
tuō lüè
  • unrestrained;treat sb. without proper respect;slight
脱略 [tuō lüè]
  • (1) [unrestrained]∶放任;不拘束

  • (2) [(treat sb.) without proper respect]∶轻慢,不以为意

  • 脱略细行,不为流俗之事。--《晋书.谢尚传》

  • 脱略公卿,跌宕文史。--江淹《恨赋》

  1. 公元635年,基督教的聂斯脱略派传入中国,开始了《圣经》在中国的翻译历程。

    In China , the Chinese translation of the Bible began in A. D. 635 when Nestorianism , a branch of Christianity , was introduced to China .

  2. 侧面一对一时,进攻队员控球摆脱略多于突破,成功率低于突破;防守时主要靠断球。

    When the side one on one , shaking off is a little more than breakthrough but the success rate is low ; stealing ball is the major form for defense .