
  • 网络measurable space
  1. 可测空间上的广义FUZZY积分的表示

    The Expression of Broad-sense Fuzzy Integral in Measurable Space

  2. 然后建立Fuzzy数可测空间并提出Fuzzy值可测函数的一般定义;

    And then the fuzzy number measurable space is established and the general definition of the fuzzy valued measurable function is presented ;

  3. 可测空间上的gλ测度的一些结果

    Some Results for g_ λ - measures on Measurable Spaces

  4. 正则F-可测空间上的正交F-测度

    Orthogonal F-Measure on Regular F-Measurable Space

  5. 设(Ω,F)为一可测空间,X是一个Banach空间。

    Let (Ω, F ) be a measurable space and X be a Banach space .

  6. 可测空间的算子扩张及其上的等价关系

    The spanning space of measurable space and the equivalence relation

  7. 一类可测空间中随机扩散过程测度的绝对连续性与等价性

    Absolute continuity and equivalence of measure to stochastic diffusion processes in a kind of measurable space

  8. 首先引入了正则模糊可测空间的概念,并讨论了模糊可测空间的正则扩张及其表示问题;

    We will propose the concept of regular fuzzy measurable space and discuss the problems of regular extension and representation of fuzzy measurable spaces .

  9. 若一个随机模糊事件由定义在可测空间上的映射刻划,则可把已建立的基本公式用于求该事件发生的测度值。

    If a fuzzy random event is described by the mapping on the measurable space , its meas - ure value can be calculated by the basic formulations which have been set up .

  10. 本文在超可测空间的基础上定义了模糊随机集,研究了严格正规模糊随机集的生成集和某些可测性问题;

    In this paper , a fuzzy random set is defined on the basis of the supermeasurable space , and the product set and some measurable properties of a strict normal fuzzy set are studied .

  11. 对于粒度计算的一个主要模型商空间理论,提出基于可测空间的商空间逼近理论;并给出信息非一致情形下半序结构的融合方法。

    Quotient space approachability theory basing on measure spaces is put forward with respect to Quotient Space theory that is one of the main model in Granular Computing , as the same time , a semi-order structure fusion method under the condition of inconsistency information is presented .

  12. 本文得到了取值于半范可测向量空间上的独立随机元之和关于某一类特定函数的矩不等式。deAcosta等人的定理均为该结果的特例。

    The present paper represents moment inequalities for sums of independent random vectors taking values in a semi-normed measurable vector space about function of a certain type specially designated , and de Acosta 's theorem is the special case of this result .

  13. 该仪器可测狭小空间的磁场,确定磁场的性质和空间分布。

    The detector can easily determine the properties and distributions of magnetic fields especially in the narrow space .

  14. 本文提出了中点拟凸函数的概念,在可测函数空间中,给出了中点拟凸函数拟凸的若干个充分条件。

    The concept of the midpoint quasi-convex function is introduced , and some conditions are obtained to ensure that midpoint quasi-convex function is quasi-convex in the measurable function space .

  15. 在两个σ-有限可加测度的乘积可测空间上,存在唯一的满足某一条件的乘积测度。

    There is a unique product of measure which satisfies some conditions on two σ - finite additive measurable spaces .