
  • 网络psyche
  1. 但是诱惑还是争胜了普赛克,她最终打开了盒子。

    But Temptation overcame Psyche and she opened the box .

  2. 在她的姐妹说服她看丘比特的脸以前,普赛克一直生活得很快乐。

    Psyche was happy until her sisters persuaded her to look at Cupid .

  3. 但最大的问题是,惠普上任不久的总裁里奥•阿普赛克所冒的风险实在有点大,他试图效仿IBM,降低惠普对计算机硬件的依赖,转而主攻计算机软件和服务。

    But the big problem is that L é o Apotheker , HP 's newish boss , is taking a huge gamble . He is trying to follow the example of IBM , by reducing HP 's dependence on hardware and pushing up into software and services .

  4. 丘比特宽恕了普赛克,并且维纳斯也宽恕了她。

    Cupid forgave her , as did Venus .

  5. 丘比特在地面发现了已经死亡的普赛克。

    Cupid found her lifeless on the ground .

  6. 她让普赛克作她的仆人,并将她带到了一个巨大的谷物柜前。

    She made Psyche her servant and placed her by an enormous grain bin .

  7. 这项重任现在落在了阿普赛克先生的肩上。

    That job now falls to Mr Apotheker .

  8. 这种纯洁的惊奇,也就是普赛克和维纳斯之间的最细微的不同处。

    This chaste astonishment is the shade of difference which separates Psyche from Venus .

  9. 在普赛克看了丘比特的脸之后,丘比特便惩罚性地离她而去。

    as soon as Psyche looked at Cupid , Cupid punished her by leaving her .

  10. 众神感动于普赛克对丘比特之爱,于是将她封为女神。

    The gods , moved by Psyche 's love for Cupid made her a goddess .

  11. 他从普赛克的体内召回了死亡之眠,并将它放回了盒子。

    He gathered the deadly sleep from her body and put it back in the box .

  12. 维纳斯因为嫉妒普赛克的美貌,便命令前去施加惩罚。

    Venus was jealous of the beauty of Psyche , and ordered Cupid to punish the mortal .

  13. 当她四处徘徊试图找到丘比特的时候,普赛克来到了维纳斯神庙。

    As she wandered trying to find her love , she came upon the temple of Venus .

  14. 普赛克拥有了她想拥有的一切,但总觉得缺了什么,或者缺了什么人。

    Psyche had everything she had ever wanted , but something was missing , or rather someone .

  15. 丘比特同意了。但当他看到普赛克的时候,他即可爱上了她。

    Cupid agreed but upon setting his eyes on Psyche , he fell in love with her .

  16. 普赛克从此便孤身一人逗留在荒野中,身边丝毫没有其他生命的迹象,也没有丘比特的身影。

    Psyche found herself alone in an open field with no signs of other beings or Cupid .

  17. 他可以把大理石普赛克已经完成的信息,带到那座辉煌的爵府去。

    He could now carry the news into the rich palace that the marble Psyche was finished .

  18. 终于,在她的最后一项任务中,维纳斯给了普赛克一个小盒子,交代她将盒子拿到地下去。

    For her last task Psyche was given a little box and told to take it to the underworld .

  19. 在紫红的天空中,那颗明亮的星在闪耀,它的光射到了他和大理石普赛克身上。

    In the purple air gleamed the bright Star , and its beams fell upon him and upon the marble Psyche .

  20. 她向自己的儿子丘比特求助,让他设法使普赛克爱上一个可怕的魔鬼。

    Venus went to her son , Cupid , and asked him to make Psyche fall in love with a hideous monster .

  21. 她们开始没完没了地问关于她丈夫的事情,普赛克最终不耐烦了,她承认她还没有见过他。

    They began to ask questions about her husband and harassed her so much that Psyche admitted she had never seen him .

  22. 巴克司8的两个可爱的信徒!是的,她们没有普赛克的体形,不是美丽娇秀的玫瑰,但都是鲜嫩、健壮和泛出红色的石竹花。

    Two charming Bacchantes were they ; certainly not Psyches - not delicate , beautiful roses , but fresh , hearty , glowing carnations .

  23. 她实在太漂亮了,以致她那个国家的人都忽视了爱与美的女神维纳斯,转而崇拜普赛克。

    She was so beautiful that the people in her land began to neglect Venus , the goddess of love and beauty , to worship Psyche instead .

  24. 但是,丘比特确深深爱上了普赛克,并娶她为妻。但是作为凡人,普赛克不可以看丘比特的脸。

    But instead , Cupid fell deeply in love with her . He took her as his wife , but as a mortal she was forbidden to look at him .

  25. 那里有一口废掉了的、乾涸了的井,也可以说是一个大洞,他把普赛克搁到里面,掀土把它埋掉,再用些枝枝条条和荨麻盖在这个新的土冢上面。

    In that place was an old dry well , now nothing but a hole . Into this he cast the Psyche , threw earth in above her , and covered up the spot with twigs and nettles .

  26. 他跪下来,对上帝流出了感激之泪——接着又忘掉他,心中想起了她,想起了她那大理石的形象,普赛克的形象。这形象站在那里,像用雪雕出,像清晨的太阳一样泛出红晕。

    And he knelt down and breathed a prayer of thankfulnesss to Heaven , and then he forgot Heaven for her sake - for the sake of her picture in stone - for her Psyche which stood there as if formed of snow , blushing in the morning dawn .

  27. 凿子把石片大块地敲掉;量过尺寸,定好点,作好记号,手工的劳作一点点地做完,大理石一点点地现出体形,美的形象,普赛克,这个年轻妇女的形象中有上帝图像的那种美。

    The chisel struck GREat fragments from it ; the measurements were taken , points and lines were made , the mechanical part was executed , till gradually the stone assumed a human female form , a shape of beauty , and became converted into the Psyche , fair and glorious - a divine being in human shape .