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chōnɡ kǒu
  • Punching mouth;speak out without thinking
冲口 [chōng kǒu]
  • [blurt out] 指说话不加考虑,直率说出

  • 一位中年女社员冲口说:吴劳模,你给指点指点吧。

  1. 可是他并非我的朋友!我几乎冲口说出。

    But he 's not my friend ! I almost blurted .

  2. 他总喜欢冲口说出一些重要人物的名字。

    He does enjoy chucking out the names of important people .

  3. 我还没来得及阻止他,他已冲口说出了这个坏消息

    He blurt out the bad news before I can stop him

  4. 切割、冲口加工和钻孔时要小心。

    Be careful when cutting , notching , or drilling .

  5. 我还没来得及阻止他,他已冲口说出了这个坏消息。

    He blurted out the bad news before I can stop him .

  6. 是我叔叔的事吗?他冲口而问,他平安回来了吗?

    Is it my uncle ? he blurted . Is he returned safe ?

  7. 他在生气时冲口说出了秘密。

    In his anger he blurted out the secret .

  8. 他突然冲口说道:“把他解决了,咱们回去吧。”

    Let 's get rid of him and get back ," he blurted suddenly . "

  9. 以水冲口隧道湿式喷射混凝土施工为例,根据现场试验和施工阐述湿式喷射工艺。

    Taking the Shuichongkou tunnel construction as the case , it presents the wet spraying concrete technology .

  10. 切割、冲口加工或钻胶合木梁时可能会对其设计负荷能力产生严重影响。

    Cutting , notching , or drilling a beam may seriously affect its ability to carry the design load .

  11. “天呐!”乔冲口而出,便再没作声,他在动脑筋想推断出个解释来。

    " Gee !" Joe exploded , then waited in silence for the deduction to arise in his brain .

  12. 她们刚才等了差不多一个小时,现在正饿得慌,有一阵子大家都默不作声--就那么一阵子,只听乔冲口而出道:“我真高兴,早餐还没开始呢!”

    They were all unusually hungry , having waited nearly an hour , and for a minute no one spoke , only a minute , for Jo exclaimed , " I 'm so glad you came before we began ! "

  13. 功能:切头、打头、冲V口,上浆,植绒,上色,烘干,下管。

    Function : head cutting , head shocking , V-shaped port punching , sizing & flocking , coloring , drying , delivering .

  14. 基于交互模冲切刃口的交互式设计

    Interactive plan design based on interactive model blanking cutting-edge

  15. 级进模自动排样冲切刃口设计

    Blanking Edge Design of Progressive Die Strip Layout System

  16. 基于交互式冲切刃口设计

    Design of blanking cutting-edge based on interactive plan

  17. 冲裁刃口尺寸类型的计算机识别

    The Computerized Correct discrimination of the Dimension Types of the Blanking Die Edge in AutoCAD

  18. 按微积分原理用极细小的面(窄条)模拟冲裁刃口的线,再查出面的重心即为零件的冲裁压力中心。

    Simulate the profile of cutting edge by calculus theory with super-fine surface ( narrow strip ) and find out the centroid of the surface as stamping pressure center of the part .

  19. 冲裁模刃口尺寸计算的教学探讨

    Discussion About the Measure Calculation of Punch and Cutting Die Edge

  20. 舰长和海军上尉急忙冲到甲板梯口。

    The captain and his lieutenant rushed to the companionway .

  21. 冲裁模刃口的合金堆焊新技术

    The New Technology of Alloy Welding Deposit in Cutting Edge of Blanking Die

  22. 橡胶冲裁模具刃口间隙的探讨与研究

    Study on Clearance of Rubber Stamping Die

  23. 冲裁模刃口尺寸及公差的自动标注与修改

    The Implement on Automatic Mark and Modification of the Size and Tolerance of Cutting Edge

  24. 冲裁模具刃口磨损与模具寿命浅议

    Simple discussion of the punching pattern edge wear and the life expectancy of the pattern

  25. 板材冲裁和翻口工艺特征识别及图形转换的研究

    Stamping Feature Recognition and Graphics Transformation System

  26. 冲裁模刃口尺寸的计算机辅助设计

    Computer-Aided Design of Die Edge Dimensions

  27. 丁坝头冲深和堵口抛石大小的计算防护丁坝抗冲刷失效安全可靠性分析

    Calculation of scour depth around groyne head and size of riprap in closure work Safety reliability analysis for groyne erosion

  28. 在冲裁模刃口尺寸的计算机辅助设计中,正确地识别尺寸类型是设计、计算最关键的一步。

    In the CAD for blanking die , how to correctly discriminate the dimension types of the edge is a key work .

  29. 滚针径向定位O形保持架内冲裁内锁口工艺及主参数确定

    The establishment of the chief parameters and technologies of internal locking and internal punching method utilized in the O retainer of needle hearing

  30. 可是,它一嘬利箭,箭就冲中它的口,从头上穿出。

    But , as soon as , he put the pointed arrow in his mouth , it pricked his jaws and went through his head .