
  • elevated road;Viaduct;flyover
  1. 高架路在我国城市交通建设中应用的探讨

    Discussion on application of elevated road in Chinese city traffic construction

  2. 高架路交通诱发的地面振动测试与分析

    Test and Analysis of Ground Vibration Induced by Elevated Road Traffic

  3. 介绍上海内环高架路橡胶板伸缩缝改建情况,并对传统方法及改进方法作了比较,通过研究及实践说明利用BSL橡胶板伸缩缝部分原结构的调换方案具有较大的优越性。

    Introduced here is the updating of rubber plate expansion joints on the Inner Ring Viaduct in Shanghai . Compared with the traditional practice , the proposal for replacement of part of the original structure of BSL joint proves more advantageous .

  4. 城市高架路出口匝道衔接路段交通组织方法研究

    Research of Traffic Organizing Models of Urban Expressway with Off-Ramp Joint

  5. 城市高架路防撞墙外观质量的控制

    Quality Control of Appearance of Percussion Wall of City Elevated Road

  6. 设置高架路声屏障降低城区交通噪声

    Establish over-head highway noise barrier to lower city traffic noise

  7. 高架路混凝土立柱截面的耐久性分析

    Durability Analysis of the Section about Concrete Column of the High-level Road

  8. 上海内环高架路橡胶板伸缩缝改建

    On Updating Rubber Plate Expansion Joints on Inner Ring Rd , Shanghai

  9. 在上海市建设双层高架路系统的设想

    Thinking about Building Double-Deck Elevated Road System in Shanghai City

  10. 满足桥下通行要求的城市高架路桥跨布置

    Span distribution of urban viaduct considering the traffic capacity under a bridge

  11. 郑州市城市高架路设计中的景观分析

    Analysis of Landscape in Design of Urban Elevated Road of Zhengzhou City

  12. 高架路与城市空间景观建设&上海城市高架路带来的思考

    Overhead Road and Urban Landscape-Consideration of Shanghai Overhead Road

  13. 广州市内环高架路工程总体设计与反思

    General Design and Self-Thinking of Inner Ring Elevated Road Project in Guangzhou City

  14. 关于并联高架路与扭环线型地铁的设想

    Assumption Concerning Parallel Elevated Road and Torsion-ring Subway

  15. 沿着内环高架路,在吴中路出口下。

    Take Inner Ring Road exit Wuzhong Road .

  16. 上海城市高架路与大都市交通

    Shanghai Urban Elevated Roads and Metropolis Traffic

  17. 顺河街高架路是济南市第一条高架道路,全长5。

    SunHe Street Overhead Road is the first overhead road with the total length of5 .

  18. 基于元胞自动机模型的高架路交织区交通流的研究

    Study on the traffic flow of weaving section in elevated road system with cellular automaton model

  19. 高架路是解决交通问题的有效手段。但是同时又影响着城市的景观。

    The overhead road is an effective way to solve transportation problems , whereas it affects city landscape .

  20. 通过改造提高了内环高架路的排水能力。

    After the transforming , the drainage ability of elevated roads of the Inner Ring Line has been raised .

  21. 在这种情况下,可以当楼宇周围的建筑物是山,马路、高架路是水。

    In this situation , we can take surrounding buildings as mountains and streets and overhead road as waters .

  22. 景观设计是城市高架路设计中必须重视的课题。

    The design of landscape is the subject having to give importance to the design of the urban elevated road .

  23. 高架路防撞墙是突出于桥面之上的设施,其外观质量对于整个工程的形象起着画龙点睛的作用。

    The appearance of percussion wall of city elevated road is very important to the overall image of the whole project .

  24. 该文介绍了杭州市中河高架路二期工程交叉立交桥钢管支架的施工、验算过程以及预应力连续梁有支架施工应注意的施工要点。

    This paper introduces the construction and calculation of steel pipe supports of crossing bridge in Zhonghe lyover Road in Hangzhou City .

  25. 但对于斜交的高架路多排桥墩,对行洪影响比正交桥梁桥墩更为复杂。

    But for the elevated road oblique rows of pier , effects on flood control than orthogonal bridge pier is more complex .

  26. 上海南北高架路立交选型与分析高架路桥的震害、震害原因及抗震措施

    Selected Types and Analysis of Grade Separations of Shanghai South-North Elevated Roads Earthquake damage to overhead roads and viaducts and their cause and countermeasures

  27. 十年前,一位极具远见卓识的市长大胆地实施了一项看似不可能的计划:拆除高架路,恢复清溪川。

    Ten years ago , a visionary Mayor exercised bold leadership to adopt an unlikely idea to demolish the highway and restore the stream .

  28. 另外,本文还对可能速度图中突变较大的位置的交通安全状况进行了探讨,并建立了基于可能速度突变量的高架路局部路段交通安全评价标准。

    In addition , the thesis discusses the Traffic safety state in the larger change position of the possible speed picture for the further .

  29. 但是这些成功的实例只是小部分,绝大多高架路桥下空间的利用仍然是不理想的。

    However , these successful examples are only a small part , and the most use of the space under the viaducts is still not ideal .

  30. 在城区地带高楼林立,高架路桥交错,这些建筑大多采用群桩基础的形式,盾构隧道的施工必然对邻近的桩基础产生影响。

    Most of these buildings are in the form of group pile foundation , the construction of shield tunnel will inevitably impact on adjacent pile foundation .