
  • 网络Active two
  1. 不久以后,大部分棋手意识到或许这个5并不好,尽管它做了两个活二。

    After a while , most players realized that although the5th move creates two lines , its perhaps not very good .

  2. 在对最后一刻的缓期执行,理事会的什么数额宣布紧急资助将保留活二枚变老的卫星。

    In what amount to a last minute stay of execution , a council announced that emergency funding would keep alive two aging satellites .

  3. 陕北石油秩序聚合物/表活剂二元复合驱室内驱油实验研究

    The Laboratory Experiment of Surfactant-polymer System in Enhancing Producible Oil Index

  4. 多孔催化剂颗粒的内扩散效应对伴有失活的二级反应动力学的影响

    Effect of Intraparticle Diffusion on Catalyst Deactivation Kinetics for Second Order Reactions

  5. 许多人将继续选择活在二元对立性和冲突中。

    Many will continue to choose to live in duality and in conflict .

  6. 应用皮癣双价灭活苗二次免疫肉兔,对兔皮肤真菌病的保护率达80%,免疫期至少半年。

    This paper studied the test and results of twice immunizing meat rabbits against dermatomycosis with bivalent inactivated vaccine of dermatophyte and found that the protective rate was 80 % and immunity period was half a year .

  7. 果我能活第二回,我仍想与你结识,并和你在一起,即使再让我喝盐咖啡。”

    for anything I do for you . Having you with me is my biggest happiness for my whole life . If I can live for the second time , still want to know you and have you for my whole life , even though I have to drink the salty coffee again . "

  8. 用UG/OpenGrip对摆动活齿的二次开发

    The second development of swing oscillating tooth drive by UG / Open GRIP

  9. rGI酶活表达依赖二价金属离子。

    The activity was metal ion-dependent .

  10. 让所有印度人在自己的领土上活的像二等居民一般。

    Made the whole of India feel like second class citizen in their own land .

  11. 然而提取的△1277的外膜蛋白却表现出与野生菌株相似的β-葡萄糖苷酶酶活和纤维二糖水解能力。

    However , the outer membrane proteins extracted from the mutant cells exhibited similar β - glucosidase activity and cellobiose hydrolytic activity to that of the wild-type strain in vitro .

  12. 那有好消息了:研究显示,人们把家务活留到第二天做,身体会更棒!

    Well , good news : research suggests that leaving the housework for another day could give your health a boost !

  13. 根据SBP含量高低,大豆可分为高酶活与低酶活二大类型,分类临界值为100U,高酶活类约占1/3。

    Classifying soybean cultivars into high and low activity groups with a critical value of 100U / g , the high activity group accounts for about 1 / 3 of total cultivars tested .