
  • 网络hair cuticle;haircuticle
  1. 再将头发分层均匀以毛鳞片锁定喷雾(喷射式油状)均匀喷洒,梳理平滑。

    Spray the Scale Lock Spray ( spray oil ) evenly and comb the hair , leaving your hair sexy flyaway , silky shine and soft to touch .

  2. 毛纤维鳞片品质分析

    Analysis of quality of hair fibre scale

  3. 不同畜种的毛纤维鳞片形态及品质有较大差异,但细度接近的毛纤维各测试值接近;

    The morphology and quality of hair fibre scales has a considerable difference between animal species , but the both values were close between the hair fibre s of similar diameter .

  4. 胎毛毛干先端鳞片类型都为扁平型。

    The scale pattern of the tip of the lanugo hair shaft is in flat-shaped .

  5. 结果表明:羊驼毛纤维表面鳞片边缘不光滑,且鳞片翘角大,密度小。

    The study shows that the edge of alpaca 's scale is not smooth , the angle of scale is large , but scale density is small .

  6. 毛状体为单毛和鳞片毛两种类型。

    Trichomes can be divided into two groups , simple trichomes and scales .