
  • 【物】precipitation
  1. Fe-1.12Cu合金中Cu的脱溶

    Precipitation of Cu in Fe-1.12 Cu Alloy

  2. 求得的r1相的C曲线表明r1相脱溶很快。

    The experimentally determined C-curve of γ 1-phase shows that the precipitation of the γ 1-phase is very rapid .

  3. TiAl基金属间化合物的脱溶反应和位错结构研究

    Studies on Precipitation Reaction and Dislocation Microstructures of TiAl Based Intermetallic Compounds

  4. Al-0.65Mg-0.7Si-0.3Mn-0.1Cr合金在150℃、175℃和190℃下时效,均具有明显的时效硬化特性,脱溶相的析出贯序与Al-Mg-Si合金相似。

    With the increasing of aging time , the Al-Mg-Si-Mn-Cr alloy has remarked age hardening .

  5. 本文利用透射电镜技术(TEM),对190℃时效条件下,2090铝锂合金中主要脱溶相的组织特征以及相间的交互作用进行了分析研究。

    The microstructural characteristics of main precipitations and the interactions among the various precipitate species in 2090 aluminium-lithium alloys aged 190 ℃ have been examined using transmission electron microscopy .

  6. 重点阐述了溶剂过热蒸汽低温脱溶装置中A筒结构、A筒溶剂过热蒸汽的使用、风机与刹克龙的联接方式、B筒负压装置、系统的封闭性等问题的设计改进。

    The design improvement of the structure of A cylinder , the use of superheated solvent vapour , the connection way of fan and cyclone separator , the vacuum device of B cylinder and the airtightness of the system were described .

  7. 而正确认识该系fcc固溶体的溶解度间隙,对于研究含Zn、Cu的铝合金淬火后时效初期的脱溶行为,控制铝合金的组织与性能具有重要的实际意义。

    If the miscibility gap of fcc solid solution can be correctly obtained , there is practical importance for understanding precipitation of Al alloys containing Zn and Cu during earlier aging after quenching and controlling microstructure and properties of these alloys .

  8. 在高于673K的温度下长期时效,沉淀相很快脱溶并聚集长大,导致合金室温强度降低。

    Rapid coarsening of precipitates after prolonged aging at 673K re-sulted in the degradation in room temperature tensile strength .

  9. TEM分析发现合金元素Mg在SiC-Al界面上偏聚,使界面附近基体中的Mg被耗尽,形成无沉淀区和沉淀稀疏区,相脱溶量下降。

    TEM analysis showed that the alloying element Mg segregates at the SiC-Al interface . Thus , the Mg nearby the interfaces in matrix depleted , and the precipitate-free zone and precipitate-sparse zone formed near the interface , the amount of precipitate decreased .

  10. 对Al-Ag二元合金的过饱和固溶体在时效过程中脱溶的二元析出相G.P区、γ′相(Ag2Al)以及γ(Ag2Al)相的价电子结构进行计算。

    The valence electron structures of the precipitations of Al-Ag binary alloy in early aging , such as phase of GP and r ' ( Ag2Al ) and r ( Ag2Al ) were calculated .

  11. 试验结果表明,最佳离心脱溶条件为离心时间3min、转速2000r/min、离心料量1kg。

    The experiments show that the appropriate conditions for the centrifugal separation were as follows : centrifugal time 3 min , rotating speed 2 000 r / min and feed quantity 1 kg .

  12. 有色金属的脱溶转变非金属发热元件

    Desolution Transformation of Nonferrous Metals Heating Element Made of Nonmetal

  13. 高钼镍基合金在熔盐中脱溶腐蚀的研究

    A Study of De-alloying Corrosion of High-Molybdenum Nickel-base Alloys in Fused Salts

  14. 环氧树脂脱溶方式的改进

    The amelioration of the solvent evaporation manner in the production of epoxy resin

  15. 钼酸铅晶体的脱溶相变

    Precipitation phase changes in single crystal of lead molybdate

  16. 低温脱溶大豆组织蛋白组;

    Low heat treated textured soybean protein group ;

  17. 卧式内外间接加热脱溶器的传质单元模型与应用

    Modeling and application of mass transfer unit for a horizontal cylinder desolventizer with indirect-heating

  18. 用磁分析法观察某些铁-镍-铝合金的脱溶过程

    A magnetic study of some iron-nickel-aluminum alloys

  19. 在均匀化退火过程中发生β→α相变和α弥散相的脱溶析出。

    During homogenization the transformation of β→α and the precipitation of α dispersoids took place .

  20. 锑铜合金中锑脱溶相的表征

    Characterization of stibium precipitation in Sb-Cu alloy

  21. γ辐照对碳在α-铁中脱溶的影响

    The influence of γ - ray irradiation to precipitation of carbon in α - irons

  22. 低温脱溶是提高大豆水溶性蛋白质的重要方法。

    Low temperature desolventizing is an important method to improve the content of soluble protein .

  23. 而钼、铬元素沿晶界的选择性脱溶反过来又促进了裂纹的形成和扩展,引起晶间应力腐蚀破裂。

    Intercrystalline stress corrosion cracking .

  24. 有色金属的脱溶转变

    Desolution Transformation of Nonferrous Metals

  25. 提出用离心分离的机械预脱溶方法与蒸脱相结合的湿粕脱溶技术。

    The wet meal desolventizing technology of centrifugal separating pre-desolventing with mechanical method added toast-desolventizing was put forward .

  26. 二是马氏体中过饱和的碳的脱溶,第二相的析出,碳化物的演变过程。

    The other one is the supersaturated carbon stripping , second-phase precipitation , the evolution of carbide in martensite .

  27. 纳米脱溶相改善铋系2223银包套带材磁场下的输运性能

    Nanometer precipitates improve the transport property of ( pb , bi ) 2223 / ag tape under magnetic field

  28. 作者用化学和生物学方法测定了不同温度脱溶豆粕制成的大豆组织蛋白的营养价值。

    The nutritive value of different heat processed textured soybean proteins was measured by means of chemical and biologic methods .

  29. 脱溶转变是金属材料的一种重要固态转变,是时效处理的理论基础。

    Desolation transformation is an important solid phase transformation of metals , and is the theoretical basis of aging treatment .

  30. 经设计改进后的低温脱溶装置工艺合理,设备运转率大大提高,溶耗降低明显,产品质量稳定。

    There are advantages of reasonable technology , low solvent loss and stable product quality by using improved low temperature desolventizer .