
jué chàng
  • A swansong;the peak of poetic perfection
绝唱 [jué chàng]
  • [the peak of poetic perfection] 指诗文创作的最高造诣

  • 古今绝唱

绝唱[jué chàng]
  1. 经过否定之否定,上升到新的思想高度,尤以最后见解曲终奏雅,堪称绝唱。

    What the course denies is negative , rise to new thought height , blame with final opinion music eventually Zou Ya , can weighs the peak of poetic perfection .

  2. 起初,swansong(绝唱)意味着一个诗人,音乐家或作家的最后一部作品。

    At first , swan song meant the last work of a poet , musician or writer .

  3. 不过,dihk表示,没有理由担忧出口的“最后绝唱”。

    Still , the DIHK said there were no grounds to fear a " swansong " for exports .

  4. 提升质量:高等教育的世纪绝唱

    Upgrade Quality : A Centurial Swan Song of Higher Education

  5. 《李尔王》&人文主义理想的悲歌绝唱

    Somber Song that King Lear - humanism the Ideal Sing

  6. 渴望与失望的绝唱&析济慈作品中的爱情描写

    Longing and Despairing Cries & An Analysis of Keats ' Attitudes towards Love

  7. 迦陵词心赋绝唱&浅议叶嘉莹先生的词学研究

    Comments on Ye Jia-ying 's Study of Ci

  8. 绝唱的心音里是冰峰的爱恋

    Swansong of the love on the snowcapped altitude

  9. 行将遗忘的绝唱&朗费罗的商籁体诗歌解读

    On Longfellow 's Sonnet to He Forgotten

  10. 孤独的守望中我聆听着绝唱

    Solitude with me listening to the swansong

  11. 本片中所收录的一些原始民歌,正在成为广西原始民歌中的绝唱。

    The aboriginal folk songs of Guangxi recorded in the film are becoming the swan songs .

  12. 诺曼·梅勒笔下的爱情绝唱

    Norman Mailer Composing a Love Masterpiece

  13. 事后看来,这番话堪称财政政策的绝唱。

    With the benefit of hindsight , his quip marked the high point of fiscal fine-tuning .

  14. 爱情绝唱中的审美差异与互补&《梁山伯与祝英台》和《罗密欧与朱丽叶》之比较

    Diversity and Complementation Between Love Tragedies & A Contrastive Analysis Between Butterfly Lovers and Romeo and Juliet

  15. 海洋精灵的绝唱

    Ocean fairies ' Last Performance

  16. 黄山,天之骄子,国之瑰宝,世界奇观,大自然绝唱。

    Huangshan , favored , a national treasure , the world 's wonders , nature never occur again .

  17. 但我相信,那些哀怨的无声的诉说,一定是一种生命的绝唱!

    But what I 'm sure is that the silent plaintive moan must be the last song of life !

  18. 这是疏影一联独得绝唱之誉的理由,也是林逋此联的主要贡献。

    This is why " Scattered Shadows " is so highly praised and also Lin Bu 's main contribution to literature .

  19. 据美媒报道,风靡一时的美剧《绝望主妇》下一季将成绝唱。

    US newspapers reported that the popular US television series ," Desperate Housewives ," will end its run after the next season .

  20. 我希望这场比赛不是我在世界杯绝唱,我不想就这样离开我所热爱的足球。

    " I hope this isn 't my last World Cup game , I wouldn 't want to leave it like this " .

  21. 激烈的碰撞,如摇滚般的欢快,动人心弦的歌喉,那轻吟绝唱,涤荡人心!

    Fierce collision , such as rock-like cheerful , touching , and voice , and that Masterpiece Qingyin , clean up people 's minds !

  22. 《红楼梦》中关于宝、黛爱情矛盾纠葛的描写是古今中外文学史上的绝唱。

    In A Dream of Red Mansions , the description on the conflict between Bao-yu and Dai-yu is classic in the world literature history .

  23. 从这个意义来说,他的这些作品是对即将消失的过去在未来的绝唱与挽歌。

    In this sense , his works are the farewell and elegy in the future to those of the past that will soon disappear .

  24. 朱特的一生以高超的书法造诣、博学的洞察力和同时代的论战著称,崇拜者们将从这部令人哀伤的绝唱中找到充足的看点。

    Fans will find plenty to sustain them in this poignant coda to a life marked by great feats of penmanship , scholarly insight and contemporary polemic .

  25. 著名歌剧《蝴蝶夫人》是西方戏剧史上的世纪绝唱,代表了西方的东方主义思想。

    The famous opera Madame Butterfly , representing the thought of " orientalism " in the west , is the peak of the century in western drama history .

  26. 电视剧《寻常人家》是一曲爱情的绝唱,是普通劳动者人性美、心灵美的颂歌。

    The TV drama " An Ordinary Family " is a poetic masterpiece of love as well as an ode to the human nature and heart of ordinary labourers .

  27. 庄子的歌与哭不是世俗的挽歌与颂词,而是艺术心灵真挚而深刻的绝唱,蕴含着浓厚的诗意情怀、自由意志、孤独意味和悲剧精神。

    Chuang Tzu scrying and singing are not secular dirge and eulogy , they are two peaks of sincere feelings , free will , lonely meaning and tragic spirit .

  28. 但后来以自由著述、自由讲学、自由批评、自由流动为表现形式的百家争鸣却成了历史的绝唱。

    However , the contention of different schools , which occurred in form of free writing , free lecturing , free criticism and free migration , became the historical pinnacle .

  29. 只有经历地狱般的磨炼,才能炼出创造天堂的力量,只有流过血的手指,才能弹出世间的绝唱&泰戈尔。

    Only after experiencing hell of training , in order to create a paradise out of the power of refining , and only the blood flow through the fingers , in order to pop up this world farewell-Tagore .

  30. 鲁迅先生也曾高度地赞誉其为史家之绝唱,无韵之离骚,已足见《史记》在历史与文学上的绝顶地位。

    Lu Xun once highly praised it as " the peak of history works and the rhythmless poetry named Li Sao " which strongly proves the top position of the works " Records on Historians " in the fields of history and literature .