statistics implies the self-serving attribution behavior is very popular in listed companies and violates the reliability principle for information disclosure .

  2. 简要介绍了系统各单元的选择原则,尤其是可靠性原则,系统可靠性分配为单元选择提供了除传统意义上性能指标之外的指标要求。

    Introduce the choice principle of every unit of the system , especially reliability principle briefly , systematic reliability distribution has offered the index besides performance index in the traditional meaning for the fact that the unit is chosen to require .

  3. 论述对照日本已经运行的500kVXLPE电缆的绝缘结构参数和绝缘质量控制要求,采用绝缘统计设计方法,按相同可靠性原则作为我国500kVXLPE电缆确定电缆绝缘厚度和绝缘质量控制要求的基础是合理的。

    The philosophy to determine the insulation thickness of 500 kV XLPE cables in terms of statistical design procedures and the quality control requirements in reference to those of 500 kV XLPE cables being operated in Japan is justified .

  4. 文中提出了培训评估要遵循方向性原则、可靠性原则、连续性原则等六条原则。

    The paper points out the direction guide and the reliability principles .

  5. 现代防雷技术遵循的原则首先是科学的原则,其次是经济的原则和耐用可靠性原则。

    The principles of lightning protection technology in modern times should be : principle of science , economic , durable and reliable .

  6. 基于最大有效度原则及可靠性原则确定预维修周期,并提出了制定定期维修计划的理论与方法。

    Predicted maintenance cycle was determined on the foundation of most validity and reliability principles , and then theory and methods of establishing predicted maintenance scheme were advanced .

  7. 针对工业现场可能出现的各种复杂干扰,本着可靠性原则,采用了电源监控、看门狗、软件滤波等软硬件措施。

    In case lots of complex interferences may occur in industrial field , based on the rule of reliability , power monitoring , watch dog , software filtering are used .

  8. 在遵循配比原则、划分收益性支出与资本性支出原则、可靠性原则等方面应有些特殊的处理或者是对这些原则新的理解;

    There are should some especial accounts or some new understandings of these principles , in aspects of obeying the matching principle , the capital expenditure and revenue expenditure principle and the objective principle .

  9. 微机型母线差动保护中的失灵保护主、备保护一体化,失灵保护软、硬件完全依赖母差保护,不符合可靠性原则,一般不予采用。

    The digital bus differential protection combines the circuit breaker failure protection whose software and hardware are also rely on it . This type of circuit breaker failure protection is commonly not used for its low reliability .

  10. 为设计出可靠稳定的车载通信终端,首先分析阐述了MCU监控应用系统的接口特点,总结了该类系统各部分的可靠性设计原则。

    To design reliable automobile-mounted communication terminal . we analyse the interface characteristic of MCU monitor-control system 、 the reliable design rules of the kind of system is summarized .

  11. 该装置以高可靠性的原则,硬件上采用DSP+MCU的双CPU结构,软件设计基于嵌入式实时操作系统μC/OSⅡ。

    For the highly reliable performance , DSP + MCU of double CPU hardware structure is employed in the instrument . The software design is based on embedded real time operation system μ C / OS ⅱ .

  12. 内容涉及嵌入式MCU应用系统接口EMI特点,系统可靠性设计原则,汽车电磁环境分析与接口特点,车载通信终端的抗干扰设计。

    It includes works for : the EMI characteristic of the the embed MCU application system interface , the design rules of system reliability , automotive electromagnetic environment and interface characteristic , anti-interference design of automobile-mounted communication terminal .

  13. 合并会计原则:相关性、可靠性兼备原则;

    Principle of combination accounting : both the relevance and reliability ;

  14. 作者推出十条发动机可靠性评定原则。

    The authors have provided then notices for engine reliability assessment .

  15. 军用计算机系统的可靠性设计原则

    Some Reliability Design Principles of Military Computer System

  16. 以减少系统成本、降低复杂度、提高可靠性为原则搭建硬件平台。

    The principle of build the hardware platform is to reduce system cost , to reduce complexity and to improve reliability .

