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diǎn huà
  • stipple;point with the finger or gesticulate;embellish;adorn
  • strokes and dots
点画 [diǎn huà]
  • [strokers of Chinese characters] 指汉字的点、横、直、撇等笔画

  • (1) [decorate]∶点缀、装饰

  • 彩灯将大厅点画得绚丽多彩

  • (2) [point at]∶用手指点或比画

  • 不要老点画别人

  • (3) 也作“点划”

  1. 画点画在其默认值。

    Stipple at its defaults .

  2. 本文研究了非真实感绘制领域里半调法、点画模拟、油画模拟和钢笔画模拟的相关算法。

    The paper researches algorithms about halftone , stipple simulation , paint simulation and pen-and-ink simulation which are in the area of Non-Photorealistic Rending .

  3. 晚霞把西半边天空点画得绚丽万分。

    Sunset clouds tinted the western sky with gorgeous colours .

  4. 减淡工具:用于增加高光点,给局部加光和点画

    Dodge : Used for adding highlights , lightening areas and for stippling .

  5. 三维模型的点画渲染属于非真实感图像渲染(NPR,Non-photorealisticrendering)领域,在科学数据视觉化、艺术风格渲染等方面有很多用途。

    The 3D stippling rendering belongs to the Non-photorealistic Rendering field of computer graphic in computer science . It is used widely to achieve artistic style rendering or visualization of scientific information .

  6. 加深工具:用于处理影子,暗部和点画。

    Burn : Used for shadows , darkening areas and for stippling .

  7. 文人执之如搦毛笔,点画挥洒,气定神闲。

    Enforcement of such scholars take hold a brush , stippling sway , they dress .

  8. 文字从诞生开始便具有了点画这样的视觉元素。

    Since its natal day , characters possess the visual elements such as dots and strokes .

  9. 虚位移法规定阴影面积之和等于点画面积之和。

    The virtual displacement method specifies that the sum of the shaded areas is equal to the sum of the stippled areas .

  10. 点画的粗细、轻重、长短、高低的不同,是使文字呈现不同的空间结构。

    Stippling of the thickness , weight , length , height difference , Is to present a different spatial structure of the text .

  11. 包括执笔、运笔、点画、结构、布局(分布、行次、章法)等内容。

    Including the pen , brush , stippling , structure , distribution ( distribution , transportation times , the rules ) and so on .

  12. 他从一个孤零零的点画起,花了几个小时才完成画作,然后倒在床上。

    He started with a single dot . It took the artist hours to finish his picture , and afterwards he collapsed back into bed .

  13. 这一点是指其身体上的发光斑或发光点。减淡工具:用于增加高光点,给局部加光和点画。

    This may show as luminescent blotches or spots on the body . Dodge : Used for adding highlights , lightening areas and for stippling .

  14. 草书作为有稳定点画系统和固定组织结构的书体,有其独有的生成机制:草化&省减、连带和概括。

    Cursive as a stable point system and fixed structure of style , has its unique formation mechanism : Grass & Province , reducing joint and grass .

  15. 从物理学的角度来分析,墨汁与纸的摩擦,可把笔力注入到点画线条之中,达到力透纸背、入木三分的效果。

    From a physical perspective , the friction of ink and paper , puts the stroke strength into the dots and lines , achieving forceful and penetrating effect .

  16. 书法中也特别强调虚实关系,就是研究点画之间的空白处理。

    It is also stressed in calligraphy that the relationship of nothingness and essence is used to study how to deal with the blanks between points and paintings .

  17. 但这种线条并非任一自然线段,而是指摆脱了图画性质,变成适合文字点画书写的线条。

    However , this line is not any of the natural line , but to get rid of the picture character , into a suitable text written in dotted lines .

  18. 点画及其多样化属于非真实感图像渲染中的艺术风格渲染,艺术风格渲染更多是对现有艺术形式和自然媒体的计算机模拟和实现,来帮助人们更便利地创造艺术化图像。

    Artistic rendering pursues the personal and artistic presentation of graphics , which mostly imitates the present artistic forms and natural media to help create artistic graphics and images more conveniently .

  19. 画出垂直向上的线与阀门特性曲线相交,从这个点画水平线穿过图表左侧,记录最大流量的百分比。

    Project line vertically up to intersect with the Valve Characteristic Curve and from this point project line horizontally across to the left of the chart and record the percentage of maximum flow rate .

  20. 在本文之前,点画领域的科学家主要利用计算几何来设计和优化点画绘制算法,以实现密度不同点的分布&用来从灰度图像绘制点画。

    Before writing the thesis , scientists in stippling mainly design and optimize the algorithm to draw stippling from grayscale images by using Computational Geometry to implement the distribution of stipples in density of variety .

  21. 点画作为一种西方传统绘画技巧,主要通过点的疏密不同表现色调的明暗,需要点画艺术家费时费力的耐心创作才能完成。

    Stippling , as a kind of western traditional drawing technique , gives the impression of tones by the density of stipples carefully placed by the artist , and needs long-time working and patience to accomplish .