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  1. 球体关节人形(Ball-jointeddoll,简称BJD)泛指其关节处具有球型可活动装置的人偶。

    BJD ( Ball-jointed doll , referred to as BJD ) refers to the joint doll ball-type movable device .

  2. 活动装置主要有螺母、螺栓、提升楔块、后座、座板支座、弹簧以及压板等组成。

    The movable device mainly consists of the nut , bolt , lifting wedge , backseat , supporting seat of the clamp plate , spring and pressure plate and so on .

  3. 史密斯把铁片的活动装置做好,余下的工作就简单了,只要在一个圆盘上写明字母,在铁片上安上指针,两个电站之间就可以联系了。

    This movement of the plate thus obtained , Harding could easily fasten to it a needle arranged on a dial , bearing the letters of the alphabet , and in this way communicate from one station to the other .

  4. 能够插入多项活动的装置。

    A device that can interleave two or more activities .

  5. 坐底式活动钻井装置GB/T17744-1999钻井设备规范

    Bottom-supported mobile rig Specification for drilling equipment

  6. 设有活动提升装置的车辆

    Vehicle with mobile lifting device

  7. 海上顶推船两销活动连接装置在波浪作用下的受力研究

    A Study on Wave Force Acting on Two Pins Hinged Type Connecting Device of Sea-going Pusher Barge Train

  8. 另外,指出了在粉尘治理过程中必须考虑配置防止粘附、起拱、搭桥和堵塞现象的粉尘连续化供排料活动化装置。

    Raize to equip the continuous feeding and discharging movement device which can prevent phenomena of stick , arch , bridge and block .

  9. 在固定矫治技术中配合使用活动矫治装置是为了消除干扰,减少锁槽脱落,缩短疗程。

    The purpose of a removable appliance used with fixed appliance is to eliminate occlusal interference , reduce the falling chances of bracket from teeth and cut down the period of treatment .

  10. 一种指屈肌腱滑车重建术后早期活动的保护装置

    A protective device for early exercises after flexor tendon pulley reconstruction

  11. 就像那辆车一样,我们能完善各种感应人类活动的传感装置,所以

    and like the car , we can integrate all kinds of sensing

  12. 大型真空镀镜机活动电输入装置的新设计

    Design of New Movement Device of Electrical Input in Large Vacuum Coating Equipment

  13. 上下活动套管的装置油套管水压试验装置结构设计及力学性能研究

    Research on Mechanical Properties and Structure Design of Petroleum Tube and Casing Hydrostatic Test Unit

  14. 裂化催化剂水热失活动力学及装置平衡活性模型

    Study on kinetic model of hydrothermal deactivation and model of unit balance activity for catalytic cracking catalyst

  15. 一种能自记小啮齿类运动出入巢摄食饮水四种活动的新装置

    A new device for simultaneous recording locomotory activity , drinking , feeding and entering the nest box of small rodents

  16. 基于对设计策略的研究,开发了可广泛推广应用的一种高能效活动外遮阳装置。

    Based on the design strategy of horizontal external shading , we develop " An energy-efficient activities shading devices ", which can be widely applied .

  17. 本文提出的活动式导流装置是将导流板安置在活动船上,具有安全、方便、有效、快捷、可重复利用的特点,可以满足抢险的高机动性要求。

    The movable diversion devices which are put forward in this paper are installed on the centerboard . It has characteristics of safety , convenience , efficiency , shortcut and reuse so that meet the high-mobility require of rush emergency .

  18. 公共环境设施是城市空间环境中不可缺少的整体要素,每个环境中都需要特定的设施,它们构成氛围浓郁的环境内容,体现着不同的功能与文化气氛,是人们活动的空间装置与依附。

    Street Furniture in the urban environment is the whole indispensable elements , each of the environment need specific furniture . they constitute the environment contents , reflected in different functions and cultural atmosphere , is the space activities of the device and attachment .

  19. 我们觉得这可以标准化那样人们就可以个性化墙上的其他物品,就像那辆车一样,我们能完善各种感应人类活动的传感装置,所以哪怕有婴儿或小狗路中挡道,也不会出大乱子。

    We think this can all be standardized , and then people can personalize the stuff that goes into that wall , and like the car , we can integrate all kinds of sensing to be aware of human activity , so if there 's a baby or a puppy in the way , you won 't have a problem .

  20. 新型圆周摩擦活动导叶保护装置的研究

    Research on new circular friction device in guide vane

  21. 这栋两层楼的建筑有11个展厅、一个大礼堂以及多层屋顶露台,方便举办各种活动和陈列艺术装置。

    The two-story structure has 11 galleries , a voluminous auditorium and multilevel roof terraces for events and art installations .

  22. 本实用新型涉及水泥熟料推动篦式冷却机活动篦床导向装置的改进。

    The utility model relates to an improved structure of the guiding mechanism of the movable grate bed of a clinker pushing grate cooler .

  23. 北京同步辐射装置是一种利用同步光源开展多学科研究活动的大科学装置。

    The Beijing Synchrotron Radiation Facility ( BSRF ) is a large scale experimental facility for multi purposes scientific research action based on the synchrotron radiation light source .

  24. 采用自行设计的鱼类活动代谢测定定装置,在8.3±1.8℃下测定了7尾不同体重的花鲈在不同流速下的活动代谢率。

    46 ) oAdopts the instrument for determining activity metabolism of fish designed independently , activity metabolic rate ( Ma ) of 7 different body weight Japanese seabass were measured at 8.3 ?

  25. 设计了由4个调节螺钉和4个弹簧固定和连接固定板与活动板的调节装置,调节螺钉可实现二维微调和一维大距离的调节。

    The adjusting device , composed of four bolts and four springs to fix and joint one board , is designed to realize the 2-dimensional adjustment and the long distance 1-dimensional adjustment .

  26. 使用时该防风装置后头处的一套孔向下活动,使得防风装置前端为开口状态;

    When in use , a sleeve hole at the back of the wind-proof device moves down , so that the front end of the wind-proof device is in an opening state ;

  27. 其次,对现有基于速率的流量控制算法进行了分析,这些算法中大多都能提高活动连接和连接装置的公平性,但是,也给交换机带来更大的复杂性。

    Secondly , analyses rate-based flow control arithmetics in existence , most of these arithmetics improve both the fairness among active connections and the link utilization by putting more and more complexity into a switch .

  28. 随着对脑电活动的进一步认识,能够记录或描述脑电活动的装置也应运而生。

    While people get a deeper acquaintanceship with the electrical activities of brains , a device that can note or describe electrical activities of brains is invented accordingly .