  17. 给出给定子系统的故障率,6西格玛黑带应能利用可靠性分配原则设定平均无故障时间目标。

    Given the failure rates for given subsystems , the Six Sigma Black Belt will be able to use reliability apportionment to set mtbf goals .

  18. 然后,基于复杂网络可靠性指标原则,本文提出了衡量路网连通可靠性的指标,从局部和全局两方面来衡量网络连通可靠性质。

    Then , based on the principle of the reliability indicators related to complex network , two indicators is mentioned from the local and whole perspective .

  19. 通过对现有电容式触摸控制电路的分析,本着降低成本和提高可靠性的原则,进行软硬件协同设计,完成低成本电容式触摸控制设计。

    To reduce the cost and improve the reliability , this paper analyzes the existing capacitive touch control circuit , designs both hardware and software for low cost capacitive touch control .

  20. 同时针设计要求,在分析了需要解决的问题和研发现状的基础上,根据先进性、实用性,可靠性等原则,对各种测试方案进行筛选。

    While on account of design requirements , on the basis of analyzed both the problem to be solved and R & D Status , according to practicality and reliability principles screening for various test programs .

  21. 其次,通过对目前船舶广泛应用的中央冷却系统的研究,总结出电力推进船舶中央冷却系统的基本要求,冷却系统设计的一般原则和系统可靠性配置原则。

    Secondly , after synthesis analysis of the central cooling system , this paper analyzes the necessary and feasibility of optimum design and presents the common design principle of central cooling system of electrical propulsion ship .

  22. 通过分析仿真与实验结果,总结出在转子断条故障检测实践中保证其灵敏度与可靠性的原则及方法。

    Secondly , a series of principles and laws , which assure the sensitivity and reliability of broken rotor bar fault detection in practice , are generalized and revealed , based on thorough analysis of simulation and experiment results .

  23. 根据当前监测站点的基本情况,遵循适用性、先进性、可靠性等原则进行了自动监测系统硬件和软件的设计和开发,并在各个方面对系统应用的经济效益和社会效益进行了分析。

    Hardware and software of automatic monitoring system are developed in accordance with the principles of adaptability , advancement and reliability on the basis of conditions of current monitoring stations . Economic and social benefits of the system are evaluated in various respects .

  24. 确定系统物理组成,明确各部分技术方案,包括技术架构、设备部署原则、环境设计、能力设计;采用的主要技术、安全性、可靠性设计原则等;(3)应用系统设计。

    Determines the physical composition of the system , and clears each part of the technical program , including technical structure , equipment deployment principles , environmental design , capacity design ; the main technology , security , reliability design principles , etc. ( 3 ) Application system design .

  25. 本文在研究以上理论问题的基础上,本着准确度高、实用性强、成本低、可靠性好的原则,研制了一种电容型设备tanδ在线检测装置。

    On the basis of the study of the theories above , a kind of on-line tan 5 monitoring system of high voltage capacitive-type equipment is developed which follows the principles of high accuracy , strong utility , low cost and high reliability .

  26. 矿产资源预测评价精确性与可靠性的估计原则

    Principles for estimating the accuracy and reliability of mineral resources prediction and assessment

  27. 稳健原则由于与可靠性等核心原则存在冲突,遭受到越来越多的批评。

    Conservatism principle has been criticized for its conflict with the core principles such as reliability .

  28. 可靠性第一的原则;系统性原则;

    The first of reliability ;

  29. 这家工厂的生产已完全停顿.GB/T9225-1999核电厂安全系统可靠性分析一般原则

    Production at the factory has come to a complete / full stop . General principles of reliability analysis for nuclear power plant safety systems

  30. 本文从计算机系统总体设计、硬件设计和软件设计等三个方面出发,论述了一些提高军用计算机系统可靠性的设计原则。

    On the basis of the system total design , the hardware design and the software design , this paper discusses some reliability design principles to achieve highly reliable military computer system .