
máo biān
  • flash;raw edge;trimmings;fringed;rough selvedge
毛边 [máo biān]
  • [raw edge] 未修整的、粗糙的或未装饰的边(如凹形器皿的顶端或纺织品的边缘)

毛边[máo biān]
  1. 一开始应设定低的射出压力以填充零件至刚好不会造成毛边。

    Injection pressure should be set low initially and increased to the point of filling the part just short of causing flash .

  2. 在建立物理模型基础上,对开式模锻变形过程进行理论分析,得到锻件毛边尺寸与终锻型腔形状尺十间的理论对应关系。

    On the basis of making physical model according to the deformation process of closed-die , this paper gives the deformation process a systematic theoretical analysis and concludes the relationship between the forging sizes of flash and shape-sizes of the finishing impresion .

  3. 将织物的毛边与滚边未经加工的边对齐。

    Keep the rough edge of the fabric aligned with the raw edge of the piping .

  4. 优质喷墨打印纸具有吸收墨水快速,染料固着良好,以及毛边羽化和Z向渗透少的特点。

    A high quality ink-jet printing paper shows rapid drying , good dye fixation , minimal wicking / feathering and little Z direction penetration .

  5. 最可能拥有圣罗兰(SaintLaurent)毛边军装外衣的人最不可能在自家橡树上系着黄丝带。

    The person most likely to own a fur-trimmed Saint Laurent army coat is most unlikely to have a yellow ribbon tied around her oak tree .

  6. Cyndie故意打扮的很惹人注意,一双棕色毛边皮靴,牛仔裤,一件浅色夹克还带着一条白色围脖。

    Cyndie is dressed to attract attention , in boots topped with brown fur , jeans , a light jacket and a white boa .

  7. 该公司高端系列Y-3的毛边皮风衣售价在3100美元左右,中袖斜纹呢外套约为2650美元。

    Y-3 , the company 's premium line , sells fur-trimmed leather trench coats for about $ 3,100 and tweed three-quarter-sleeved coats for around $ 2,650 .

  8. 毛边状或形的,如系带一毛硬币边缘轧有齿沟。

    Shaped or formed like a fringe , as a ligament .

  9. 本司专业开发、制造自动化毛边处理机;

    We have been specializing in developing and manufacturing automatic fringe processor ;

  10. 明信片,非印刷,无镀金边或毛边或圆角

    Correspondence card unprinted and without gilt or decked edges or rounded corners

  11. 无毛边闭式胎模锻新工艺

    A New Process of Closed Die Block Forging without Fins

  12. 着一条褴褛的毛边牛仔短裤和一件t恤衫。

    He was wearing ragged cutoffs and a t-shirt .

  13. 毛边模具表面合模不良,融料溢出。

    Burr : Mould closing is not good enough .

  14. 去毛边:通过切削工具,去除产品的锐边。

    DE-BURR : Removal of sharp edges of product left by cutting tools .

  15. 锻模毛边槽楔角对充满性影响的研究

    Investigation about Effect of Flash Groove Wedge Angle of Forging Dies on Filling Ability

  16. 镍基合金高速切削中锯齿状切屑毛边和刀具磨损研究

    Study on Saw-tooth-shaped Chip Edge and Tool Wear for High-speed Machining of Nickel-based Superalloy

  17. 它大小合适,但不完美,因为有好多毛边。

    It fit , but not perfectly , as there were some jagged edges .

  18. 紫丁香色或玫瑰红色的一种带有毛边的欧亚多年生石竹。

    Eurasian perennial pink having fragrant lilac or rose flowers with deeply fringed margins .

  19. 可造成白色或其他淡的颜色;还可造成有毛边的品质。

    They are made in white and pale colours and some qualities have a deckle edge .

  20. 开式模锻变形过程的理论分析及毛边尺寸的理论优化设计方法

    Theoretical Analysis of the Deformation Process of Closed-die and Theoretical Optimum Design Method of the Dosed-die Forging Flash

  21. 提出了楔型毛边槽优于桥仓型毛边槽的观点。

    It is concluded that wedge shaped groove is better than bridge-barn shaped groove for the metal flash .

  22. 墙面有多种形式,如抛光和毛边大理石贴面、磁砖贴面等。

    Walls take many forms , such as polished marble veneer and edges , such as ceramic veneers .

  23. 他们穿着毛边短裤,赤着脚从全国各地来到这里组织这个节日的各种活动。

    In ragged shorts and bare feet they come from across the country to set up the festival .

  24. 利用缝纫机上的滚边装置,用牵条包住织物的毛边缉缝即可。

    Sue the binding attachment on the sewing machine to encase the raw edges of the fabric in bias strips .

  25. 对精锻模具的平衡角、毛边槽和分模线各参数进行了设计,并绘制了带阻尼台叶片工艺过程中的精锻模具。

    Several parameters of the forging die the equilibrium angle , the rough edge and the parting line are designed .

  26. 各类铝、镁合金压铸制品的毛边冲切及整形,塑料制品的整切;

    Die cutting and shaping of burrs of various Amasilium alloy die casting products , whole cutting of plastic products ;

  27. 本文以史料介绍了什么是毛边书,它的由来、特点以及封面设计的特色。

    It introduces what books made from bamboo are , their origin , features and cover designing based on historical materials .

  28. 外观表面不可有毛边、刮痕、流痕、亮痕、缩水等不良现象。

    No burr , flash , scratch , flow mark , bright speck , shrinkage defects etc on the surface of product .

  29. 研究了不同搭接接头形式,胶粘剂毛边和拉伸剪切强度的测试方法对拉伸剪切强度的影响。

    The effects different joint forms , queer out and the measuring ways on tensile sheer strength are studied in the paper .

  30. 裤脚开口:成品用11罗纹收口以使裤脚达到好的弹性。不能有毛边外露。

    Leg Opening : Finished with 1 x 1 rib so as to allow good elasticity . No raw edges shall be exposed .