
  • double eyelid surgery
  1. 甚至连韩国总统卢武铉(rohmoo-hyun)也做过双眼皮手术,表面上说是出于治疗的原因。

    Even President Roh Moo-hyun has had double eyelid surgery , ostensibly for medical reasons .

  2. 游客支付的费用各不相同,基本的双眼皮手术需要逾900美元。

    While prices for tourists vary widely , a basic double eyelid surgery can cost more than $ 900 .

  3. 其次,29%的女性想做双眼皮手术。

    Eyelid surgery was second most popular at 29 percent .

  4. 去年陈亦飞为寻求自我突破而做了双眼皮手术。

    Chen made another breakthrough last year when he had a double-eyelid surgery .

  5. 双眼皮手术不会使眼皮松弛。

    Eyelid surgery will not make eyelids relaxation .

  6. 双眼皮手术在加州亚裔地区,是成长速度最快的整形手术。

    Eyelid surgery is the fastest-growing type of plastic surgery in the Californian Asian community .

  7. 近33%的人表示他们会考虑做双眼皮手术,其次是矫正牙齿和重塑脸型。

    Nearly 33 percent said they would consider double eyelid surgery , followed by cosmetic improvement of the teeth and face shaping .

  8. 隆胸、隆鼻、脖子与拉皮手术以及双眼皮手术是去年最火热的整形项目。

    Boob jobs , nose jobs , neck and face lifts , and eyelid surgery were the most popular cosmetic procedures last year .

  9. 对渴望看起来更洋气的亚洲女性来说,双眼皮手术、鼻子整形手术等整容治疗越来越受青睐。

    Certain plastic surgery treatments , including double-eyelid surgery and nose jobs , are increasingly popular amongst Asian woman wishing to look more western .

  10. 韩国卫生部称,在韩国,双眼皮手术的费用介于1100美元至1600美元之间,而泰国和日本分别为1700美元和1900美元。

    Double eyelid surgery costs between $ 1,100 and $ 1,600 in Korea , compared with $ 1,700 in Thailand and $ 1,900 in Japan , the health ministry says .

  11. 最受欢迎的整容手术包括隆鼻和双眼皮手术,韩国年轻女性都希望自己的眼睛看起来更大一些,鼻子更翘一些,所以这些手术备受她们喜爱。

    Popular surgeries include " Westernizing " the nose to give it an upward tilt and double-eyelid surgery to make eyes look bigger , which is especially popular with young women .

  12. 很多韩国女性选择对自己的眼睛和鼻子动刀&双眼皮手术令眼睛变大,鼻部整形令鼻子变得更加小巧挺拔,使得外形更加西方化。

    Many women have had their eyes and noses done & making their eyes look bigger with double eyelids and their noses smaller and higher . The result is a more Western look .

  13. 最近在韩国,让亚洲女性拥有白种人特性的双眼皮手术就跟看牙医一样普遍。

    Recently it was revealed that in South Korea , double eyelid surgery , which creates the Caucasian crease many Asian women do not naturally have , has become as common as going to the dentist .

  14. 医生表示,2012至2013年间,隆鼻顾客多出10%,头发移植多出7%,双眼皮手术多出6%。

    The doctors reported that between 2012 and 2013 , they saw a 10 percent rise in nose jobs , a 7 percent rise in hair transplants , and a 6 percent rise in eyelid surgery .

  15. 林文,一名21岁的大四学生,如图前(左)和术后(右)。她进行了鼻整形,肉毒杆菌毒素注射,双眼皮手术,接受睫毛延展并带上了美瞳。

    Lin Wen , a21-year-old senior student , pictured before ( left ) and after ( right ) surgery.She had a nose job , Botox injections , double eyelid surgery , and receivedeyelash extensions and colored contacts

  16. 最流行的整形手术包括双眼皮手术——通过减少上眼睑多余的皮肤来使双眼看起来更大,抽脂手术——运用高频声波来减肥,以及鼻子整形手术。

    The most popular surgical procedures include double eyelid surgery - which reduces excess skin in the upper eyelid to make the eyes appear bigger , lipoplasty - which uses high-frequency sound waves to eliminate fat - and nose jobs .

  17. 在亚洲,双眼皮手术越来越多,而这往往跟人类有关,但是一只叫肥肥(在汉语中,意为“胖”)的猫咪在接受了矫正不正常眼皮的手术后迅速走红。

    Double eyelid surgery is on the rise in Asia and they usually involve humans , but a cat named Feifei ( meaning Fatty in Chinese ) has gone viral after it underwent a procedure to correct its abnormal eyelids .

  18. 我表姐几天前才做了割双眼皮的手术,看起来还蛮不错的呢!

    My cousin just had a double eyelid operation few days ago , and it looks not bad .

  19. 他们不用支付3000英镑来做双眼皮整容手术,仅需花3.5英镑买一盒普通的胶布就能达到同样的效果,让自己拥有更加西化的长相。

    Rather than pay 3,000 for cosmetic surgeons to give them eyelids with a more Western appearance , they can buy a 3.50 box of ordinary sticking plasters to give the same effect .

  20. 双眼皮整容手术越来越受到亚洲女性的欢迎。不过眼睑整容手术可不是获得双眼皮的唯一方法,现在还有一种更便宜且不怎么痛的新方法。

    Eyelid surgery has become an increasingly popular way for Asian women to attain ' double eyelids ' but a new invention promises a cheaper and less painful alternative to undergoing blepharoplasty in the operating theatre .

  21. 中国人成群结队地来到韩国整形,尤其是女性——内容从割双眼皮等小手术到面部重塑等大手术都有。

    And the Chinese , mainly women , are visiting in droves for body modifications , from the minor , like double eyelid surgery , to the extreme , like facial restructuring .

  22. 刘女士今年29岁,曾任职于一家金融公司做行政助理。她去医院隆过鼻,也拉过双眼皮,这些手术的复杂程度超乎想象,有些手术还是源自传统的中药疗法。

    In the past year , Liu , a 28-year-old administrative assistant at a financial company , had already undergone double-eyelid surgery and rhinoplasty at the hospital , which offers a mind-boggling range of procedures including some adapted from traditional Chinese medicinal practices .

  23. 最热门的整容手术之一就是开双眼皮了:这种手术会各处上眼睑多余的皮肤,从而使眼睛更大且看起来更西方。

    One of the most popular surgical procedures is double eyelid surgery - which reduces excess skin in the upper eyelid to make the eyes appear bigger and make them look more ' Western ' .