
  1. 说明:采用优质桦木笔杆,硬质笔芯,易于描画,上色均匀持久,且不易脱妆。

    Spec : Durable but pliable core encased in quality birch wood to ensure perfect brow shaping .

  2. 双用笔芯,专利专色配方,设计修改可同步进行,线感纤细,粉体细腻,定型防水不脱妆。

    Double with lead , patent general-screening formula , design modification can synchronously , line feeling slender , powder is exquisite , finalize the design waterproof do not take off makeup .

  3. 选用质量好的睫毛膏,试用几种牌子,然后选出最适合你的一款——不晕染的,或者不会过几个小时就脱妆的。

    Use mascara of good quality . Experiment with several brands and pick the best one for you - the one that does not smudge under your eyes or rub off after a couple of hours .

  4. 用这款产品最大的感觉就是,上妆特别容易,因为很滋润的缘故,不再脱妆,而且很好推,应该很适合冬季使用,和较干性皮肤使用。

    Using this product is the biggest feeling makeup , particularly easy , because it 's sake , no makeup , and very good , very suitable for use in winter , should use and dry skin .