
  1. 星期一卫生部新闻发言人毛群安称中国已经着手修改现行的限制HIV携带者入境的法规。

    China has started revising the current laws and regulations that ban HIV carriers from entering the country , health ministry spokesman Mao Qun'an said on Monday .

  2. 在北京的新闻发布会上毛群安表示,对于艾滋病的感染情况中国还需要一段时间的了解。

    At a press briefing in Beijing , he said it took time for China to learn about AIDS .

  3. “腿延长术是一项骨科的临床技术,而不是整形外科手术,”卫生部发言人毛群安说。

    " Leg-lengthening surgery is a clinical orthopedic treatment , not cosmetic surgery ," ministry spokesman Mao Qunan was quoted as saying .

  4. “这一手术对于仅仅是抱怨身材矮小的健康人来说,风险是相当高的,”健康新闻引用毛群安的话说。

    " It is very risky for healthy people who only complain about being short ," Mao was quoted by Health News as saying of the operation .

  5. 卫生部发言人毛群安说,尽管目前对这种疾病的关注,但是这并非中国第一次经历这一疾患的问题。

    And , despite the current attention , the Health Ministry 's Mao says that this is not the first time China has experienced problems with this illness .

  6. 截止到2014年年底,大约有100万夫妻申请了生二胎,这是国家卫生和计划生育委员会发言人毛群安于1月12日的讲话。

    and a quarter of its population is over 60.About 1 million couples around the country applied to have second children by the end of 2014 , Mao Qun'an , a spokesman for the National Health and Family Planning Commission , said on January 12 .