
  • 网络point set topology
  1. 点集拓扑理论在拓扑关系描述中的应用

    Application of Point Set Topology in the Description of Topological Relations

  2. 点集拓扑的实数背景在点集拓扑教学中的作用

    The Role Played in Teaching by Real Number Background of Point Set Topology

  3. 以Fuzzy拓扑与点集拓扑为背景,最近逐渐形成了一个以研究某类格上的有点化拓扑为主旨的新理论。

    A new theory taking fuzzy topology and general topology as its background and dealing with Pointwise topology on certain lattices appeared recently .

  4. 文章没有利用代数拓扑知识,而是利用点集拓扑知识证明了Brouwer不动点定理。

    Brouwer 's fixed point theorem is shown to make use Of the knowledge of Point set Topology but not to make use of the knowledge of Algebraic Topology .

  5. 关于一般师范院校点集拓扑教学内容的一点思考

    A Thinking of Teaching Content about Point Topology in General Teachers Colleges

  6. 点集拓扑中一个重要定理的非标准证明

    On Fixed Point Sets A nonstandard proof for a major theorem in topology

  7. 在点集拓扑理论中,开集、域等是最基本的概念。

    In point set topological theory , open set and neighborhood are the basic concept .

  8. 点集拓扑教学中提高学生的抽象思维能力探讨

    Improving the students ' abstract thinking ability in the tuition of set of points topology

  9. 点集拓扑的40个问题

    Forty Problems of Set Topology

  10. 习惯上拓扑学被分成点集拓扑、代数拓扑和微分拓扑三部分。

    Topology is traditionally decomposed into three parts : General topology , Algebraic topology and Differential topology .

  11. 然后,基于场模型建立了模糊地理目标的空间表达,分析了模糊地理目标的位置不确定性,进而建立了模糊地理目标的拓扑表达模型,即点集拓扑内部、边界和外部。

    Then , how to model geometry of fuzzy geographic object and its locational uncertainty is analyzed in details .

  12. 借鉴点集拓扑理论在空间拓扑关系中的应用,把这一理论拓展到了时态拓扑关系的分析中,给出了时态拓扑关系的定义、描述和应用例子。

    According to the application to spatial topological relationship of point-set topology theory , we also develop point-set topology in temporal relationship field and form the definition and description of temporal relationship .

  13. 注意各门学科之间的交叉关系,将高等代数、实变函数、泛函分析、点集拓扑等相关内容与数学分析进行整合。

    We should pay attention to the cross relation of all kinds subject , arrange and merge relative content of mathematical analysis in the advance algebra , the real analysis , function analysis and the point topology .

  14. 首先介绍了点集拓扑理论,归纳了有实际应用价值的各种拓扑关系,分析了拓扑模型中的最基本拓扑元素和空间实体的关系;

    This paper firstly introduces the point set of topology theory , enumerating all kinds of topology relations which have practical application value . The relationship between a base topology element and spatial entity in the topology model is also analyzed .

  15. 圆周上连续自映射非游荡点集的拓扑结构

    Topological Structure of Nonwandering Sets of Continuous Self-Maps of the Circle

  16. 测量点集网格拓扑重建是曲面重建的关键技术之一。

    Mesh topology reconstruction is one of the key technologies of surface reconstruction .

  17. 树映射的单侧γ-极限点集与拓扑熵

    The Set of Unilateral 7-limit Points and the Topological Entropy of a Tree Map

  18. 本文对度量空间上拓扑传递的连续半流,研究了其敏感依赖性及周期点集的拓扑性质。

    In this paper , we study the complexity of transitive continuous semi-flow on compact metric space .

  19. 非游荡点集为拓扑动力系统中所涉及到的一类重要点集。

    The set of non-Wandering Points is one of the most important set of points in the topological dynamical system .

  20. 测度中心为单点集的强拓扑混合系统

    A Topologically Mixing System with Its Measure Center being a Singleton

  21. 基于点集拓扑学的三维拓扑空间关系形式化描述

    The formal description of topological spatial relationship in 3D based on point set topology