
  • 网络landing site;landing point;point of impact
  1. 着陆点选择是月球软着陆探测研究中最为重要的一个前提任务,是探月任务顺利进行的保障。

    Landing site selection is the most important prerequisite and guarantee of Lunar soft landing exploration .

  2. 天气报告正从位于佛罗里达州的着陆点肯尼迪航天中心发送过来。

    Weather reports were coming in from the landing site at the Kennedy Space Center , in Florida .

  3. 我国航天科研人员已经在火星上的“乌托邦平原”南部选定了一块相对平坦的区域作为着陆点。

    Chinese space engineers and scientists have chosen a relatively flat region in the southern part of the Utopia Planitia , a large plain , as the potential landing zone .

  4. 我命令飞行员飞至R区,但我们找不到着陆点。

    I asked the pilot to fly to the R. territory , but we couldn 't find the spot .

  5. 当你已经转了540度,你将开始看你的着陆点。

    When you have gone a540 , you will see your landing .

  6. 到一个安全的房子,再到一个着陆点。

    To a safe house , then a landing zone .

  7. 月球软着陆点的选择与几个预选点的初步对比分析

    The choice of lunar landing sites and a preliminary analysis of several sites

  8. 信标必须安置在指定的着陆点。

    Beacon must be placed in the designated LZ .

  9. 这些实验几乎是无法定论的,因为他们仅限于两个着陆点。

    The experiment are hardly conclusive since they were limited to two landing sites .

  10. 你们保卫着陆点任务失败。

    You have failed to secure the lz .

  11. 其他仪器连接无线电到测向装置以帮助飞行员找到着陆点。

    Other instruments linked radios to a direction device to help find the landing area .

  12. 此外,该发言人还表示,是这对新人安排的着陆点。

    The spokesman also said the couple were in charge of arranging the landing spot .

  13. 你完全想不到下一个着陆点在哪儿。

    And you can 't necessarily see over the next thing where you 're gonna land .

  14. 我的着陆点在哪?

    What 's my splash factor ?

  15. 如果外星人真会登陆地球,那么这张最新照片似乎可以证明他们的首个着陆点将会是俄罗斯。

    In all likelihood most alien beings would look strange to us , much like this specimen .

  16. 最终通过着陆点选取验证多传感器地形风险评估方法的有效性。

    Then the terrain hazard assessment methodology with multiple sensors is proved feasible by selecting landing sites .

  17. 第二,在后门户时代,网民上网的第一着陆点已经开始不断多样化。

    Second , in the post-portal era , the first landing points for Internet surfers have begun to show diversification .

  18. 应该提供从引水员着陆点到住舱区域,甲板下原木货舱的引水员安全通道。

    Pilot safety access passage from pilot landing points to accommodation area , under deck log cargoes , to be provided .

  19. 由于天气十分寒冷,科学家们并不期待能在北极附近的着陆点发现任何液态水。

    Scientists do not expect to find any liquid water at the landing site near the northern pole because the climate is too frigid .

  20. 着陆点的选取规律,是通过研究已成功登月任务选择着陆点的策略和各着陆区特征,进行统计、归纳和分析的过程。

    The selection of landing site is the research process of moon information through statistics , induction and analysis from successful missions of Lunar soft landing .

  21. 对2004年1月5日美国宇航局发布的火星轨道探测器拍摄的勇气号着陆点照片进行了研究,认为照片上的地形为陨石撞击火星表面留下的痕迹。

    Surface picture of Mars token by orbit robot was issued by NASA in January , 2004 . the picture was carefully studied by this paper .

  22. 为160空降团黑鹰特别行动组安置红外线频闪器。并且,保护着陆点30直到黑鹰直升机抵达。

    Clear and mark landing zones for160th Special Operations Aviation Regiment Black Hawks using infrared strobes . subsequently , defend the LZ for30 seconds until the Black Hawk arrives .

  23. 搜索周围区域寻找能降落的安全区,在警告声中你可能会找到一个可爱的着陆点。

    Scan your immediate area for a safe place to land - due to the lack of warning beforehand , you may be faced with some pretty tough landing spots .

  24. 另一侧应是贴着一张大纸的临时着陆点,但我们找不到。

    The other side is what supposed to be a range of temporary landing ground and marked with a big sheet of paper . But we couldn 't find them .

  25. 在检测出障碍信息的基础上,选取安全着陆点以保证软着陆任务的成功。其次,给出一种基于矢量观测信息的自主光学导航方法。

    Selection soft landing based on maximal acreage by the obstacle detection massages . Secondly , a kind of autonomous optical navigation method based on vector observation information is given .

  26. 针对总结的着陆点选择的几项原则,分析了能反映这些原则的着陆区特征:经纬度、位置、平均坡度、目标采样材料和着陆精度。

    In view of the principles for selecting landing-site , it analyzed several landing area characteristics which included latitude and longitude position , average slope , landing accuracy and target resources .

  27. 主要包括:成功登月任务统计,着陆点选择原则归纳,着陆区特征研究,选择策略趋势分析,权重计算以及月面地形重构。

    It mainly includes successful landing mission statistics , landing-site selection principle summary , landing area characteristics research , selection strategies trend analysis , weight coefficient calculation and lunar terrain reconstruction .

  28. 目前,着陆点选择面临两个难点,一是缺乏比较系统的共性原则和评价参数的问题,二是缺少直观反映月面实际形貌的方法问题。

    At present , two important problems faced with landing-site selection are lack of systematic selection criteria and evaluation parameters and short of method that directly reflect actual morphology of lunar surface .

  29. 在环境的不同地点还布置着各种载具,玩家可以通过使用载具来接近直升机的着陆点,从而完成任务。

    Vehicles are scattered about almost every environment , so players can feel free to use those to get closer to the helicopter 's eventual landing point , or to accomplish other objectives .

  30. 该方法利用光学相机和激光测距仪测量值构建着陆点相对着陆器的矢量信息,结合着陆器的姿态信息确定着陆器的位置。

    The method is to use optical camera and laser range-finder to construct the vector information of the landing site related to the lander , with whose attitude information its position can be determined .