
  • 网络insulation level;insulating level
  1. 并联电抗器中性点和中性点小电抗XN的绝缘水平主要决定于出现在XN上的最大的工频电压VN。

    The insulation level of neutral of shunt reactor and of its neutral reactor X_a is determined mainly by the power frequency voltage arised on this reactance .

  2. 操作冲击绝缘水平(SIL)对超高压系统来讲是决定性因素。

    The switching surge insulation level ( SIL ) is the dominant factor on EHV systems .

  3. 提高LW2&220型单断口SF6断路器绝缘水平的研究分析

    Research and Analysis for Improving the Insulation Level of SF_6 Circuit Breaker with Single Break Type LW_2 & 220

  4. 补偿度TK愈大,电抗器端部对地的零序电压愈小,则XN、VN和相应的绝缘水平愈低。

    The higher the degree of compensation Tk is and the lower is the zero-sequence voltage appeared in the reactor terminals , the smaller will be the values of X_n , V_n , and of corresponding insulation level .

  5. 提高20kV系统中开关柜绝缘水平的探讨

    Research on Improvement of Insulation Level of Switchgear in 20 kV System

  6. 绝缘水平:所列试验电压系指1000m海拔地区值,高于1000m海拔地区值应根据(gb)、(tb)标准相应提高。

    Rated insulation level : testing voltage value refers to that of1000m elevation areas , and for areas with an elevation higher than1000m , it shall increase correspondingly according to GBS and tbs .

  7. 1000kV变压器绝缘水平的探讨

    Discussion on Insulation Level of 1 000 kV Transformer

  8. 由于SF6(六氟化硫)气体在超低温条件下产生部分液化,使得SF6断路器内的SF6气体密度下降,降低了SF6断路器的开关能力和绝缘水平,无法保证高压SF6断路器的可靠运行;

    Because SF6 gas produces part of liquidation under super low temperature , SF6 gas density decrease inside SF6 breaker , reduce switch and insulate level of SF6 breaker , which can t guarantee SF6 breaker reliable operation .

  9. 由于SF6气体在超低温下产生部分液化,使得断路器内的SF6气体密度下降,降低了断路器的开断能力和绝缘水平;

    SF 6 gas would liquefy partly at super low temperature , so the density of SF 6 in a circuit breaker would decrease , and so did the interrupting ability and insulation level of the circuit breaker .

  10. 由于SF6气体对电场集中十分敏感,为了提高其绝缘水平,在设计灭弧室时应使灭弧室中电场的分布尽可能均匀。

    As SF6 gas is very sensitive to concentration of the electric field , the distribution of the electric field should be made as uniform as possible while the arc deflector was designed to improve the insulation capacity .

  11. 三峡至广东500kV直流输电线路的设备外绝缘水平是工程建设的基本问题之一,因此对广东侧直流换流站站址所在区域的污秽状况进行了调查。

    The equipment external insulation level of 500 kV DC transmission line from the Three Gorges to Guangdong is a basic consideration in the project , and an investigation was made into the pollution condition on the location for its Guangdong-side converter station .

  12. 线路绝缘水平过低引发避雷器故障

    The low line insulation ability lead to the failure of arresters

  13. GB1094.3-1985电力变压器第三部分绝缘水平和绝缘试验

    Power transformers & Part 3 : Insulation levels and dielectric tests

  14. GB/T10237-1988电力变压器绝缘水平和绝缘试验外绝缘的空气间隙

    Power transformers Insulation levels and dielectric tests External clearances in air

  15. 采用热水循环提高汽轮发电机转子绝缘水平

    Using Hot Water Circulation to Improve the Insulation Level of Turbo-generator Rotor

  16. 柜内某些元件绝缘水平低等。

    The insulation level of some components in the switchboard is low .

  17. 香港西部铁路牵引供电系统绝缘水平评议

    Discussion on Insulation Level of Power Supply System in Hong Kong West Rail

  18. 并联电抗器中性点和小电抗的绝缘水平

    The InsulatiOn Level of Neutral of Shunt Reactor and of its Neutral Reactor

  19. 变压器设计中引线绝缘水平的确定方法

    Determination Ways for Lead Insulation Level in Transformer Design

  20. 利用非线性绝缘子以降低电力系统绝缘水平的研究之一非线性绝缘子对输电线路操作过电压的影响的研究

    A Simulation Study on the Switching Transient Behavior of Transmission Lines with Non-linear Insulators

  21. 变压器铁芯接地断线时绝缘水平的测量误差

    Measure Error of Insulation Level when the Grounding Wire of Transformer Core is Broken

  22. 防止大面积污闪的根本出路是提高电网的基本外绝缘水平&对我国电网大面积污闪事故的反思

    To intensify basic external insulation level of power system-fundamental way for prevention of large-scale pollution flashover

  23. 在特高压远距离输电系统中,工频电压升高决定了电气设备的绝缘水平。

    In UHV long-distance transmission system , industrial frequency voltage rise decided electrical equipment insulation level .

  24. 电力绝缘子泄漏电流是表征绝缘子运行状态的重要数据,能够科学地表征绝缘子绝缘水平。

    Electrical insulator leakage current is an important parameter to characterize the operating status of insulator .

  25. 牵引供电系统过电压与电力机车、电动车组绝缘水平的选择

    Overvoltages in Traction Power Supply System and the Determination of Insulation Levels of Electrical Locomotive or EMU

  26. 特高压工程高抗中性点绝缘水平及小电抗选择

    Choice of Neutral Inductance and Insulation Level of Shunt Reactor Neutral Point in UHV AC Pilot Project

  27. 高压并联电容器极对壳绝缘水平是保证其在电网安全运行的重要参数。

    The Insulation level between poles and enclosure is important for high voltage shunt capacitors to increase the operation reliability .

  28. 并建议对同一额定电压的超高压电气设备应制订几个等级的基准冲击绝缘水平,以供设计选择。

    It is recommended that several BIL should be prescribed for each rated voltage level to provide allowance for selection .

  29. 本文主要用统计方法对500千伏变电所电气设备,在雷击线路沿导线侵入雷电波情况下,雷电冲击绝缘水平的选择作了分析和探讨。

    This paper deals with the selection lightning impulse insulation level of electrical apparatus in500KV sub-stations by using the statistical method .

  30. 介绍了电阻接地系统中,接地电流的选取,绝缘水平比较,保护配置方面的考虑。

    Selection of ground current , comparison of isolation level and consideration of protective device in the resistance ground system are presented .