
  • Ordinary thyristor;【电工】triode thyristor
  1. 用于抽水蓄能机组起动的静止变频器,其整流逆变桥通常采用普通晶闸管。

    The static frequency converter used in pumped storage units generally adopts common thyristor as the rectifying inverting bridge .

  2. 实验结果表明:选择参数比较一致的晶闸管,可以将多个普通晶闸管进行串联以得到高耐压的固体开关,为制造价廉的高压固体开关提供了设计思路。

    The experiments results showed that by choosing the thyristors whose parameters are approximately the same , high voltage solid switch can be obtained by arranging many general thyristors in series . Which offered an design idea of making inexpensive high voltage solid state switch .

  3. 每个并联的整流桥单元均采用普通三相晶闸管(SCR)整流桥和直流回路串联的IGBT来共同完成SVPWM功能,多个整流桥单元采用一种基于矢量合成原理的并联技术。

    Every rectifier unit consisting of a traditional three-phase SCR-bridge and an IGBT connected in DC bus is modulated with space vector PWM ( SVPWM ) scheme . N rectifier units are paralleled directly and modulated based on space vector synthesis technique .