
  1. 按普通车、车队、特殊车、冲卡车四种情况采取四种不同的控制逻辑。

    The control logic includes common vehicle , motorcade , special vehicle and passing vehicle without permit .

  2. 在美国新泽西州冲过四年浪后,他搬到了这个中国热带岛屿也在2007年的时候成立了冲浪海南。

    After surfing in New Jersey for four years , he moved to this Chinese tropical island and founded Surfing Hainan in2006 .

  3. 伤口的血继续在流,他后腿直立冲过四支军队,冠军骑士捉回了最后一个&即第七个好战的国王。

    While the blood continued to flow , he reared and charged through the four armies , and the knight brought back the last of the seven warlike kings .

  4. 方法住院一般患者的餐具和职工厨房使用的餐具实行一洗、二涮、三冲、四灭菌、五保洁规范管理;

    METHODS The dishes from those ordinary patients and our staff were managed with standardization on following flow chart : one step for washing , two for scrubbing , three for flushing , four for disinfection , five for keeping clean .