
kě bǐ
  • contemptible;despicable;mean
可鄙 [kě bǐ]
  • [despicable;mean;contemptible] 让人看不起

  • 投降是可鄙的

可鄙[kě bǐ]
  1. 凯瑟琳气得快要炸了。“我觉得你真是可鄙!”

    Catherine was ready to explode . ' I think you 're contemptible ! '

  2. 那个警察被刻画成可鄙的胆小鬼。

    The cop was portrayed as a contemptible coward .

  3. 他从未信过那些可鄙的谣言。

    He never believed those contemptible rumours .

  4. 自私自利是可鄙的。

    Selfishness is contemptible .

  5. 这种态度有点怯懦可鄙。

    There 's something cowardly and ignoble about such an attitude .

  6. 忘恩负义是可鄙的不道德行为。

    Ingratitude is a despicable vice .

  7. 她只想,怎么才是最好的方法,能让游苔莎认为她这次的访问令人可佩,而不令人可鄙。

    She only thought how best to make her visit appear to Eustacia not abject but wise .

  8. 或许,在希拉里克林顿(hillaryclinton)因俄罗斯和中国反对国际社会对叙利亚采取行动称两国“可鄙”之前,她本可以快速照一照历史这面镜子。

    Perhaps before Hillary Clinton called Russia and China " despicable " for opposing international action over Syria , she might have taken a quick look in the historical mirror .

  9. 实际上,金山大学与比勒陀利亚大学(UniversityofPretoria)举行比赛时,可鄙的通行证法禁止纳尔逊与他的黑人同学前往后者所在的60公里左右以外的邻市。

    Indeed , when Wits played the University of Pretoria , the despicable pass laws prevented Nelson and his fellow black students from travelling the 60 or so kilometers to the neighboring city .

  10. 真是一个庸俗,低劣,可鄙的政治把戏。

    What a vulgar , low , despicable , political trick .

  11. 逻辑从基本来上讲是错误的,动机是可鄙的。

    The logic is fundamentally flawed ; the motive is despicable .

  12. 说慌的人总是被视为可鄙的。

    People who tell lie is always looked upon as despicable .

  13. 你对我的信仰的(加)论是可鄙的。

    Your remark about my belief was a cheap shot .

  14. 怕死就未免有些可鄙,有些不光彩了。

    The fear of death is somewhat abject and ignoble .

  15. 他在敌人面前胆小如鼠,真是可鄙。

    His cowardice in face of the enemy was contemptible .

  16. 她把赚钱的买卖看作是可鄙的机会主义。

    She sees the business of making money as just grubby opportunism .

  17. 他在声明中谴责这些「可鄙的恐怖行为」。

    He condemned these " despicable terrorist actions " in the statement .

  18. 在我看来,战争是可鄙、无耻的勾当,

    War seems to me a mean , contemptible thing :

  19. 不值得尊敬的;粗鄙的或可鄙的。

    Worthy of no respect ; vulgar or contemptible .

  20. 为实现他们的野心而卑屈到采取可鄙的手段;

    Stooping to contemptible methods to realize their ambitions ;

  21. 你要是认为这种行为可以原谅,那你就太可鄙了。

    I pity you if you think this is an acceptableway to behave .

  22. 因为他做了一件很可鄙的事情,会员们都责难他。

    The members censured him since he had done a very contemptible thing .

  23. 我是说,我认为那很可鄙。

    I mean , I find that-that really despicable .

  24. adj.可鄙了在教室吐痰是卑劣的。

    despicable To spit in the classroom is despicable .

  25. 生活不再象她三天前所想的那样可鄙。

    Life was not the mockery she had thought it three days ago .

  26. 你缺乏勇气,令人可鄙。

    You are showing a contemptible lack of courage .

  27. 可鄙的家伙!也许他还以为他是在帮我的忙哩。

    The worm ! Maybe he thought he was doing me a favour .

  28. 他这人太光明磊落了,根本不可能去干谋杀这类可鄙的事。

    He is too nice a man to do anything as despicable as murder .

  29. 他的这些,在我看来都是笑柄,可鄙的。

    To me , all these spontaneous responses of his were contemptible and despicable .

  30. 作为一个负有如此重大责任的人,她的行为十分可鄙。

    For a person in a position of such responsibility her behaviour was contemptible .